Nikola Valtiere

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Nikola Valtiere
Biographical Information

N/A (Freighter)

Date of Birth:

12 ABY

Date of Death:


Physical Description









Dark brown, shock of white at left temple


Pale Green


Lower legs, Right eye

Personal Information

Nadrin Erinos Arconae



Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):

Dulon, Hapan, Jeswandi

Chronology & Political Information







Qel-Droma, Arcona.

Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Nadrin Erinos Arconae

Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

"The Krath seek knowledge. Many say knowledge is power. The Obelisk seek to perfect themselves physically. A strong body is a physical manifestation of power. Everyone seeks power. Only the Sith follow the pure path."
―Nikola Valtiere

Character History

Birth and Childhood

Nikola was born to a pair of spacers that made their living undertaking long-freight work. He was born and raised on the freighter for four years, clambering about heating ducts and storage containers like his own personal playground.

His childhood died when the slaving gangs from Port Ol'Val descended on the freighter. Nikola hid in the workings of the ship that had been his playground, keeping quiet as his parents were killed for fighting back. Huddled down as he was, he did not notice the tiny probe droid working it's way through the ship. It latched to the nigh on imperceptible sounds of the child's whimpering, leading the cruel slavers right to the boy. Where his parents had fought, Nikola only went limp, defeated.

In the great hollow asteroid that held within some of the dankest dregs of society, Nikola was sold into indentured service to a salvage company, tasked with cleaning out the Kas tunnel of the wrecks of ships piloted by those without the skill to navigate such a complex entrance. Nikola was only a child, and so was tasked with attaching the lines of the tugs to the wrecks, swaddled in a space suit. After years of manual labour, Nikola was practiced at moving in the void effortlessly, enjoying the feeling of weightlessness and freedom offered in the vacuum. He could forget about the squalid living conditions of the slaves, of the beatings by the company enforcers, themselves former slaves.

Young Nikola's life changed at the intervention of Kavi Uhdea, a flight instructor at the Savric flight academy. On a mission at the behest of his superiors in Galeres, he was seeking out a notorious criminal that had slighted Arcona. During the search, he felt a tremor in the Force, the presence of an untrained mind. The search for the signature led Uhdea to the slave quarters in the Pride of Corellia district.

There, he found young Nikola, sullenly eating the basic food allotted for them. Motioning for the boy to join him, Uhdea spoke to the boy of the power he held, and what he could become if he could use it. Valtiere leapt at the chance to leave his desperate lifestyle. The enforcers tried to stop the Sith, claiming they were taking property of the company. Uhdea did not reply, simply crushing the enforcers into the walls and floor.

Uhdea used the boy's knowledge of the station to track the criminal and trap him, assassinating him in the entertainment district. He left with both the head of the criminal, and a new apprentice to be tutored in the ways of the force.


Nikola was trained during a turbulent time of Arcona history. The Scholae Palatinae had suffered at the hands of the star chamber, and a new house had formed, a parasite hanging off of Arcona.

Nikola learnt the basics, taking his first steps on the dark path. He learnt quickly, memories of his former life buried under a plethora of new teachings.

But his past always called to him. No matter how much he learnt, he was drawn to space. The great void, cold and silent. The intricacies of space combat always enthralled Valtiere, the great distances of the titanic combat between capital ships, over hundreds of Kilometres, while starfighters danced in these relatively tiny gaps.

Nikola was moved around flight teams, his prowess the only thing keeping him from being kicked out from starfighter combat all together, as in his early years, he was nothing but a ball of seething rage, the dark side flowing through his body, heightening his darkest emotions.

Over time, however, Nikola learnt control.


When the Horizon plague ravaged the Brotherhood, Valtiere was one of the first brought low. He suffered a wound at the hands of his master as the force fled him, leading to his eye requiring replacement. Valtiere regressed to a mindless animal, driven wild by his power being taken from him, destroying the medical bay he was rushed to. He had truly believed his master had somehow stolen his power to supplement himself. It took two higher level dark Jedi to subdue the beast. However, Nadrin Erinos Arconae, who also fell foul of the disease, convinced his student that it had been an Entar plot by Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae to take down the Erinos, freeing him while on a sandspeeder.

Before the two could act, the cure was found, and power restored to the journeyman. After that day, he developed a respect for his master, who had shown the ability to turn situations to his favour and gain power.


Nikola is somewhat Dour in life, responding as minimally as possible to enquiries, and sometimes being a little brusque.

He finds joy in history and tactics, comfortable as a distant viewer in command. In war, he is cold fury, a directed hatred for the enemy.

Nikola also has a fixation on prosthetics. The power offered by limbs of durasteel has an irrisistable draw for the Dark Jedi.


Nikola is imposingly tall, towering above his contemporaries. Thin and lithe, Nikola moves with the light gait of an individual used to moving in low gravity. With a shock of dark brown hair marred only by a splash of white at the left temple. His pale skin is only marked by a twisting scar arcoss his left eye, the legacy of previous combat. His lower legs are prosthetic, a sacrifice made for space combat, reducing the effect of high G-forces on Nikola. Following the Horizon event, Nikola had a cybernetic eye implanted, due to a blow to the head from a brick hurled by his master, Nadrin Erinos Arconae.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Commander of Void Squadron.

Outstanding Achievements

Achieved Dark Maven of flight as an Acolyte.


Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.