Hagen Ulos

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Hagen Ulos
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

10 ABY (age 38)

Physical Description







10st (140lb)





Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information



Captain of Ignition Squadron

[ Source ]

Hagen Ulos is the current Captain of Ignition Squadron, a squadron of TIE Advanced attached to Wing IV of the Arcona Expeditionary Force.


Early Life

Hagen Ulos was born in 10 ABY on the planet of Carida. His parents, Wexlin and Lirta Ulos, both worked at the Academy of Carida. It was only by good fortune that the Ulos family were offworld visiting Wexlin’s parents that they survived the destruction of the Carida System by Kyp Durron a year later. After this, the Ulos family moved to living on their small ship, making a living by ferrying various goods from planet to planet. Lirta acted as the ship’s Captain, while Wexlin, a retired Stormtrooper, provided its muscle. As Hagen grew, he assisted his parents where he could, developing a keen interest in space itself. By the time he was four, it became obvious that he was far more interested in developing his a skillset similar to that of his mother. Despite this, he remained close to his father, learning how to play games such as Sabacc during the relatively dull hyperspace journeys between planets.


"Follow me, and I’ll find you a home for good. All we ask for in exchange is Hagen’s enlistment in our starfighter corps"
―Andrelious J. Inahj to the Wexlin Family

As conflict continued to plague the galaxy, the Ulos family grew more and more tired of having to constantly find new berths for their vessel. During a brief downtime in 28 ABY, Wexlin met a short, chestnut haired man who immediately took an interest in the eighteen year old Hagen. After some conversation, it became clear that the man represented an organisation that could look after the family. That organisation was Clan Arcona.

Physical Description