The Shadow Academy has, throughout its history, offered a variety of courses and degrees for members to study and complete. Previously, all completions were shown on a member's dossier, but under Headmaster Anshar this feature was removed. Before the 31 ABY Reformation, courses were divided amongst four campuses, but they are now organized into Department Halls headed by Professors. Degrees earned, however, do appear on a member's dossier ID Line. This list also includes those courses that have been removed from active service in the Shadow Academy, for reasons that can be found on the Academy website.
In 37 and 38 ABY, the layout of the Shadow Academy underwent a huge change, with numerous departments being closed down, created or renamed. The creation of the Journeyman Hall, during the reign of Headmaster Solari, significantly added to the number of courses on offer. His replacement, Headmaster Dacien Victae continued on in the same fashion, with numerous history and leadership courses being created during his time on the 'Lyspair Throne'.
Current Courses
The Library of the Shadow Academy
Journeyman Hall
- Essentials 1: History
- Essentials 2: Departments
- Essentials 3: Paths & Orders
- Essentials 4: Ranks
- Essentials 5: Organization
- Essentials 6: Medals
- Comms 1: Discourse Forum
- DJBWiki: An Introduction
- Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches
- Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity
- Gaming 201: Pazaak
- Graphics in the Brotherhood
- Vendetta 1: Foundation
- Vendetta 2: Submission
- Vendetta 3: Fiction and Graphics Tips
- Advancement Survey
Docent Halls
- Cryptography 101
- Cryptography 201
- Debate I: Argumentation
- Debate II: Refutation
- HTML Primer
- Markdown 101
- Markdown 201
- Wiki Basics
- Wiki Editing
Department of CORE Studies
- Dark Brotherhood Basics
- Obelisk Core
- Sith Core
- Krath Core
- Guardian Core
- Sentinel Core
- Consular Core
Department of Communications
- IRC Basics
- IRC 301: Operator Studies
Department of Leadership Studies
- Leadership Reports
- Leadership Rewards
- Leadership Proposals
- Leadership Management
Department of Law
- Chamber of Justice I
- Chamber of Justice II
Department of Lore Studies
- Alchemy Studies
- Galactic Languages
- Mandalorian Studies
- Philosophy I: Views
- Philosophy II: Cults
- Races and Species
Department of Flight Studies
- Astronomy Studies
- Capital Starship Studies
- Freighters/Transports Studies
- Planets and Stars
- Starfighter Studies
Department of Gaming Studies
- GMRG History
- General Gaming
- ToR Basics
- ToR Advanced
Department of Combat Studies
- Combat Tactics I
- Combat Tactics II
- Hand-to-Hand Combat
- Lightsaber Studies
- Advanced Lightsaber Studies
Department of Combat Writing
- ACC Fundamentals
- ACC Qualification
Department of General History
- Dark Brotherhood History I
- Dark Brotherhood History II
- Galactic History I: Formation of the Galaxy
- Galactic History II: Origins of the Jedi Order
- Galactic History III: The Ascension of the Sith Empire
- Galactic History IV: The Great Sith War
- Galactic History V: Saga of Revan and Malak
- Galactic History VI: Wars of the Force
- Galactic History VII: Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire
- Galactic History VII: Trials of the New Republic
Department of Writing Studies
- Grammar Studies
- Poetry Studies
- Run-on Studies
- Test of Wisdom
- Writing Studies
Past Courses
- Test of Skill
- Leadership Applications
- Leadership Proposals
- ASP Programming
- PHP Programming
- Photoshop
- Safe Computing
- Dark Jedi Meditation
- Starfighter Tactics
- Enemy Starfighter Eng/Tech
- Imperial Starfighter Eng/Tech
- AOL Instant Messenger
- ICQ Studies
- MSN Messenger
- Test of Agility
- Test of Endurance
- Marksmanship
- Test of Wisdom (Advanced)
- Arcona History
- Light Side History
- Naga Sadow History
- Odan-Urr History
- Plagueis History
- Scholae Palatinae History
- Tarentum History