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Nariah Jadon
Midnight blue
dark brown
electronics specialist , smuggler
Valerian di Plagia Orzon, Furios
Character Description
Nariah, a human female born on Coruscant in 8 ABY.
Coruscant She has a golden tan, and dark brown eyes with midnight blue hair which flows like a river of silk down to her lower back. Nariah also has a tattoo of the symbol of plageuis on the back of her neck. She knew very little of her parents they died when she was just a baby. Nariah was found by PRT Josalyn Cregore when she was around 13. Josalyn introduced Nariah to the brotherhood.
Character History
Nariah Dace was born on Coruscant in 8 ABY during that time the city was being visited by the Hapes Consortium. The Consortium gave the city numerous gifts like several captured Imperial Star Destroyers. It was the first time in millennia that the Hapes Consortium even tried to make contact with the rest of the galaxy since the Consortium sealed its borders.
Nariah's parents both served in the New Republic under the leadership of Commander Wedge Antilles and Admiral Ackba. Just one year later during the battle of Bilbringi Nariah's father died during the attack on the fleet. Leaving Nariah's mother to deal with a one year old and her career in the New Republic. The stress of both became to much for the young mother to deal with. Her oath to the Republic won out and Nariah's mother chose to give her up for adoption.
From the time her mother left her to the time she was 13 Nariah lived in the orphan hall on aboard a Acclamator-class assault ship. Nariah's life on board the ship consisted of going to class and exploring every depth of the ship. It fascinated her how the daily workings of the assault ship operated. Nariah would follow crew members around learning their different jobs. She got especially good at the electronics of the ship.
Teen Years
At the age of thirteen Nariah received a hologram that on their next docking at Coruscant Nariah would have to depart the ship. Awaiting on the planet for the thirteen year old was PRT Josalyn Cregore, Nariah's new guardian. Has soon as Nariah stepped off one ship she was hurried along to another the Galatica. The Galatica which was Exarch Slient's personal ship. Nariah also learned that the Exarch was Josalyn's husband. She spent the next 5 year on some unknown planet living in a large home and learning to fight. Nariah soon became part of the family and Josalyn started telling the teen about family secretes. The brotherhood her and her husband belonged too and Nariah was intrigued by all the stories. She wanted to be part of that too. Josalyn explained to the teenager this was way she was being train to be part of something greater than just herself, to be part of the brotherhood.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
- Sith Flight Leader of Satal Keto Transfer Phyle
- Sith Flight Leader of Satal Victus Brigade
- Sith Flight Leader of Satal Victus Squadron
- Sith Flight Member (Primus Pilus)
Outstanding Achievements
- Rank of Jedi Hunter
- 5 seals of Pain
Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.