Geroha is a former gas giant stripped of her atmosphere during the violent incursion by Ante and her children during the Obscuration. Brotherhood astronomers hypothesize that the world impacted an Antei system planet or other body resulting in the creation of much of the asteroidal debris in the system today. The smaller Antei planetoid was utterly destroyed in the collision and it is unknown what, if any, life was lost there.
Once brilliantly draped in swirling hues of methane and oxygen, the planet is now charcoal in color and solid methane ice with trace nitrogen deposits. Of all Brotherhood- held worlds, Geroha is perhaps the least valuable economically and strategically. It possesses neither natural resources nor strategic importance.
Of only marginal scientific interest, Geroha does possess five small moons: Vek, Nar, Sket, Tral, and Lon. These satellites are sometimes referred to as “Geroha’s Daughters”. Like their father, they are known to possess no appreciable resources or value of any kind. They are the largest of the remaining fragments from the collision and are believed to comprise elements of both Geroha and the unnamed Antei system world destroyed on impact.