Yay! Tron and Korras on the Staff. Tron has done a hell of a job editing and putting up new updates. Welcome to the team :p --Sarin 17:01, 3 October 2006 (Mountain Daylight Time)
Thanks. Hope to be of some help. --Tron 17:44, 3 October 2006 (Mountain Daylight Time)
Adding People On...
Figure I'd give you an idea as to how or why I add people --
I'm watching activity. The people added have been very helpful/useful. I'll be adding more as I either notice or remember. First thing I need to do is figure out who is already on and who wants to be - and assign a purpose for everyone, especially the DJB Wiki staff.
This Tribune thing is a new concept to me. I know they aren't new in the DJB, but I wasn't really paying attention when they were invented.
Kaine Mandaala 18:59, 3 October 2006 (Mountain Daylight Time)