Shirai Ryu Dupar

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 03:14, 12 June 2007 by Katrila (talk | contribs) (Galaphile al'Tor moved to Suijin al'Tor: New DB Name)

Template:Obbie charinfo

Galaphile al'Tor is a corrupted individual. Though he creates the imperssion that he is silent and deadly, it is much more than that. His cruelness intensified when he took part in the Sixth Great Jedi War. He follows his brother Aabsdu's figure not as an idol, but as a symbol of power soon to be taken, he only has feelings for his brother and that is kept at friends pace.


Beginning of Darkness

6 ABY - 20 ABY

Galaphile was born on the core planet Correlia. His father Eventine Elesendil was political figure there, and had quite a bit of renown towards his figure. Born without his mother who died at his birth he was subjected to his fathers mercy. Even though his father took care of him and cared for him like any other father Eventine still held within his mind that Galaphile was to be blamed for his wifes death. Galaphile at an early age had force sensitivity and had sensed this emotion but did not understand it so he discarded this feeling as figment of his imagination.

At the age of 14 he was visiting a famous tower with his friend and father. As they were enjoying themselves to the scenery of Correlia they encountered a man in black robes. They looked at him and thought him strange went on their way. But Galaphile could not move.

He knew something about this was wrong, a weird since told him that this man was extremly dangerous. This turned out to be true, no more than a couple of seconds later the man pounced on his father and killed him in cold blood with glowing red weapon, he thought was the famed deadly lightsaber. His Eventine clearly dead slumped to the floor, the man without hesitation killed his best friend as well. Sinking the saber into the you boys chest and kicking him off.

By the time that happened Galaphile was in staggering rage. He gave a accidental force push to the dark figure making him stumble. Galaphile ran at the man with only the thought of killing him. It was futile of course, as soon as he came within range the man hit him in the back of the head and he went unconcious.

He awoke later on a medical bed obviously on a ship, his head filled with confusing pain and terrible loathing. But strangely he was not loathing anyone. His anger was should have been diverted to he man (possibly a Dark Jedi from the looks of his saber) who killed his father and best friend. But he didn't. The anger just lingered in his mind like a soul without a purpose.

The man walked into his room and stood at the doorway and stared at him. Galaphile immdeitately tried to attack, but no motion came to him. He could move but his body refused to attack the man. Some invisble force was refusing him that leisure. Then the man said, "I have sensed your power when I was at the tower. I sensed it even more when I slew that evil man who called himself your father. Do not think me a murderer, because I would do no such thing without great reason. I am Dark Jedi of an order called the Dark Brotherhood. You fathe had been brutally killing our members without any meaning behind them. So I was sent to destroy him. I was sorry to kill the other boy as well but we couldn't have any witnesses."

Strangely Galaphile was drinking in every word he was saying even though it all sounded like a well planned out lie. "I kept you alive because I sensed the pin and power inside you. If you were to come with me you would be a powerful Dark Jedi."

Galaphile nodded, but said nothing, his mind greatly confused and disoriented. He went with the man to join the Brotherhood soon after, where his life truly begins.