Saliul Artemov

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Saliul Artemov
Biographical Information

Arconae Secundus

Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1.75 meters




Steel gray

Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Division IX Commanding Officer


Division Commander


Dark Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

Character History

"It will never end. There will always be another."
―Artemov musing to his father

Early Life

Saliul Artemov was born on Arconae Secundus, the only son of a rich businessman. His mother was a young girl when she gave birth to him, only sixteen herself. He showed natural military leadership ability at a young age, and his father had him shipped off to the officer’s academy on Selen at the age of 16.

Artemov made himself at home at the academy, and excelled from the beginning. His father spoiled him for his successes at the academy, which drove the young military officer to greater heights. He graduated at the age of 19 in 23 ABY.

Assistant Brigade Commander

In 23 ABY Artemov returned to his homeplanet of Arconae Secundus, where he was immediately placed as Assistant Brigade Commander of the 16th at his father’s urging. He showed what he had learned at the academy to the elderly Brigade Commander, and after that it was only a matter of time before his influential father forced the old man to step down and allow his son to take over.

In 24 ABY, the Brigade Commander stepped down, and Artemov was ushered in as the new officer. Artemov was a good officer, but not as outstanding as his father led the military and people of Arconae Secundus to believe. He served as the Brigade Commander for two years, until 26 ABY.

Division Commander

In 26 ABY, Artemov was promoted to Division Commander. Some muttered that his father had bribed the previous Division Commander with untold riches to get him to step down, but none on Arconae Secundus had the courage to speak it aloud. Artemov immediately took over Division IX and remade the unit into the garrison Arconae Secundus needed.

However, when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded in 27 ABY, the division fell apart. Saliul’s farther was killed in the initial invasion of Arconae Secundus, and Artemov was devastated. He did not abandon his duty to the division, and led them to the best of his ability. They were slaughtered, and when the fleet came to rescue them, Artemov was struggling to regain control of his life.

In the months spent on the fleet, Artemov managed to get himself together and return to training his team, but he was a changed man.


Artemov lost his youthful stride after the devastation on Arconae Secundus, and went on to lose his confidence and pride. He became remorseful and introverted, no longer the jolly and, at time, arrogant young man he had been.