Former QUA of Dinaari, this simple man is now the Praetor to the Master at Arms
Template:Sith charinfo
Home Life
Kraval was born into a middle class family in the Silver Sea's hospital on Chandrilla. His father was an Imperial pilot while his mother was a programmer for Hallowan Laboratories. His parents decided to name him Kraval, after a mythical beast from his father's home world. Most of Kraval's early childhood was uneventful. Whenever his mother was at work he would be sent to a child care facility, and seeing as how his father was an Imperial TIE pilot, he was rarely if ever home.
His parents did the best they could with what they had. They would buy him new toys and clothes as a way to make up for their absences, but for Kraval it just wasn't the same. He would break the toys within a week and he kept outgrowing his clothes at an extremely fast pace. While trying to raise young Kraval, his mother learned two things about him. First, he had inherited his father's temper and her sensitivity to insults. These realizations came all on the same day that Kraval was kicked out of school for attacking another boy, although he didn't lay a hand on him.
Kraval was sitting in class minding his own business when Trom, the boy behind him, began to throw wads of paper at him. This sort of thing had been happening to Kraval for years. He wasn't the popular kid in school; in fact he was the type to be easily picked on. Since he had his father's temper he always wanted to fight back, but he also had his mother's kindness which prevented him from doing anything. So Kraval would just take the insults, shoves, and taunts and try not to let them bother him. However, on this particular day Kraval could take no more. For him, this had gone on long enough. Trembling with rage, Kraval turned around and imagined choking Trom to death. To his surprise, Trom began to grab at his throat as if to clear something off of it. Panic spread across Trom's face as it began to turn to different shades of red then to blue.
A large grin emerged from Kraval's mouth as he kept picturing Trom choking, but then the teacher grabbed Kraval from behind and was shouting at him about what was he doing. She had a frightened look on her face when she realized that Trom was choking but Kraval didn't have his hands near him. The teacher dragged Kraval to the principle's office where she told him what had happened and upon hearing this the principle looked intrigued. That look vanished quickly as the principle told Kraval he was expelled while he called Kraval's mother to come pick him up. Kraval didn't have to wait long, for his mother was on her way home when she received the call on her mini-hologram cube in the speeder.
As they returned home, Kraval's mother wondered where she had gone wrong in raising her son. She really had tried her best, but apparently it just wasn't enough. What worried her the most though was how Kraval managed to hurt the other boy. It was obvious that her son had Force abilities. That fact in itself was bad enough. That he could focus his hate enough to choke a boy was horrific. The Emperor had exterminated the Jedi order and Kraval's mother had heard stories about what happened to children to display Force powers. She recalled the tales of men clad in black armor storming into homes in the middle of the night kidnapping the Force gifted child while killing the rest of the family. She shuddered at that thought and hoped that no one at the school would report what had happened.
What she didn't know was that the principle of Kraval's school was actually an agent for the Empire, sent to monitor the school and watch for Force sensitive children. As Kraval and his mother left his office, he opened a secure channel to his master. He explained the situation to the dark man who then told the agent to arrange for a commando group to take the boy and bring him aboard an imperial ship. The principle acknowledged his orders, terminated the link, and back tracked the call log and deleted it so no one would know about his conversation with his superior. He then went back to work, just as a normal school principle should.
At exactly midnight, while Kraval and his mother were sleeping, a personal commando squad specially trained to deal with kidnapping Force children moved into the house. Contrary to all the rumors and tales about how the squads smashed in and slaughtered everyone, the group moved with great speed and stealth and entered Kraval's room. They injected him a sedative and wrapped him up in a blanket so his limbs wouldn't flail around and make noise. As the last commando left the home, he unhooked a datapad from the door lock, allowing it to reactivate and purging the lock's records for that day. The commandos hopped into their speeder and zoomed away from the city. They made a sharp turn and drove over the sea, coming to a small cove where they hid their shuttle. They loaded the slim speeder and Kraval onto the shuttle and lifted off.
The pilot of the shuttle used Chandrilla's gravity well to help propel them on their projected hyperspace course, and when they emerged from light speed a large ship loomed in front of them. The pilot ordered that Kraval be brought up to see his future. Kraval was escorted to the cockpit by one of the commandos and when he saw the ship in the view port he froze. He had never seen such a large ship. It looked like it dwarfed an Imperial Star Destroyer by a hundred times. The pilot saw the look on Kraval's face and grinned. He brought the shuttle into a secluded bay where there was an honor guard awaiting with a man clad in black armor similar to the ones the commandos wore.
As Kraval headed down the shuttle ramp he heard the sound of mechanical breathing and wondered where it was coming from. As he stared ahead he realized it was coming from the man in black armor. He thought he recognized the man, the flowing black cape and round helmet with a triangular grill where the mouth is. When the commandos and Kraval reached a point in front of the black clad man, the commandos kneeled before him and the leader pulled Kraval down to one knee. As he waited to what would happen next, he felt something probe into his mind. It was cold, precise, and fast. Before he could identify what it was, it vanished. He looked up and the man in black made a single gesture which confused young Kraval. What did it mean? Would they take him away to be trained, or would they kill him? He soon found out the answer.
New Beginnings
As he looked back at that first encounter, Kraval realized how foolish he was to be afraid when he first met the Dark Lord of the Sith. The years following that event went by quickly. Since he was Force gifted, he couldn't be sent to a normal military training academy. He was instead sent to a facility where he could be taught to enhance his skill for flying. Since his father was an excellent pilot, the military testers thought he would be just as great, or since he had the Force he would be even better. Kraval remembered the cliff side hangar and fortress as it stood alone on a mountain surrounded by a dry desert. He recalled being forcibly woken up very early every morning for his training regiment of weight lifting and aerobic exercises. From there he had to proceed to a class room where for eight hours he would learn all he could about starfighter tactics.
Kraval learned everything he needed to know to become one of the best pilots in the Imperial Navy. He learned how to fly a TIE Interceptor against an escort carrier and effectively shoot its turrets while evading shots from the ship and how to get the carrier's turrets to hit its own fighters. He found out how to use a TIE Bomber to engage in dogfights against rebel A-wings. He even had the privilege of being one of the first pilots to fly the new TIE Defender. It was the best the Empire had to offer. It boasted speed of that beyond what the A-wing could fly, and it carried a descent missile payload to make it a threat to capital class starships.
Now Kraval was under the command of Colonel Hirth. The unit under Hirth's command had the task of hunting down the numerous shipyards that built the rebel starfighters. They weren't easy to find, no manufacturer would be dumb enough to have a stationary shipyard to make rebel starfighters. So naturally they made the yards mobile, capable of moving from system to system. That's what made their assignment so difficult, and what was worse was the squad had to rely on Imperial Intelligence to tell them where to go. There would be months when the squad would fly to numerous systems desperately trying to find a shipyard to blow up. Most of the time they would find yards to destroy, but other times they squad would arrive in system only to find that they had just missed catching one.
Then there were the months where the squad did nothing. Intel would have nothing to report and even though most of the squad was Force sensitive, they were only taught enough to benefit their flying skills; they weren't allowed to expand on their powers. So if they weren't out hunting for ship yards, they spent their time training or playing war games. Few of the missions they were sent on excited Kraval, most of them didn't even challenge him. The routine was always the same; you jump into the system, disable the ship yard's hyperdrive, engage the enemy starfighter defenses, and finish off the yard. The only mission that came close to excitement was when Hirth's group was hunting down a mobile yard that supposedly produced X-wings and was guarded by a corvette. The plan called for the squad to make a lighting strike and use the same tactics as always.
When Kraval's Defender reverted to realspace he realized that Intel had screwed up again. The shipyard was where it was supposed to be, but instead of a corvette protecting it, there was a Mon Calamari StarCruiser picking up a shipment of starfighters. Surprise flashed through Kraval for only a second. Colonel Hirth ordered the squad to split into four groups of three pilots each which was a big tactical mistake. If the groups split like that, then it would be easy for the shipyards defending fighters and the cruisers fighters to split them up and pick them off. Kraval realized this and, being the second in command, he ordered the squad to split into two groups of six instead. He ordered one group to attack the shipyard's hyperdrive while he took the other group to begin an assault on the cruiser. Hirth began yelling objections and threatened to court marshal Kraval and the rest of the group if they followed his lead. Which of course, they did, for they too saw the error Hirth made.
Most of the fighters that came out to defend the cruiser were easy kills, the best only lasting for a minuet and fifteen seconds. The enemy pilots had to be fresh out of an academy, they didn't execute rolls or side swipe maneuvers properly, and their firing aim was the worst Kraval had seen in years. He took care of those fighters easily enough, not a single shot landed on his shields. The station never got the chance to send off a distress signal because the second group made a quick split and destroyed the hyperdrive and the communications tower at the same time. They then regrouped and managed to destroy the station and all of its defenses within seven minutes. It was a simple task for the group, swerving in and out of the dock struts, shooting turrets and weakened hull plates. This is what Hirth's squad had trained for.
The Mon Cal cruiser did manage to get a signal out before their comm dish was blasted by a proton torpedo, but it made no difference on the outcome of the battle. The cruiser's attempts to protect itself were pathetic. The Defenders easily made quick work of the turbolaser emplacements and the two missile launchers on each side of the ship. Realizing that most of his guns were gone, the ship's commander tried to deploy transport ships to surround the cruiser with mines. That proved useless for when the transport pilots flew out of the bay, instead of laying a mine field, they jumped for hyperspace.
As the cruiser broke up into a flaming wreck, the squad maneuvered to enter hyperspace. Colonel Hirth commed Kraval and told him that he and the rest of the group would be brought up on charges of disobeying orders and insubordination. Kraval had other ideas about that. He was tired of being under the command of such an arrogant fool. When they arrived back at their base on the moon of Ison, the colonel stormed up to him, his face flushed red with rage. Kraval simply smiled at the old man and formed an image in his mind, an image of a clawed hand squeezing Hirth's throat. Hirth immediately froze, his hand grasping at his neck while he tried in vain to get air into his tube. Those who trained Kraval may not have wanted to further his training with the Force, but he was easily able to remember how he did it as a child. After the colonel's body hit the floor like a string-less puppet, Kraval decided that he wanted to leave the Imperial Navy and learn more about his abilities and how to control them. Without looking at his fellow squad mates, Kraval strode over to a Lambda class shuttle and took it for himself.
For a few years Kraval wondered the Outerrim territories, hoping to find someone who could teach him in the ways of the Force. He traveled from Almania to Alzoc III, and still he had found no one. Kraval had almost given up when he felt a glimmer of power. It was faint, but he was sure he felt something. He plotted a jump in the direction he sensed the power. He had no set destination as he entered hyperspace, but it only took half a minuet before Kraval felt the urge to pull back on the hyperdrive levers and snap into realspace. He checked his computer's database to identify where he was. The only this he could pull up on his screen was information about the planet in front of him. A large green and brown world, the computer said it was named Altur. It was a planet covered almost entirely by large valleys and dangerous mountains. This intrigued Kraval, for this planet would be the perfect place for a garrison and a good place for a Force user to hide. Little did he know how right he was.
As Kraval entered the atmosphere, he turned to head towards the city of Tarii. He didn't get far, for as he passed through a valley turrets appeared from the walls and began to open fire. Only his training saved him, as he got a half second warning and made a quick barrel roll to the left. The turrets began tracking him again and he took more evasive maneuvers, each move faster and more risky than the last. Somehow, the turrets managed to keep up with him, and some even shot at him before he got to a certain location. The turrets knew where he was going to go before he went there. Using his powers the best he could, Kraval stretched out his senses and discovered something very surprising about the turrets. They weren't automated as he thought, instead they were manned by people with the same abilities he had.
Kraval wondered if they could be the ones he sensed before, but didn't have much time to think about it. For that split second when he divided his attention between flying and sensing had cost him dearly. One of the turrets managed to land a shot that pierced the shuttle's shimmering blue shields and made a solid hit on the engines. Kraval was forced to switch over to repulsorlifts and make an emergency landing. Putting all the power he could afford to, Kraval struggled to keep the shuttle from smashing completely into the ground. Just as he was about to hit solid earth, his ship suddenly slowed down and made a soft landing. Kraval, not wanting to know why his ship had for no apparent reason slowed down, dashed back to the cargo area and gathered what he needed in a hurry.
As he opened the exit ramp, Kraval planted the last explosive on the shuttle. He knew that whoever shot him had tracked his ship all the way down to the ground. He wanted to leave a nasty surprise for those sent to investigate the ship. He set the motion sensors on the bombs and closed the ramp. He consulted his datapad and made a quick sprint for Tarii, for the computer said it was only five kilometers south of his current position. It wasn't even ten minuets after he left his rigged shuttle before he heard a loud explosion. Kraval turned around and saw a huge flaming plume rise into the air. He smiled and continued running, for he knew that they would soon start searching the area for him. Oddly enough, there were no search parties that he came across. He thought that it was suspicious, but he moved on, determined to reach the city.
Within a few hours, Kraval managed to reach the outskirts of Tarii. Now the question was how was he going to get out of there? Obviously these people were hostile to outsiders and most likely weren't going to teach him in the ways of the Force. Kraval peered at his datapad again and found out that this city had an airfield. Perfect, he thought. All he would have to do is reach that field, steal a fighter, and blast off. He knew, however, that it wouldn't be that easy. If those turrets were any indication of these people's defenses, they wouldn't be lax about the airfield.
Kraval moved through the city while avoiding attracting unnecessary attention. Fortunately, he was wearing a type of clothing that was common throughout the galaxy, a simple black vest and black pants with leather boots. He weaved in between buildings, trying to stay away from any main roads. It didn't take him long to find the airfield and it took him only a second longer to find the defenses. For an airfield holding starfighters there certainly wasn't much. Four light class AV-21 speeders were moving back and forth and up in the towers were a few guards, but other than that there seemed to be nothing else. Then again, Kraval reminded himself, he didn't see the cannons in the mountains. They may have a similar setup here, he thought, but there was one thing he was sure about. They didn't have landmines setup in the field, because the four speeders were moving across it all the time. But for all he knew there were mines there and they were programmed to recognize certain vehicles and not blow them up. Oh well, Kraval thought, there was only one way to find out.
Kraval managed to get a top of the line Seinar X-T speeder from a dealership under the pretext of taking it out for a test drive. Kraval pulled the speed to a clearing about one hundred feet from the field and checked his pack. He had a modified DL-54 blaster with three spare power packs and three sonic grenades with a special magnetic grip that activated two seconds after the grenade was turned on. He closed his bag and throttled the engine to full and shot off towards the airfield. As he approached the defense lines, he hopped that he wouldn't get blasted into a million pieces.
The defenses were slow to respond to his intrusion, because Kraval made it past the gate and was halfway to one of the pads before any forces responded. As he angled to the landing area, the other speeders attempted to get to teach side of him and put Kraval in a classic "down the middle" trap where they could just fire between themselves to hit him from both sides. Kraval, being the experienced pilot that he was, recognized the maneuver and used the speeder's boosters to zip ahead of the group. When the defenders began to move close together behind him, Kraval grabbed a sonic grenade, activated it, and tossed it high up over his shoulder. One moment he was speeding along, the next there was a medium size shock wave coursing through the air. He looked back and saw only one of the four speeders was left, it was badly damaged and turning away from him. As for the rest, he only saw melted chunks of metal.
When he was within seventy feet of the doors to the pads, two turrets suddenly popped up from the ground, their barrels swiveling to target him. Kraval began another series of evasive turns, but it did him little good. The turrets were too fast in tracking him, and he knew that if he stayed on the speeder for much longer, he was a dead man. Thinking quickly, Kraval attached his bag to the speed and activated the last two sonic grenades, putting a ten second timer on each. He slowed the speeder down while grabbing his blaster and spare clips. As the turrets continued to fire, he jumped out the side and rolled onto the ground, putting the speeder between him and the turrets. The turrets kept shooting at the speeder, they actually managed to damage it enough to come crashing down in front of them. But the turrets didn't manage to get it to crash far enough away from them. With no warning, the two grenades went off at the same time, the resulting shockwave forced Kraval flat on the ground.
As he stood back up, he noticed that the tower guards were also stunned by the blast, and he was able to shoot them with his pistol before they got to sound an alarm. He dashed for the pads, past the charred wrecks of the turrets and into the pit where an interceptor was waiting. Breathing a sigh of relief, Kraval moved to the ship. As he got within a few feet of the fighter, he thought he saw movement at the edge of his vision. He quickly turned around and brought his pistol up. His head swayed back and forth as he searched for a target, but he saw nothing. He returned his gun to its holster and turned back to the ship. Just as he did that a figure seemed to emerge from the ship's shadow. Right off the ground this man appeared. Before Kraval could even react, the man made a simple hand gesture and Kraval felt the same shadows that the man came from engulf him.
When he awoke, Kraval was lying down in a bunk. His clothes had been changed into some sort of white robe. Still wondering where he was at, the door to the room he was in opened. A figure in a black robe stood there staring at him. After a minuet or so of scrutinizing him, he motioned for Kraval to follow him. As they moved down a hall made of black obsidian stone, Kraval noticed two distinct symbols on the walls. One was a blue scythe-like shape, and the other looked like a red star gone nova. The two men reached an elevator and when they stepped inside Kraval could see no buttons to press. Instead, when the doors closed, the lift began to move upwards automatically.
The doors of the lift re-opened and the black robed man led the way to an extremely large door. As they approached the doors opened to reveal a large office with a desk in the center of it. A man was doing computer work when the two entered. He looked up, stopped his typing, and rose from his chair. He was a man of medium height and medium build. He didn't have bulging muscles threatening to tear apart his clothes, but he wasn't skinny by any means. His face looked like it had been carved from granite, his eyes a silver gray color. His jet black hair was flattened to his head and his ears were the pointiest Kraval had ever seen. He circled Kraval and looked him over. He asked Kraval what he was doing on their planet. He replied that he wanted to learn more about the Force. The man looked suspiciously at Kraval then continued on. He mentioned the shoot down of the shuttle and the little trap that failed to kill much less hurt anyone. The men sent to check out the downed craft had sensed the trap and had used the Force to set off the bombs. The man then talked about the stolen speeder and Kraval's assault on the airfield.
Then the man did something totally unexpected. He congratulated Kraval on making it so far. Many others were put through the same trials as he was, but most never got past the cannons in the mountains. The way Kraval used the speeder bike as a bomb carrier was a good choice given the situation he was in. The man looked at Kraval one more time and then gestured to the man in the black robes. He told him to take Kraval to the Initiation Temple on Karufr. As he left the room, Kraval smiled and noticed the similarity to this situation and one he had as a child. Once again, Kraval was being led on to start his training.
His training was not easy, nor was it quick. He was surprised at how much he did not know. Then again, he should have realized the truth. When he was with the Imperial Navy, they didn't allow him to focus on anything else other than becoming a superior pilot. He was taught how to expand his awareness to a short range, so that in star fighter combat he could tell what his opponent was going to do. He didn't know that he could expand that awareness even farther, to the point where he could feel other beings in other sectors.
Each and every day Kraval was stunned by what he was taught. He learned how to levitate items of all shapes and all sizes. Even though he doubted it, he had seen instructors lift boulders five times their size. When Kraval tried, he found that lifting objects wasn't that hard at all. Soon he surpassed his fellow students and was moving on to other areas of training. He watched the Krath priests use the Force to empower medallions with the dark side. He saw Obelisk troops use the Force to enhance their fighting skills.
Although he was an excellent pilot, he was by far not the best. Every other day he would get into a simulator and be shot down by one of the senior fighters. Surprisingly, this didn't anger him much. He felt that he did need improvement, especially fighting against people that had the same skills as he. For too long he had fought against inferior enemies, and with each victory he had become lax. Now it was coming back to haunt him. Fortunately, it was only in the simulators that his sloppiness was occurring. With time and training, he would become better. He was determined to be one of the best pilots in the Dark Brotherhood.
Not only did he want to become the best pilot, but he also wanted to become a hand to hand combatant. It was all well and good to be a fighter pilot, but what if in combat his craft was shot down? What would happen to him then? He would be forced to fend for himself on the ground where numerous enemies would await him. He took it upon himself to go and find a trainer, and he was lucky enough to have been placed into clan Taldryan, where some of the best ground combatants are. He was placed into Dark Fire Brigade, under the leadership of Jedi Hunter Fire-Knight. From there, he learned all he needed to know about ground battles.
His first training session had been a joke. There was a huge open area where he was told to report for training, and he walked out into the clearing not suspecting a thing. He barely got a warning through the Force before a shot rang out at him and a spot of burnt grass appeared beside his foot. He looked up and saw a man with a Tenloss sniper rifle cradled in his hands. He jumped down from his spot and walked over to Kraval wearing a smug look on his face. The man introduced himself as the commander, and told Kraval that he had made the first biggest mistake anyone could make. Never walk into a clearing without looking around first, snipers love when someone does that.
His combat training only got tougher from there. Since he was in clan Taldryan, they had a long standing tradition of using the Bryars pistol in combat. It has two modes of fire, one rapid low powered shot, while the other was a slower but more powerful charge shot. Taldryan prided itself on being the only clan to have mastered that pistol, and they demanded that even the newest members become proficient in its use. Kraval was once again ordered to report to the training grounds, but this time he decided to trap his battle team leader, instead of getting trapped.
As he approached the clearing, he crouched down into the dense foliage. He knew his leader was expecting him, so instead of going into the clearing himself, he projected an image of himself walking out into the open. His leader, assuming that Kraval hadn't learned his lesson from the first incident, stood up and began charging his pistol. Kraval, however, saw him aim at the projection and snapped off a few low powered shots at his commanders mid section. As the bolts flashed towards his leader, Kraval's projection vanished into thin air. His leader spun around just in time to take the shots in front of himself. Just when the bolts looked like they were going to strike flesh, they disappeared into a wavy green field. His leader had been smart and had activated his personal shielding unit long before the fight.
No day had ever been more tiring in Kraval's life. He truly learned his physical limits on that morning. Using the Bryars pistol wasn't an easy task. Using the charged shot caused the gun to shake a bit, forcing the user to compensate for the jumpiness of the gun. Then he learned the art of using the gun in actual combat. Kraval had to jump left and right, back and forth, side to side, and whatever way he could think of to avoid getting hit. He tried to shoot back, but every time he fired he would miss his target wide. He would aim for where his target was, and then when he shot, the target would be on the other side of the field by that time.
Kraval finally got the concept that he had to attempt to predict where his target was going and shoot at that spot, instead of where the target was at that moment. Once he got that down there was very little difference from what he was doing there compared to what he did in a fighter. He learned how to adjust shots for mid-air attacks, how to move at the last minute, and how to use the momentum of a hit that would land on his shields and force him back a small distance. As soon as he became good with that weapon, he decided to train in the other commonly used weapons.
He learned how to use a heavy repeater, how to effectively use the speed shots to lay down suppressive fire. He found out that the secondary fire on that gun shot out a concussive blast that could knock enemy troops to their feet. He learned how to shot a Golan Arms FC-1 rifle. The main blast shoots out shards of medal, while the secondary shots fire two concussion balls that can bounce off walls and was handy for hitting enemies around corners. His favorite weapon, however, was the same one used by his battle team leader during their first training session. It was the Tenloss Disruptor Rifle. A perfect little weapon, it could fire semi-powerful, semi-fast shots that could do some good damage to an enemy's shields. The best feature of the rifle though was the sniper function. It was that part of the gun that had earned Kraval a spot on the Grand Masters Royal Guard. That weapon, and Kraval's excelled use of it, got the attention of his order leader, Sith High Warrior and Dark Jedi Master Gui Long, commonly known as Bloodfyre.
The Royal Guard
It was during a capture the flag match that was being held to search for more Royal Guard members. The old Royal Guard cells and structure was destroyed and a new one was being built up in its place. A lot of people had attended that day, hoping to catch the eye of a Dark Council member and become his or her personal guard. At first, Kraval thought that going out and being aggressive was the best way to get noticed, so he rushed forth, not thinking of his own safety and made numerous attacks on the opposing team. That proved to be a bad idea.
As he got closer to the enemy flag, he would encounter more and more enemies, and he was eventually forced back to his own flag. Finally admitting that he could not go out and handle the enemy the way he was, he decided to leave the offensive maneuvers to his allies, while he would stay behind and try to protect the flag. He gathered as many weapons as he could find, including the Tenloss rifle, but he opted to use more close range combat weapons instead. At first, the enemy only came one by one, and Kraval had another ally near the flag to help him, so it was easy to stop their attempts at taking the flag. Soon, though, they started moving in groups, and used their Force powers even more.
It became too much for even Kraval and his partner to handle. Realizing that he still had his Tenloss with him, Kraval decided to use it and take out anyone that came close to the flag from a hidden spot. Choosing a corner that had a great view of the walkway that lead up to the flag and of the flag itself, Kraval crouched and waited. He didn't have to wait too long. A man ran through the double doors and sprinted up the walkway, where Kraval sighted in on him and pulled the charged trigger. A red beam lanced out to strike the man in his shields. He turned around quickly trying to find who had shot him, but it did him no good. Kraval was wearing a matte black color and blended in perfectly with the shadows. Just as the man was going to use the Force to search for him, Kraval shot again and this time punctured the shields and grazed the man's arm. He grabbed the burnt wound and ran away, all the while Kraval stood in the shadows smiling.
The rest of the match went that way, with Kraval crouching still in the shadows, waiting for someone to show up and grab the flag. When two people entered, he would target the man in the back, that way when the first man grabbed the flag, Kraval could shoot him in the arm and force him to drop the flag, and since he had shot the second man, there was no one to retrieve the flag but Kraval. The Sith High Warrior took notice of Kraval's skills and sent a personal message to him, asking him if he would be interested in joining his Royal Guard cell. Kraval immediately answered and affirmed that he would be honored in joining the Dark Jedi Master's cell. This was yet another opportunity for Kraval to further himself in the skills and knowledge of the dark side.
File:Imgname.jpgSharad's Valor
Sharad's Valor: Sharad's Valor is represented by the Scepter of Sharad, a jeweled scepter, with a single spike jutting from the top. Dark Adept Sharad Hett was heralded as one of the finest Obelisk the Dark Brotherhood has ever seen, and his drive inspires others around him to new heights. Only a bold and brave warrior, who is also an accomplished voice within the Clan, is fit to wield the Scepter of Sharad.
Dagger of the Fallen: The Dagger of the Fallen represents all those who have fallen from the Path of Darkness upon which we walk.
File:Super.jpgDagger of the FallenIt is given only to those who have put all on the line in the name of Taldryan and its glory without thought of their own wellbeing.
Mark of Honor: A more exclusive award, the Mark is given out to those who prove their honor and respect through both words and actions. Those who have received this distinguished award are of great character.
Claw of Dinaari: Awarded for testing ones skills in ground combat, the Claw represents a major step up the ladder towards perfection of one's skills. It is awarded to those who have proven themselves a powerful and vindictive warrior.
Warriors Gem: Those who have reached the rank of Warrior, Templar, or Priest of the Dark Brotherhood wield a lightsaber with deadly consequence, yet it is those who end a conflict without ever raising a hand who are truly battle-wise. The Warrior's Gem is actually a special focusing lens that enhances the fluctuations of a lightsaber. Should a member of Taldryan prove themselves a force to be reckoned with without the need to shed blood, they are awarded the Warriors Gem to honor and improve the times they must shed it, for furthering Taldryan's influence without force in times of peace.