
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Obbie charinfo

"I will become strong enough,
That strength becomes meaningless"

A young and rising star in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Though relatively new Etah’s rank has risen to match his strength. He has shocked and impressed many within the Brotherhood with his drive, ambittion and determination. You can expect to see great things from him in the future.

Infancy ( 4 ABY / 0 years old )

"I guess darkness was always my path"

Etah’s beginnings were as murky as the rest of his life would become.

Etah’s tale begins not long after the battle of Endor where the Lord Vader fell. It was a dark, stormy night the evening he was left on the doorstep of the newly formed Church of the Sith’ari. The sporadic bolts of lightening shined across the babies’ ebony skin and the mighty thunder heralded his arrival. The monks took the baby in, wondering who left him there, whether it was an accident, a mistake or a perhaps destiny. Notices were set throughout the planet Vjun but no one came forward to claim the young babe. There were disagreements among the leadership of the relatively new organization about what to do with the hapless young Sakiyan.

All of the Church’s members were human and most of them from Imperial backgrounds and had varying views about non-human species. Bishop Ravana, a former Special Agent from the Imperial Security Bureau advised Abbot Kol not to burden the Church with the responsibility of raising a child. Reverend Lokk, a former Colonel Storm Trooper advised the Abbot that the child’s black skin was reminiscent of the Sith’ari’s black armor and further went on to proclaim that his presence at the church was a matter of fate. In the end Abbot Kol, decided that Etah should stay.

There was no way that a cabal of old humans men could raise an infant Sakiyan. Sister Nu, a middle aged Sakiyan female that had been among one of the Church’s predecessors all her life acted as Etah’s nanny, especially during his younger years. She bathed him, fed him, clothed him and made sure he stayed out of trouble. Through her, Etah learned to speak both basic and Sakiyan. She was the mother that life had never given him, and in many important ways created the moral groundwork for the man he was to become.

Childhood ( 10 ABY / 6 years old )

"Only the apathetic and the weak fear hardship"

Many people in the galaxy never work an honest day’s work and many more wallow in total ignorance. Etah can say neither.

Though it can be said the whole of the Church of the Sith’ari aided in raising Etah, There were several members of the Church who took direct responsibility for the growing young boy. Though Sister Nu continued to be a major part of his life into his childhood, others were needed to shape and guide the young Monk. The first individual was his tutor, Brother Jon and the second was his task master, High Priest Mik.

A professor of history at a prominent university on Coruscant before joining one of the Churches predecessors, Brother Jon began working with Etah at an impossibly young age. He taught the child how to read and write in basic, along with basic arithmetic and critical thinking. Etah later credits Brother Jon as beginning Etah’s life long fascination with learning, a pursuit that sets him apart from most of his Obelisk peers.

High Priest Mik was a Tie-fighter Ace before joining one of the Churches predecessors. Second only to Abbot Kol in the Church of the Sith’ari, he was the young Sakiyans task master. He assigned the child’s chores and made sure they were completed. He was loud, abrasive, verbally and physically abusive. In a sick and twisted way he played a very important role in the future Dark Jedi’s development. High Priest Mik taught Etah that nothing was for free, that to eat you must work and he taught him to be strong.

Adolescence ( 17 ABY / 13 years old )

"Blood sweat and tears were the legacy of my young years"

As he grew older, most of the important people in his life remained but their relationship and interaction changed. Sister Nu was still around in the background, but had effectively stepped back as Etah began to dive into the teachings and methods of Worship of the Church. Brother Jon was still his tutor, but his lessons now included history, literature and philosophy. High Priest Mik was assigning the young lad more intense physical labor and was more violent and abusive than ever before. But at this point three new people entered his life.

Brother Takk was an Imperial Royal Guard before joining one of the Churches predecessors. He was near making the status of Sovereign Protector when the Empire came to an unfortunate end. As an Imperial Royal Guard he was one of the Galaxies foremost experts on hand to hand combat, which is why he became Etah’s martial tutor. Through him Etah learned Mandalorian, Echani and Teras Kasi techniques. Brother Takk specialized in controlling his opponent through different locks and holds and striking vital areas including arteries and organs.

Reverend Lokk was one of the leaders in the Church. He had successfully argued for the boy’s presence in the Cult. He taught the boy breathing, meditation, kinetic mediation and through these how to control the internal properties of his body. This would aid him in later years when Etah began to utilize the force. In addition to these also taught the Sakiyan the specific theology of the Church of the Sith’ari and how to apply it to his life. Reverend Lokk became his confidant and friend, more like an older brother than a paternal figure.

Bishop Ravenna was also one of the leaders of the Church. He had unsuccessfully argued that the Church should cast the inhuman burden aside. Ravenna was the boy’s disciplinarian, a position that perhaps mirrors the task masters position, but with a little more theological legitimacy. He taught the young Sakiyan corporal mortification or mortification of the flesh which was the use of pain in prayer and meditation and aided with theological discipline. Meaning he whipped the young Monk with a barbed whip in order to focus him.

In addition to study and the metal exhaustion that accompanied that, heavy chores and the beatings that accompanied them, martial exercise and the physical exhaustion that accompanied that, mortification of the flesh, discipline and the searing pain that accompanied them, Etah also practiced fasts, which deprived him of sustenance and vigils which aside from prayer, meditation, corporal mortification and discipline also involved chants, recitations and study. This exercise deprived him of sleep and sanity.

Young Adulthood ( 22 ABY / 18 years old )

"Naivety dies on the battlefield, along with the best of our generation"

At the age of eighteen Etah left the Church of the Sith’ari to find his power, to chase his destiny. He traveled to Saki, the planet of his people. Before then he had never known a Sakiyan, be was a freak among humans. Awhile after reaching Saki Etah decided to join the Saki Army, to become a functioning member of Saki society. Commissioned as an officer due to his level of education Etah learned the areas of Infantry and reconnaissance. Serving in that capacity Etah helped defend his planet from invasion by a sect of rouge Huts. He left only when a Sakiyan elder suggested he would serve the Sakiyan people better by becoming a Dark Jedi.

Dark Brotherhood ( 25 ABY / 21 years old )

"The darkness of his skin is matched only by the darkness in his soul"

Coming to the Brotherhood Etah immediately found a home in the Soulfire Strike Team he soon began rising in the ranks quickly.

DJB Facts

Joined the DB: 19 SEPT 2006

Current member of clan Arcona

Current member of house Galeres

Obelisk Trooper, Soulfire Strike Team

Antei Combat Center: Initiate

Apprentice to Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae


Was originally the Apprentice of Callus Bo'Amar

Completed 18 Shadow Academy Courses in his first 10 days

Made the rank of Novice in 4 days

Made the rank of Acolyte in 1 day

Made the rank of Protector in 2 days

Made the rank of Guardian in 8 days

Image Notes

A premonition of Etah as an elder in the Dark Brotherhood.

The main image was not created by myself nor do I claim ownership.
The amazing artist who did create this masterpiece goes by the name
of Igino Giordano. You can find his webpage at :