Keagan Aslar was a male Wroonian Jedi Master and General during the Clone Wars, who was known to have an intensely strong connection with the Force which allowed him to retain a youthful appearance until his Death. He was also one of the very rare seen Masters of the uncommon Shien Lightsaber Form. Due to his strong connection to the Force he was trained by the Jedi High Council to become a Jedi Sentinel
Keagan was born in 43BBY on Sahare, a Planet located in the Karana System. His parents were local archaeologists who accidentally found an ancient Dark Jedi Temple during an archaeological research mission. A few months after his birth Keagan was found by an unknown Jedi Sentinel, investigating the recently found Dark Jedi Temple. Impressed by the intensity of the Force floating through the baby, he decided to take him to the Jedi Temple. After telling his Parents about the Jedi Order and the connection to the Force of his son, they proudly agreed the Jedi to take him to the Jedi Temple.
During his Time as Youngling he was placed in the Wolf-Clan to start learning the ways of the Jedi Order and the Force. Soon the Clan-leader saw that Keagan’s skills were far above the average than the skills of the other younglings especially the skills of using a Lightsaber. After Talking to the Jedi High Council, they decided to fine tune his combat skills by giving him extended Lightsaber training by Master Cin Drallig.
File:Keagan.jpgKeagan wearing his Jedi RobeWhile his studies under Cin Drallig he got knowledge about a rarely seen Lightsaber form called Shien and decided to use it as his favourite form. As a Teenager he already became a formidable Combatant who was able to engage several Jedi-Knights in Training Battles. But due to his advantage he saw himself often bored in the training lessons with other Padawans. This often ended in situations where Keagan skipped the lessons and started to explore places within the Temple forbidden by the Masters. At one time he discovered a way to one of the under most Levels of the Temple where he found an old Utility-droid used during the time of the Great Galactic War. This Droid became his "little secret" and he spared as much time as possible with the Droid. He cleaned him, maintained him and watched the Holo-Messages in its Memory disk. But soon his secret was discovered by the High Council. After he got a lesson about how owning leads to the Dark Side he was allowed to use the Droid for his Activity Tracking under his new Master a Weequay Jedi named Tyr.
In the years under tutelage of Tyr he learned much more about the ways of the Living Force and how to use it. Through this tutelage he was able to find the best fitting crystals in the Crystal caves on Ilum. During his time as Padawan Keagan and his Master were sent on a mission to Kalus. they were dispatched to infiltrate the base of a rodian gunrunner, who illegially sold weapons to different underground organizations. But in the course of his mission he faced out that the base, however, was used as a secret training implementation of the Morgukai sect. Shortly before the Battle of Geonosis he was officially knighted by the Jedi High Council. In 22 BBY Keagan joined a group of 212 Jedi, led by Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Coleman Trebor, Eeth Koth, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Even Piell, Luminara Unduli and Ki-Adi-Mundi which were sent to Geonosis by the Jedi Council to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and investigate reports that Separatists were constructing an army on Geonosis. After the Battle of Geonosis he was promoted to the Position as Jedi-General and got the Command of the Devastator.
Clone Wars (22BBY-19BBY)
Venator-class Star Destroyer DevastatorAs Jedi-Sentinel the High Council entrusted him with the Mission to search for signs of the Dark Side and the Sith but he also participated in some of the major battles such as the Battle of Boz Pity and the Battle of Coruscant.
Battle over Korriban
Directly after the Battle of Geonosis Master Aslar was send to the Sith Homeworld along with his own Padawan, a young Rattataki called Recan Kirske, to search for Information about a new Sith Rising. After entering Horuset-System the Devastator was attacked by 2 Recusant-class light destroyers. After a straight Battle the Devastator succeeded and destroyed the 2 CIS ships with only minor damage Keagan and his Padawan started a landing operation to the main citadel of Korriban. They only found a desolate Place used as a Hide-Out by several outlaws.
Dromund Kaas
After reporting to the Jedi Council, Jedi Master Yoda dispatched the two Jedi with their next target. They were sent to the ancient Sith Citadel on Dromund Kaas along with the 327th Star Corps. Within an abandoned Castle they encountered a group of Dark Side Adepts. After they defeated the Dark Side Adepts the two Jedi discovered a few information about the Order of the Sithlords. During this Mission the young Jedi Master came into contact with an old Sith Holocron teaching him the technique of Battle Meditation. After Keagan lost the connection to the Holocron he took the Holocron and brought it to the Jedi Council at Coruscant. After transferring the Holocron to Master Yoda the Grandmaster sensed an inner confusion in Keagan about the dark side.
Coruscant Hide-Out
Following some information gathered at Dromund Kaas Keagan and his Padawan went to the lower levels of Coruscant and found a small Hide-Out which was earlier used by Darth Maul during his tutelage at Coruscant but now it was abandoned. The only things left by the Dark Lord were some empty Holo-Disks. Back at the Jedi Temple the two used all technological advantages from the Jedi-Archives but at the moment they tried to recover the Data saved on the Holo-Disks the devices destructed them self.
During the next two years of the Clone Wars Grandmaster Yoda dispatched Master Keagan and Kirske to several Worlds formerly controlled by the Sith, such as Lehon, Vjun and Byss to search for other followers of the Dark Side.
Encounter at Sahare
In 19BBY the Jedi High Council got confirmed information about Assajj Ventress hiding on Sahare. While his former Padawan was sent on a mission Keagan was forced to encounter the Separatist Commander alone. He found the Dark Jedi in a cottage in the outskirts of the main citadel. After a short skirmish Ventress escaped the Jedi heavily injured and fled to Boz Pity. During this mission he met a young Karanan female and fell in love with her.
Battle of Boz Pity
The Battle of Boz Pity was a major battle in the final year of the Clone Wars. The Separatists had blockaded the graveyard planet Boz Pity with over one hundred warships and the Devastator was Part of the space battle above Boz Pity which was led by Commander Denn Wessex aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Redoubt.
Aftermath at Ambria
Somehow Jedi Master Keagan Aslar had a strange feeling about the death of Ventress. He decided to follow the med runner Bright Flight. He encountered Ventress at Lake Natth in the following Battle Keagan throw Ventress into the Lake being sure he finally killed her. Back at the Devastator he received a message that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had been kidnapped by General Grievous.
The Devastator was part of the Republic Fleet engaging the Separatist Fleet above the surface of Coruscant. During this Day long Battle Keagan used his abilities in Battle Meditation to sustaining the Moral of the Republic Troops after hours of fighting.
Order 66 and the Jedi Purge
The Devastator with opened dorsal hangar doorsAfter the Battle of Coruscant Jedimaster Keagan Aslar and his former Padawan Recan Kirske joined Jedi Master Plo Koon during a Patrol Mission above the Neimoidian purse world Cato Neimoidia when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine activated Order 66. Locating their selves along with about 9000 clones aboard the Devastator, it was only a question of time till the clones find them. Going into the offense the two Jedi encountered the Command Bridge of the Devastator and barricaded the doors behind them. After taking control over the Star Destroyer they steered the Devastator directly into the surface of Cato Neimoidia. Some of the clones were able to escape but most of the clones died when the Devastator crashed on the surface. Slightly injured the Jedi went off the wreck and hide in a near Warehouse. A few days later they left Cato Neimoidia and traveled back to Sahare in Hope that the new emperor won’t find them in the far distances of the Open Space Region. Back at Sahare Keagan met the young woman from the past again and later they married.
16 Years later the two Jedi were encountered by a group of imperial Inquisitors. That was the time when the ways of Keagan, his wife and Recan split up. While Recan chooses to fly to Mustafar, Keagan and his wife escaped to the ancient Jedi Enclave on Tython. At Tython he discovered a hidden Jedi-Necropolis under the Jedi-Enclave.
Recan’s Hide Out on MustafarIn 4.8 ABY Keagan received an emergency call from his former Padawan and decided to help his dedicated friend. While preparing to leave his wife offered him that she was pregnant. Entering his ship he said to his wife that he will always love her and that she had to leave Tython since it wasn’t a safe place any longer.
Just in time he reached Recan who was already in a battle with a handful of imperial remnants lead by Inquisitors, during this battle more and more remnants appeared on the battlefield. After a full day of fighting they defeated most of the remnants and only a few inquisitors remained on the field. The out powered Jedi couldn’t stand a chance against these Dark Side Adepts and soon they killed Keagan in a one-on-four battle. Seeing his former Master and deep friend die by the hands of these remnants Recan felt into a Dark Rage causing a massive earthquake which killed all of the remaining Inquisitors. With his dying words Keagan asked Recan to bury his mortal body in the Necropolis under the Jedi-Enclave on Tython before he search for his wife to protect her and his unborn son.
Powers and Abilities
Due to his outstanding Lightsaber abilities and his strong connection to the Force he was trained in various forms of Lightsaber combat. However, he quickly realized that the Shien form was the best fit for him. Under strict supervision, he was taught in all variants of Shien. The knowledge of all Shien-variations gave him advantages in most situations because he was able to instinctively switch between these variations. In addition, he was instructed in various techniques of Jar'Kai.
Force Powers
In fights Keagan often uses Force-abilities like force speed, but he was also capable of performing extensive telekinetic feats.
As Sentinel he practiced a form of Force Immunity that crossed Force-based training with increased mental conditioning, allowing him to better withstand outside mental influences, including Force-based attacks.
Through contact with an ancient Holocron he gained additional skills such as Battle Meditation and the ability to willingly accept an incoming energy or power attack, delivered with the intent of causing harm, and scatter the energy into a harmless form.
Other Abilities
He also possessed exceptional non-Force skills, such as in the fields of security, computers, stealth techniques and demolitions.
File:Saber.jpgKeagan’s LightsabersDuring his studies in the Jedi Temple he constructed a pair of Lightsabers that could be joined together at the hilt into a single weapon, by a locking mechanism, becoming a double-bladed lightsaber. This powerful lightsaber remained by his side till his death on Mustafar and was then buried with his mortal body in the Necropolis on Tython. The Blades emitted by his weapon were yellow, which was the traditional blade-color used by Jedi Sentinels.