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|firstname=Jeric Cyrin
|birth=April 18, 1990
|birth=7 ABY (Age 27)
Middletown, CT
|eyes=Light Brown
|height=1.82 meters
|weight=76.6 Kilograms
|weight=160 lbs.
|form=* [[Makashi]] (Mastered)
* [[Soresu]] (Studying)
|fightingstyle=* [[Broken Gate]]
* [[Kartranin]]
* [[K'tara]]
|profession=* Tapani Noble
* Military Officer
* Dark Jedi
|position=* Praetor to the Herald
* D-SOG Senior Commander
|era=* [[Rebellion Era]]
* [[New Republic Era]]
* [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
* [[New Jedi Order Era]]
|affiliation=* Herald's Office
* Dark Summit
* Naga Sadow
* House Reena
|ship=[  Lord’s Shadow]
|masters=* [[Shikyo Keibatsu|Shikyo '''Keibatsu''']]
|apprentices=* [[Creon Khamier]]
|dossier=[ 8539]

''This article is about the real life person behind'' [[Jeric Cyrin]] ''.''

==  Biography  ==

A Disciple of Sadow, '''Jeric Cyrin''' is a noble of the [ Tapani Society] and former Lord High Admiral of House Reena. As a loyal follower of the [[Obelisk]] Order, he currently holds the rank of [[Prelate]] and serves as the Assistant [[Herald|Emissary of the Dark Council]]. Jeric serves the military forces of Naga Sadow as a Senior Commander in the Dlarit Special Operations Group. He is also the master of Creon Khamier.
===  Life ===
Jeremy was born into a middle class family. His mom was a waitress until his birth & his father owned his own "Handy-man" Business. When Jeric was about 4 they moved from Connecticut to a beach town in North Carolina. When Jeremy was 5 his sister, Lexi, was born. In 2000 Jeremy moved back to CT and met his best friend Mark (former DJB member Desius #9892). Since then Jeremy has been living in Newington. In 2006 he moved to a new neighborhood where he meet his future fiancee. In 2008 Vikki and Jeremy finally started dating and upon returning from basic training, Dec 2010, Jeremy proposed.
==  Character History  ==
===  Early Years ===
[[File:CyrinPalace.jpg|thumb|150px|left|The Cyrin Family Estate]] Born on [ Canti] in 7 ABY and raised into a life of royalty, Jeric Cyrin had a very disciplined, yet luxurious, childhood. Jeric’s Family had capitalized on the discovery of [ Madilon] by House Reena of the [ Tapani Sector]. The family established a profitable mining operation on Nyriaan where the valuable metal was found. Because of this the Cyrin Family was consider one of the ruling families of the Reena Province. Jeric’s father, Lord Mikel Cyrin, was a member of the Reena [ Privy Council] while his mother, Lady Pamal Cyrin, was a retired representative on the [ Tapani Grand Council]. Being the only child Jeric got all the attention from his mother, as well as the caretakers that helped maintain the family’s Estate on Canti. His father was rarely home spending most of his days overseeing the mining operation on [ Nyriaan] or doing business on [ Reena].
As Jeric came of age, his mother & various caretakers would being to educate him. Nobles of [ House Reena] where know to be well educated. The Caretakers would teach him common things like math & science while his mother taught him ethics & philosophy. Whenever Jeric visited his father, Mikel would teach Jeric how to one day run the mining operation or serve on the Privy Council. He also taught Jeric the code of conduct that Tapani Lords were expected to follow. Durning his early teens Jeric joined a group know as the [ Saber Rakes]. He became an expert duelist by the time he was only fifteen. When Jeric turned sixteen a ceremony was held bestowing the aristocratic rank of Lord to him. Knowing he was a Saber Rake, Jeric’s father present him with a specially made Lightfoil as a coronation gift.
In 24 ABY, Jeric was drafted into the Reena Military. According to House Tradition, Nobles of the Reena Province where drafted to become officers in either the Army or Navy, upon reaching their seventeenth birthday. They where only required to serve two years in active service and after that they could return to a life of nobility or stay in the military. Just like his father before him, Jeric was placed into the Navy’s Junior Officers Indoctrination Program. JOIP was a twelve month long program designed to prepare the nobles of House Reena for naval service.
After attending the program for only four months Jeric was already at the top of his class. Jeric excelled at his academics receiving honors three times. He had led his team of cadets to victory in numerous battle simulation. His ability to lead was outstanding in the eyes of his instructors. Jeric could see and hear everything, plan and execute things in a split second. Though he was not aware of this at the time this was all due to his connection with the Force.
===  Military Service  ===
It was finally the end of the twelve month Indoctrination Program. Now eighteen years of age, Jeric was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and offered a bridge position on one of the Reena Navy’s four [ Marauder-class Corvette]. Jeric accepted the offer and was transferred to the Marauder-class Corvette ''Horizon'' as one of the many Bridge Officers. A few months into his military service, the Horizon and a few light escort vessels were scouting for asteroid fields, rich in mineral deposits. After a few hours of searching a asteroid belt, the ''Horizon'' & its escorts where ambushed by a small pirate force.
The surprise attack dealt significant damage to the ''Horizon’s'' light escorts. Lieutenant Cyrin took over a tactical station and was doing his best to update the Captain on the ship’s shield strength & weapons status. He began coordinating with the escorts to form a battle plan. Suddenly out of no where Jeric envisioned a tactical maneuver that would give the three vessels an edge over the pirate force. Without hesitation Lieutenant Cyrin told the Captain to execute the maneuver he transmitted to the view screen. Just as he envisioned, the three Reena vessels positioned themselves & opened fire on the pirate forces severely damaging their main frigate and destroying one of the escorts. The damaged frigate and its remaining escort retreated into hyperspace. [[File:Reena.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Capital City of House Reena's Throneworld]]
Upon arrived home, Jeric received a promotion to Lt. Commander & numerous commendations for his actions. He was appointed to the newly created position of Tactical Coordinator. Roughly nine months and eleven successful mission later, Jeric was again promoted, this time to the full rank of Commander and placed as the ''Horizon’s'' First Officer. Early into 26 ABY, Commander Cyrin was on his way to Reena to see his father’s coronation as High Lord of the Reena Province. About half way there a Modified version of an CR90 Corvette dropped out of hyperspace and attacked Jeric’s shuttle. The shuttle was disabled and Jeric was taken hostage. Not knowing it at the time, this was the start of Jeric’s new life as a Dark Jedi.
===  The Dark Path  ===
The [[M/CRV Sirona]] sailed quietly through spaced heading towards the [[Antei System]].  Minutes, hours, it even felt like days passed as Jeric paced back and forth inside a dimly lit room. The last thing Jeric remember was the sight of a CR90 Corvette as it blasted his shuttle, then everything went black. Where Jeric was and how long he had been there he didn’t know. He could faintly here the sound of ion-turbine engines and assumed he was still on the corvette. Jeric eventually stopped pacing in the middle of the room, he closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Jeric had envisioned things before and hoped by concentrating he would be able to sense where he was in the ship. Who or whatever was on the ship was clouding his thoughts though. Just then the hiss of a door sliding open broke Jeric’s concentration. Jeric opened his eyes to see a cloaked figure standing in the doorway. The figure stepped in and the door closed. No sooner than the door closed Jeric began questioning the shadow that stood in front of him. Instead of answering it waved its hand in a manner that told Jeric to be quiet.
''"We are the brotherhood, and we have chosen you to join us. You have a strong connection to the force and the brotherhood would like to help you become more powerful then you could ever imagine. Become a true Lord.....a Dark Lord."'' [[File:DarkVault.jpg|thumb|150px|right|The Halls of the Shadow Academy]]
The Figure pointed at a foot locker then turn around and walked out. That explained it all, Jeric could sense things around him and see into the future because of the force. Jeric had briefly learned about the force when he was a young kid, but was never entirely sure if that explained his so called “powers”. Jeric opened the foot locker to find a datapad and a pair of robes inside. The datapad informed him that he was heading to [[Lyspair]] to attend the [[Shadow Academy]]. There he would begin basic studies on the force and be indoctrinated into the Brotherhood. Jeric had six more hours till he arrived, overwhelmed he decided to lay down to clear his head.
===  Novice of the Dark Side  ===
Jeric had been at the Shadow Academy for more than a week now. In his first days there Jeric was processed into the Academy, a slow and boring process. During his initial training Jeric learn basic philosophy of the Dark Side, the orders of the brotherhood, and how to develop his powers. He spent days studying the many ancient scrolls the Brotherhood had in its possession. After spending a month at the Academy Jeric completed his initial dark side trials and was given the test of lore. Jeric easily passed the test and was asked to finally choose the order he wanted to serve. Jeric was naturally a dualist & being a Saber Rake made him especially good with a [ Lightfoil]. This made his choice of order an easy one. Jeric was promptly assigned to the brotherhood’s most prestigious clan, Clan Taldryan. It wasn’t long before the shuttle arrive to take Jeric to Altur, home planet of Taldryan’s [[Obelisk]] House, Dinaari. Jeric settled into his new home on Altur fairly quickly. It didn’t take long before Jeric started catching the attention of his new masters. Jeric began doing what he could to better his skills and further his knowledge of the dark side. He would spend hours a day inside the training rooms and then even more hours of studying old scrolls and texts.  Jeric was granted the rank of Acolyte of the Dark Side faster than most. Towards the end of 26 ABY the brotherhood received news that an extra-galactic species, called the [ Yuuzhan Vong], had invaded the galaxy. The [[Grand Master]] summoned the clans to Antei to prepare for a possible attack. Not long after Taldryan’s forces arrived at [[Antei]], Jeric began to have nightmares that his home had been invaded as well. Jeric had to choose between protecting his home or defending the brotherhood.
===  A Spoiled Homecoming  ===
It had been thirty-two hours since Jeric betrayed the brotherhood. He left the Antei System after commandeering a [ TIE Defender] from the hanger of the [[BAC Dark Prophet II|''Dark Prophet II'']]. Jeric questioned whether he did the right thing or not. Was his visions of past or future, returning home was the only way to find out. After a long flight Jeric’s fighter finally dropped out of hyperspace, the Throneworld of House Reena loomed in front of him. He immediately transmitted his boarding codes to the one vessel he recognized, the ''Horizon''. After landing, Jeric quickly changed out of his flight suite and into his uniform. He then head directly for the bridge to warn his Captain that the sector was in danger of attack. Not only was there news of the invasion in other parts of the galaxy, but Jeric’s intuition was trusted. The Captain informed Reena’s [ High Lord], Jeric’s Father, who immediately contacted Tapani’s Prime Minister.  It didn’t take much to persuade the Prime Minister to ready each house’s navies for invasion. Not even a week went by when the first attacks began in the Cadriaan Province. The Vong quickly spread to the other Provinces. The Vong overpowered the Reena Navy and did significant damage to the fleet. Luckily, before they could do any major damage to the planet, [ Republic] forces arrived and began pushing the invaders out of the sector.
In the aftermath of the battle, the damage was perfectly clear. The Reena Navy lost at a minimum of eight ships, and the ''Horizon'' lost it’s Captain and a number of crew. Jeric himself was injured, receiving a large gash on the left side of his face. After compiling a status report and damage assessment Jeric brought it before the Privy Council. After the meeting Lord Mikel Cyrin didn’t even bother questioning where his son had been over the past nine months, he just requested that Jeric would stick around to become Captain of the ''Horizon''. One of Jeric’s dreams ever since he started his military career was to become a ship captain. At the same time though his new knowledge of the power he possessed and the strength he could gain made him want to return to the brotherhood. Jeric figured he could always return to the brotherhood after serving as Captain for a decent amount of time, and so he accepted his father’s offer.
For almost a year now Captain Cyrin had successful served as the ''Horizon’s'' Commanding Officer. A couple of months ago the Reena Navy had to fend off another small attack from the Vong but the Reserve Battlegroup the Republic left behind assisted in defeating them. Other than that Jeric’s time thus far as Captain wasn’t much....a few escort missions, a couple of skirmishes against pirates, and much patrolling of the province. It wasn’t long before Jeric began to think about returning to the brotherhood. His lust for power and further knowledge of the dark side still burned away at him. Half way thru 28 ABY, the temptation of the dark side became to much for Jeric. He visited his father on Reena, to personally submit his letter of resignation. He decided to tell his father what had happen to him. Surprisingly his father understood and wished him the best and only asked that he visit from time to time. As a gift Mikel asked his son to take the families' personal shuttle, a [  Theta-Class T-2c], called the ''Lord’s Shadow''. Waiting for Jeric on the landing platform was the shuttle’s pilot, a beautiful naval Lieutenant named Vikaa. Jeric could see now there was more than one reason why his father gave him the shuttle.
===  The Second Coming  ===
Jeric returned to the Kr’Tal System less than two years after leaving, only to learn that much had changed. The Vong attacked the heart of the Brotherhood, Antei, just as the Gand Master foresaw. They managed to overpower the Clans’ navies & forced the Dark Council to evacuate the planet. When Jeric arrived back on Altur he was greeted by the new Quaestor of Dinaari, [[Vladet Xavier]]. During his first few weeks back Jeric showed great potential to his new Quaestor. His time away from the brotherhood made him eager to train harder than ever and study everything he could about the dark side of the force. Jeric’s constant visits to the new mobile Shadow Academy made him very knowledgeable in galactic history & naval studies. Jeric distinguished himself tremendously, and was chosen to be the next Dominus Sicarius. Over the next month Jeric was constantly busy serving as the Consul’s master assassin and personal bodyguard. He found it a great honor, but also realized just how good of an assassin he could be. When Jeric’s term as Dominus Sicarius was finished his masters elevated him to Guardian of the Dark Path. [[File:JericFullBody.jpg|thumb|293px|left|Jeric Cyrin in his formal attire, Circa 29 ABY]]
Close to the start of 29 ABY, Jeric was assigned to the Dark Prophet II, the same ship he had stole a TIE Defender from. Jeric’s Quaestor had found his military record and deiced he would better serve the House on one of its starships. A few months into the new year, news came that a band of pirates had invaded the [[Rybanloth System]]. Taldyran’s Consul sent Battlegroup Vanguard to swiftly take out the invading pirates. Jeric saw no action during that conflict, his battlegroup had been task with protecting the Kr’Tal System, in case of a counterattack. A few month had passed when a opportunity finally presented itself. Jeric was approached by the [[Headmaster]], who asked him to become one of the History Professors, which he gladly excepted. Jeric wasn’t surprised that of all people the Headmaster choose him, after all he was a history wiz. Jeric’s summit began to noticed how quickly he had developed, growing in every way possible. They sensed that Jeric had the potential to be a great leader and so they told him he was to serve in the position of Rollmaster temporarily. Jeric impressed his masters, handling the duties of House Envoy with ease. After only a month, the summit advance Jeric to the level of Jedi Hunter, bringing him one step closer to being a true Dark Jedi. Once his term as Rollmaster was completed, Jeric felt empty inside, like he didn’t have a purpose anymore. He had enjoyed serving for the greater good, to distinguish himself. So he began looking for a new way to serve.
As a noble of the Tapani society his diplomatic skills where more developed compared to most. When he saw that a part-time position, assisting the Emissary of the Dark Council, was open he quickly applied and shortly after was hired. This was a position Jeric would be able to excel at and he more than proved it during the first couple of months. As Ambassador for the Antei Sector, the [[Herald]] helped improve Jeric’s diplomatic and administrative ethic skills. About four months into Jeric’s first term as Magistrate he was sent on his first diplomatic mission. He was going to be negotiating use of the Citadel Station for whenever the brotherhood traveled along the Hydian Way. Within minutes after arriving on [ Telos], Jeric immediately felt a strong pull from the Dark Side. Jeric shook it off so he could completed his mission. Once negotiations were done however, the young dark jedi went in search for the power he sensed. Even after all his achievements and growth since returning, this power made Jeric feel that the brotherhood was holding him back.
===  Dark Knowledge  ===
He didn’t plan on being gone long, he only had a few days left before he needed to report back to the Herald. After a few hours of flying around Jeric and Vikaa found what look like an abandon temple in the northern polar region. This had to be the source of the energy, the pull of the dark side was the strongest here. Lieutenant Vikaa landed the shuttle near a few of the structures and the two venture out into the snow. The entrance was a bit hard to find but the two eventually uncovered the large blast doors. The two searched thru the temple learning it was completely self-sufficient & still had power. Vikaa located a hanger that could house the shuttle during their stay. Jeric eventually stumbled down a corridor filled with storage rooms. Jeric went through each one finding food, supplies, and many Jedi and Sith related artifacts. Unfortunately, none of them emanated the power he still sensed.
Finally he came to the last room at the end of the corridor. This one didn’t have a normal security system that Jeric could easily bypass. However, with a little help from the force Jeric was able to break thru the system and unlock the doors. He was amazed to what he found, a [ Sith Holocron] unlike anything he had ever seen. It didn’t resemble the conventional pyramidal or cubical models like Jeric was used to seeing in the many holobooks the Shadow Academy had to offer. Jeric took the holocron and made his way to a meditation chamber he found earlier, locking the doors behind him. Lieutenant Vikaa had a feeling they where going to be here way longer than a few days so she began unpacking the shuttle. As the days came and went she began to make the temple more of a permeant residences. Jeric had not come out of that chamber since he locked himself in. He would need to eat, drink, sleep eventually Vikaa thought. Still the weeks went by and no sign of life came from the chamber. She knew he was still in there and knew he was still alive, she could see him sitting, eyes glued to the glowing holograms emitted by the thing he found.
What seemed like only a few days had been months spent inside the chamber. So many Dark Lords had contributed their teachings of the dark side or gave testimonials of the history and plight of the Sith. It was no surprise Jeric become lost inside repository of lore and wisdom stored inside the holocron. When Jeric’s eyes open, as the last gatekeeper faded away, he was amazed to be alive still. His connection to the force and meditative state acted as a form of hibernation he assumed. He might have survived not eating, but his body was weakened tremendously. He hardly could lift himself up, let only stand. Crawling over to the temple’s internal comlink, he hoped Lieutenant Vikaa stayed and waited for him. Sure enough she did and came to his aid. It took a few days but she finally nursed Jeric back to health. The two of them began packing up, it was time for Jeric to face the brotherhood.
===  A Rogue Returns  ===
Jeric returned from his “exile” in the middle of 30 ABY only to find his former masters in Clan Taldyran not pleased with his disloyal ways. Just as Jeric expected he was consider a rogue and was stripped of all positions he held. This didn’t bother him, with his new knowledge it wouldn’t be long before he would regain everything he lost. However, he sense  the summit of Taldyran despised him and so Jeric deserted the clan. When an acquaintance, [[Taigikori Aybara]], of Jeric’s heard he had deserted, he offered him refuge in the Shadow Clan. Jeric accepted and joined [[Clan Arcona]] under Taigikori’s leadership. Jeric didn’t get much time to adjust or settle in for the Brotherhood was on the verge of liberating Antei. Jeric had much to prove to his new masters and he did so very well over the next month. As the Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood grew closer to returning home, training became faster paced & tougher than anything Jeric had experienced. He show himself to be an outstanding duelist and practitioner of the force. Jeric was even asked to return to the Herald’s Office as a Magistrate which he gladly accepted. Taigikori decided Jeric was more than ready to begin his dark side trails. Jeric proved Taigikori right, successfully completing the trials in less time than expected. Jeric was finally knighted as a true Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood, only days before going to war.
===  Unification  ===
Unified by their thirst for vengeance and desire to take back their homeworld the Great Clans returned to Antei under the leadership of Darth Sarin. However they weren’t prepared to fight a different enemy. Killed off by a plague, the alien invaders were devastated and in their place an army of driods led by a jedi crusader had taken their place. This wasn’t going to stop the Brotherhood from taking back their homeworld. Brutal fighting erupted the moment the armies of the brotherhood landed. Dark Jedi were being captured left and right, by the jedi now know as [[Omancor Crask]]. He was testing their faith in the dark side, drawing more to his cause. Jeric finally got his first taste of battle when he was called to accompany a unit with the Army of the Iron Throne. It didn’t take long before Jeric ran into the enemy. Almost hundred battle droids pounded the dark jedi and his squad of twelve shock troopers. Thankfully a platoon of Arcona soldier showed up minutes later to back up Jeric. As the last of the battle droids where being destroyed Jeric was blind sided by a fellow clan member who had been turned. Finally a real chance for Jeric to test his new skills as a knight. The traitor must have been a fellow Journeyman, but Jeric was able to lay waste to him.
The battle ensued for days but finally ended in a battle that sent shockwaves across all the brotherhood. Crask had surrendered and was brought before the brotherhood’s Grand Master. The old man deceived Darth Sairn, ripping a lightsaber from his captured apprentice’s body. A raging battle took place above the skies of Antei and ended in a fiery crash on the surface. The bodies of both Crask & Darth Sairn where found among the smoking ruins of the [[Exodus]]. Darth Ashen was named Sairn’s successor and became the new [[Grand Master|Dark Lord of the Sith]].
The forces of Arcona returned to Dajorra after being victorious on the battlefields of Antei. The victory was short lived though as trouble stirred in the darkness. Arcona had taken advantage of the deals made with the Hutt Cartels and it was coming back to hunt them. Jeric didn’t stick around long enough to see the effects this would have on the Shadow Clan. He was offered to serve as Aedile of Dorimad Sol along side a fellow Magistrate to the Herald.
===  Spoils of War  ===
Jeric had finally felt as if he had found his true home within the Brotherhood. [[Scholae Palatinae]], the Royal Clan, was known for its direct ties with the Emperor’s Guards & its long imperial history. Apart from that, [[Dorimad Sol]], the house in which Jeric now proudly served as De-facto Head of State, was consider the military might of the Royal Clan. As [[Aedile]] Jeric had the distinct privilege of being immediately responsible for the Caina Defense Division. Being both a Head of State & Military Leader was something Jeric knew all to well and it would eventually paid off.
Jeric was given an ascension to the first level of Equites in late 31 ABY by the Herald for his outstanding service to the office & his loyalty to the brotherhood during the Liberation of Antei over a year ago. Not long after that Jeric was also awarded the brotherhood’s highest award for merit, the Grand Cross, for his outstanding advances as Caina’s Head of State and improvements to Dorimad Sol’s military. Jeric was definitely not letting his leaders and masters down, he was proving that his status as a Lord in the Tapani Society was very useful to the Brotherhood.
In mid 32 ABY, the Grand Master called for a [[Rite of Supremacy]]. The Clan suffered a major defeat by, Taldryan, overall the clan’s military had been weaken and moral was down. Jeric did his best to keep the forces of Caina strong, but with the rest of the clan’s military failing, the Caina Defense Force stood no chance against Taldryan. In the months following the Rite Supremacy, the Clan’s forces returned to the [[Cocytus System]] in the hopes of rebuilding.  Towards the end of the year, the Herald’s direct second in command, a Krath by the name of Raven, disappeared into the unknown regions. Jeric was privately approached by [[Shikyo Keibatsu|Shikyo '''Keibatsu''']] who offer him the position of Praetor. It was no surprise the Herald came to him. Jeric’s life as a Noble and current position as Magistrate made him more than qualified.
===  The Herald’s Assistant  ===
[[File:JericFullBodyV2.jpg|thumb|255px|right|Jeric Cyrin in his Ceremonial Armor, Circa 32 ABY]]With Jeric’s appointed as Praetor to the Herald, tension began to rise between Jeric and his Quaestor. Many began to believe she had become corrupted and had become power hungry. Jeric didn’t want to get involved and have his career dragged down with hers. He sent in his letter of resignation to the Clan Summit and left for Antei. He made his new home in the underground levels of the Dark Hall, making it easier to focus on his new duties as Praetor.
In the last months of 32 ABY, Shikyo '''Keibatsu''' was task by the Grand Master himself to head into the unknown regions. Whatever the mission was, it caused the Herald to disappear abruptly leaving Jeric in charge of all Herald duties. Shikyo must have known that his new Praetor was more than capable of being the public face of the Brotherhood. Jeric took on the monumental task of running that Herald’s Office with easy. During the Herald’s absence Jeric  continued to make deals with outside parties to preserve and protect the secrecy of the brotherhood. Almost two months after the Dark Council’s Emissary left, Jeric was out on business as diplomat for a meeting between two clans. He over heard rumors of treachery against the Iron Throne and feared some of the clans would be over thrown by these rogues. The Consul of Shikyo’s home clan gave some evidence to support the rumors Jeric heard from the other clans.
Without hesitation Jeric presented the evidence and the details surrounding the rumors to the Grand Master. The Dark Lord told Jeric that hints of treason had been flying around the Dark Hall for weeks now and that the Chamber of Justice was already conducting an investigation. Jeric was thanked for the new details and order to return to his ambassadorial duties. Not even a week later Jeric’s shuttle was attacked while on the way back from the Jusadih System. Luckily Vikka was able to pilot them out of the situation. This just proved that by Jeric struck a nerve with the rogues. The Dark Council’s chief military officer order a starfighter escort for Jeric’s shuttle and a protective squad from the Army of the Iron Throne to be issued. However, that didn’t stop the attacks. A couple of days later Jeric went to his office to find it vandalized.
Enough was enough, Jeric requested to leave the brotherhood temporally to let the situation dissolve. With Shikyo returning in less than a month, Jeric assured the Grand Master that the current staff could manage for the next few weeks. Darth Ashen, agreed to let Jeric leave and assured him the problem would be fixed when he returned. Jeric and Vikka left for the one place they knew they would be safe, the Tapani Sector.
===  The Cyrin Dynasty  ===
Lord Jeric Cyrin return to his home on Canti a month after the start of 33 ABY. His mother was surprised to see her son after almost five years and his father was pleased to have his only son home. The first thing Jeric did after coming home was marry his pilot and companion, Lieutenant Vikka. The Ceremony was small and as High Lord, Jeric’s father had the power to wed the two. A couple of weeks later Mikel explained that the family’s mining operation on Nyriaan had began to show signs of corruption. He asked if Jeric could go and personally oversee the operation. Jeric did so and in only a few days time was able to weed out those on the management staff that had become corrupted. While on Nyriaan Jeric received news that the Master at Arms, by orders of the Grand Master, initiated a purge wiping out those suspected of treason. More than four hundred dark jedi involved disappeared. This was good news, it meant Jeric could return, unfortunately things took a turn for the worst. While on his way to Reena’s Capital Jeric got word that his father had just been assassinated.
Jeric was devastated by the news but initiated a full scale investigation. The Privy Council denied Jeric use of House Assets to conduct his investigation. They began to look for a new High Lord even though his father’s term wasn’t up. Obviously there where some families that didn’t like the Cyrin Family and there was no doubt in Jeric’s mind that members of the Privy Council were corrupted. Jeric had enough, it was time that he brought order back to House Reena. As a former naval Captain and thru use of the force Jeric persuaded the military to rally behind him. He then took the Reena Province by force, killing off those Lords he suspected of being corrupt. Making himself Head of State wasn’t enough though, Jeric needed to ensure complete control over the House. Forcing martial law across the province, Jeric crowned himself Lord High Admiral.
The Tapani Grand Council immediately questioned Jeric’s actions, but as a former representative his mother presented evidence to support what Jeric was doing. The Council agree to let it continued as long as it didn’t turn into an oppression & things stayed civil. For a little more than a year Lord Cyrin made sure order returned to his House. A few conflicts arose between the other noble families and attacks happen on the mining industries. Nothing the military couldn’t handle though. In mid 34 ABY Jeric felt as if his rule over the province was successful. Jeric retracted martial law & left the Privy Council in charge of electing a new High Lord. It was time to return to what he left behind and pick up where he left off.
===  Finding a Pupil  ===
On his way back to Brotherhood space Jeric decided to take on an apprentice. Sure he had left the brotherhood to protect himself and stop attacks against the Herald Office. But returning home with nothing seemed pointless, he had to bring something back. Jeric wanted someone that could act as his personal bodyguard, someone that could be a valuable asset not only to him but to the brotherhood. A warrior, someone strong, someone who was not afraid to kill. Jeric decided to search through a database of military personal. [[File:Creon.jpg|thumb|134px|left|Jeric's new apprentice]]
Jeric eventually found a few potential candidates, a former imperial commando, an alliance heavy trooper and a imperial officer gone bounty hunter. Jeric was very good with hacking holonet system, so it didn’t take long to access their full profiles. The heavy trooper: a Zabrak Warrior, named [[Creon Khamier]], who had been drafted into the Alliance Army had the most potential. Apparently he went mad and tried to return home, killing many troopers in his way. He was apprehend and is now serving life in the Alliance Judiciary Detention Center. Jeric checked his medical file and found his midi-chlorian count was just around nine thousand, more than enough to be trained.
While making a pit stop on Coruscant, Jeric paid a visit to Zabrak convict. He offered Creon a chance at revenge, he only asked that Zabrak pledge total allegiance to him. Leaving Creon to make his decision and to escape the prison himself, Jeric return to his shuttle in the hopes his new apprentice would accept the offer. Creon did and arrive at his new master’s shuttle only moments before it left for the Brotherhood.
===  Disciple of Sadow  ===
Jeric return to the brotherhood only to find each of the great clans reduced to that of an independent house. Jeric then remember that it was probably due to the purge that happen over a year ago. The Herald was glad to see his prodigy return and as a gift for his dedicated service & loyalty to the office, Shikyo elevated Jeric to the second level of the Equites. In the weeks following his return Jeric & his new apprentice found a home in the “Heirs to the Empire.” They were pleased that Jeric brought fresh blood to them along with himself. It didn’t take long for Jeric to settle into Naga Sadow, the same could not be said for his apprentice though. It seem as if Creon was lost or maybe overwhelm by all the Dark Jedi that now surrounded him. Jeric had noticed that over the course of a few weeks his apprentice’s performance in training battles began to get sloppy.  Jeric tasked his apprentice on a mission with the Regulator’s to see if that would get his motivation up.
A month or so later, Naga Sadow’s Aedile, Fremoc Pepoi was appointed as the Grand Master’s Enforcer and subsequently Commander of the Royal Guard. It didn’t take him long to approach the Obelisk Prelate and recommend he be initiated into the Guard. Trusting his friend’s wisdom Jeric did so and became one of few Elite Dark Jedi that have the privilege of protecting the Dark Lord. Even more opportunities presented themselves in the coming weeks, allowing Jeric to quickly establish his name in Naga Sadow. Two months had passed and Jeric’s first real taste of combat since returning showed itself. House Tarentum had requested help in dealing with a rakghoul plague that had infested their system. Naga Sadow acknowledged their need and saw itself working along side a ghost from Jeric’s past, House Taldyran. This really got Jeric involved and he made sure to do what he could to show how far he had come since being in Taldyran.
===  Burden of Aiding  ===
[[File:C-5.gif|thumb|100px|left|Jeric's D-SOG rank]]A few days into the joint operation, Jeric and his apprentice were asked to deal with the plague on [[Yridia IV]] by providing medical assistants.  As a Senior Commander within [[D-SOG]] Jeric was assigned a small detachment of Commandos for his mission. After arriving at the Messina Estate and meeting with it’s owner, a former Headmaster, the two Dark Jedi and their detachment of commandos made their way down to the villages in the valley below. After providing aid to a number of people, Creon suggested that he take a few commandos and being helping the village on the other side of the river. Jeric was hesitant, his apprentice still being so new to the dark side. Even with three commandos at his side a handful of the rakghoul mutants would pose a threat. Jeric eventually let his apprentice do as he wished. It didn’t take long before Jeric sensed Creon was in danger. Leaving his commandos to provide aid to the rest of the village, Jeric went to the other side of the river. Backed into a corner Jeric found his apprentice with only one commando living, taking cover behind some rubble. Almost a dozen rakghoul where clawing at the two, Jeric couldn’t help but notice that two of the mutants still had pieces of commando armor on them. Catching the rakghoul’s attention Jeric concentrated a powerful blast of force and released it just as the first one tried to jump him. Crushing their bones and sending them flying into the surrounding rubble Jeric wiped them all out in less than a second. [[File:Darkhall.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Jeric's second home, the Dark Hall]]
The two Dark Jedi and their commandos finished up their mission and returned to the [[VIN Immolator]] that was in orbit around Yridia IV. Days later before Jeric could even see his second mission of this joint operation it was finished. Either all the rakghoul were killed or they all disappeared, Jeric was unsure what truly happen. Naga Sadow’s forces return to the [[Orian System]] and began to prepare for their next battle. Jeric continued to spar with his apprentice but saw a drop in his motivation again. Having to be saved must have put a damper on his strong Zabrak ego. A few weeks later Jeric was called back to Antei by the Emissary of the Dark Council. The Herald was leaving on a diplomatic trip and Jeric would yet again need to return to the underground levels of the [[Dark Hall]]. He left a long list of tasks for Creon to completed in his absences and asked [[Teu Pepoi]], Naga Sadow’s Rollmaster, to watch over him.
==  Character Information  ==
===  Appearance  ===
Standing almost two meters tall and weighing roughly seventy-seven kilograms, Jeric is a fairly muscular yet lightweight for an individual of his stature. Jeric has a large zigzagged scar running from the upper left of his forehead to his midcheek. Jeric walks tall with his shoulders back and his head held high. He has medium length brown hair gelled back and has eerie silver eyes. Jeric is normally seen wearing his formal attire, as only a noble would. Durning ceremonial occasions & in battle he wears specially forged ceremonial armor. While wearing his formal attire, Jeric is normal seen carrying a Tapani Gentlemen's Cane, which conceals a [ duranium] blade. Since returning from the Reena Province where he crowned himself Lord High Admiral, Jeric has been seen wearing his Ceremonial Military Dress Uniform.
===  Personality  ===
Intelligent, cunning and collected are only some of the words to best describe Jeric. He tends to be reserved, always hiding in the shadows, but when he is forced out into public, he will stand out among most dark Jedi. Jeric is always alert and on his guard, but composed.  Jeric always solves his problems logically and cautiously. Jeric is known for his cunning methods and graceful actions in battle. It’s no secret that Jeric is a member of Royalty and former military; proper, intricate, and polite. Jeric has determination and persistence.
===  Possessions  ===
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<td style="padding:.5em .5em .5em .5em;">[[File:Onnotice.jpg|111px]]</td>
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<div><big>'''What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?'''</big></div>Upcoming changes to the DB will have consequential effects on this ship.
<small>After these changes are complete, a note will be placed on the article's talk page and this message will be removed.</small>
</tr></table>Jeric has a number of possession that he has acquired over the years:
*'''Tapani Ceremonial Armor''': When Jeric was bestowed the title of Lord upon him he saw fit to have the ceremonial armor of a Tapani Lord. Paying extra he had the famous Swordsmith of Canti, Jadus Praxim, forge the armor out of pure duranium as he planned to use this in future battles as a Dark Jedi.[[File:TapaniGentlemenCane.jpg|thumb|179px|right|Tapani Gentlemen's Cane]]
*'''Silver-plated Bryar Pistol''': This pistol awarded to Jeric by House Dinaari for his service as the Clan Consul’s master assassin &amp; personal bodyguard. The power output of this specially designed Bryar Pistol is above normal giving it stronger stopping power. Aside from his lightsaber and Swordcane this Bryar Pistol is the only other weapon Jeric is usually seen carrying.
* '''''Lord’s Shadow''''': A Theta-Class T-2c shuttle given to him by his father. This shuttle is marked with the Cyrin Family Crest &amp; also the markings of House Reena. It is piloted by Jeric’s Wife, naval LT Vikka.
*'''Tapani Gentlemen's Cane''': The Tapani Gentlemen's Cane is a elegant Swordcane, available to only Lords of the Expanse. The blade was crafted using duranium. Jeric is seen with this mostly when in his formal attire and occasionally in his military uniform.
*'''Lord's Revenge''': Upon crowning himself Lord High Admiral over the Reena Province, Jeric Cyrin had the famous swordsmith of Canti craft him a new Lightsaber Cane, based roughly off the Tapani Gentleman's Cane he perviously had. Wanting a Silver-color blade that was also very powerful Jeric choose to have the Nextor Crystal installed into it. Dubbed the Lord's Revenge, it is currently in the Cyrin Family's vault until the day Jeric can use it officially in the Brotherhood.
==  DJB Facts  ==
===  Current Positions  ===
* Assistant Emissary to the Dark Council
* D-SOG Senior Commander
* First Echelon Royal Guardsmen
===  Positions Held  ===
* [[Eclectic Pedagogue]] for the Old Republic History Course
* [[Magistrate]] to the [[Herald]]
* Intern [[Rollmaster]] for [[House Dinaari]]
* Battleteam Leader for [[Dark Fire Brigade]]
* [[Aedile]] of [[Dorimad Sol]]
===  Outstanding Achievements  ===
* Being awarded a Sapphire Blade
* Has created over 35 custom lightsabers
* TAL's Dominus Sicarius for the month of March 2008
* First member selected for the Dinaari Internship Program
* Dark Maven Leadership Degree
* Dark Maven General History Degree
* Dark Maven Flight Degree
* Advancement to Obelisk Prelate
==  Trivia  ==
* The name Jeric was inspired by Jerec from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.
* Cyrin would be pronounced the same a Siren.
* College Student studying Criminal Justice.
* Skilled in creating computer graphics.
* Jeric is a member of the CT Army National Guard.
<table class="toccolours" width="75%" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid #3a3a3a; background:#222222; border-collapse: collapse; margin: auto;">
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
<td width="40%">'''
[[Eclectic Pedagogue]] of Old Republic History'''
28 ABY - 29 ABY
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
'''[[Kalak Ragnose]]'''
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
'''[[Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae]]'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Magistrate]] to the [[Herald]]
28 ABY
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
'''Robin Hawk'''
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:

<td width="40%">'''Intern [[Rollmaster]] for House [[Dinaari]]

28 ABY
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:

'''[[Sidarace Rathden]]'''
===  Schooling  ===
Jeremy always was a A-B student, making Honors his Freshman/Junior year and High Honors his Senior year. Jeremy wrestled all four years of high school and almost won the state championship his junior year. He was also a member of the Air Force JROTC at his school. Jeremy graduated from Newington High School in 2008 and the following fall began attending classes at Manchester Community College. He currently is studying Criminal Justice and has one more semester before he receives his Associates Degree. From Jul 2010 to Dec 2010 Jeremy attend IET at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO and is a graduate of the United States Army Military Police School. Jeremy's current GPA is 3.83.
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:

'''[[Halcyon Rokir]]'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Battleteam Leader]] for [[Dark Fire Brigade]]

30 ABY
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:

'''Corax Zarjin'''
===  Employment  ===
Jeremy's first job was at Dunkin' Donuts. Four months into the job he became the CLosing Manager for his store. When the economy went down hill the owner of his store had to let some of his highest paid employees go and such Jeremy lost his job. Only a few months after that Jeremy found a position as Assistant Manager for a BK right down the street from his house. He applied and got the job and has been working there for almost 2 years. Jeremy is also a member of the CT Army National Guard. He is assigned to the 143rd MP Company, 2nd Platoon, as a MRAP Driver.
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:

'''Robin Hawk'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Magistrate]] to the [[Herald]] w/ Robin Hawk'''

31 ABY to 32 ABY
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:

===  Higher Education  ===
[[Dralin Fortea]] &amp; [[Ekeia Iclo]]
Jeremy will be starting on his Bachelors degree in psychology, the fall of '''2011'''.
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:

'''Robin Hawk'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Aedile]] of [[Dorimad Sol]]

31 ABY to 32 ABY
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:

'''[[Angelo Dante]]'''
== Personal Facts  ==
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:

===  Favorites  ===
* Color: Blue
<td width="40%">'''
* Day of The Week: Saturday
[[Praetor]] to the [[Herald]]
* Food: Chicken
* Drink: Mt. Dew
* Country: Germany
* Holiday: Holloween
* TV shows: CSI, Cops, DBZ
* Music Band: Disturbed

32 ABY to Present
==  Accomplishments  ==
* Awarded, twice, Army Certificate of Achievement
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
* Awarded, three times, Employee of the Month
* Was Newington High School's Salutatorian, Class of 2008

==  Dark Jedi Brotherhood Character  ==

[[Jeric Cyrin|My DJB Wiki Page]]

[[Category:Obelisk]] [[Category:On Notice Articles]] [[Category:DJB Characters]] [[Category:Dark Summit]] [[Category:Disciples of Sadow]]
[[Category:RL Bios]]

Revision as of 13:55, 23 May 2011

Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

April 18, 1990

Middletown, CT

Physical Description





160 lbs.




Light Brown

Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information
[ Source ]

This article is about the real life person behind Jeric Cyrin .



Jeremy was born into a middle class family. His mom was a waitress until his birth & his father owned his own "Handy-man" Business. When Jeric was about 4 they moved from Connecticut to a beach town in North Carolina. When Jeremy was 5 his sister, Lexi, was born. In 2000 Jeremy moved back to CT and met his best friend Mark (former DJB member Desius #9892). Since then Jeremy has been living in Newington. In 2006 he moved to a new neighborhood where he meet his future fiancee. In 2008 Vikki and Jeremy finally started dating and upon returning from basic training, Dec 2010, Jeremy proposed.


Jeremy always was a A-B student, making Honors his Freshman/Junior year and High Honors his Senior year. Jeremy wrestled all four years of high school and almost won the state championship his junior year. He was also a member of the Air Force JROTC at his school. Jeremy graduated from Newington High School in 2008 and the following fall began attending classes at Manchester Community College. He currently is studying Criminal Justice and has one more semester before he receives his Associates Degree. From Jul 2010 to Dec 2010 Jeremy attend IET at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO and is a graduate of the United States Army Military Police School. Jeremy's current GPA is 3.83.


Jeremy's first job was at Dunkin' Donuts. Four months into the job he became the CLosing Manager for his store. When the economy went down hill the owner of his store had to let some of his highest paid employees go and such Jeremy lost his job. Only a few months after that Jeremy found a position as Assistant Manager for a BK right down the street from his house. He applied and got the job and has been working there for almost 2 years. Jeremy is also a member of the CT Army National Guard. He is assigned to the 143rd MP Company, 2nd Platoon, as a MRAP Driver.

Higher Education

Jeremy will be starting on his Bachelors degree in psychology, the fall of 2011.

Personal Facts


  • Color: Blue
  • Day of The Week: Saturday
  • Food: Chicken
  • Drink: Mt. Dew
  • Country: Germany
  • Holiday: Holloween
  • TV shows: CSI, Cops, DBZ
  • Music Band: Disturbed


  • Awarded, twice, Army Certificate of Achievement
  • Awarded, three times, Employee of the Month
  • Was Newington High School's Salutatorian, Class of 2008

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Character

My DJB Wiki Page