Metamorphosis - Redefining Orders and Their Meanings in the Dark Brotherhood
It has been determined by the Grand Master and his advisors that the meaning and purpose behind Dark Jedi Orders no longer are reflective of the Brotherhood’s present state. Orders exist now primarily in name only and have obsolete fictional backgrounds and offer no additional benefits to the member beyond rank titles and colors of robes and sabers.
The diverse interests of members often mean that many of them play outside their currently selected Order’s traditional roles. Since the removal of Order Leaders some time ago, updating what Orders represent within the Brotherhood is the next step in the process of bringing the club closer to its goals.
Realizing that Orders are too ingrained into the Brotherhood’s ethos to be done away with entirely, it has been decided to update them. By enhancing their fictional roles, allowing members the freedom to participate in all Brotherhood activities regardless of Order, and creating mechanisms within the Orders to grant them meaning and importance, we hope to offer a deeper experience of play.
These changes will also serve to modify Orders to better integrate with the many additional improvements ahead.
Each Order will be given three “Classes,” known as Disciplines. They consist of two unique paths and a general “warrior” path that is common to all three. This was done because the warrior concept has a very strong inherent connection to Dark Jedi that is present in every Order. We have looked at the things that characterize a given Order, in addition to a warrior class, and selected the most interesting aspects to offer the member variety, rewards and fictional depth reflecting their choices.
The following tables and graphics should help to quickly familiarize one with these enhancements and how they fit not only with Orders, but Brotherhood Ranks.
Sorcerer (Warrior)
Marauder (Warrior)
Centurion (Warrior)
Scholar (Unique)
Inquisitor (Unique)
Paladin (Unique)
Alchemist (Unique)
Imperator (Unique)
Assassin (Unique)
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
In the above figures we can see the nine Disciplines respective of Order and how they tie into the general Brotherhood rank structure.
Essentially this system is an additional layer of depth to the member’s experience. This system does not change or interfere with how members are promoted through the standard rank structure.
As we can see in Figure 1-2, the traditional rank structure of the Brotherhood has been altered to reflect the new system as well as simplify a new member’s process for joining the club. Starting at Initiate, all rank advancement proceeds as it has been until the rank of Protector. At this rank, rather than at the beginning of a member’s career, one of the three Orders is chosen by that member for his character to embark upon.
We hope this will alleviate some of the confusion when first joining the club by simplifying the early stages. Once a member has settled into the club and his clan, and has earned a few ranks, they will at that point have a better understanding of how things work and what Order would be appropriate for them. Here they will also receive the innate Order Bonus applied to their attributes.
Order Bonus is as follows:
Order Bonus
Attribute Bonus
+2 Force Reflex
+2 Force Defense
+2 Force Pool
Figure 1-3
Now at the rank of Protector, the member is taken under the wing of his Master and inducted into one of the three Orders. Progression through the ranks of Guardian, Jedi Hunter, and Dark Jedi Knight continues as before. When the member has earned the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, the Discipline system related to his Order then opens to him. We hope this also adds additional incentive for members to attain the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and beyond.
Each Order contains three Disciplines. Within each Discipline are three plateaus of advancement known as Echelons. Progression through the Discipline system is based off a member’s current rank. Starting with the rank of Guardian, the member will begin to accrue Dark Side Devotion Points, otherwise known as Discipline Points, which will be used to “purchase” Echelons within the Disciplines. The member may mix and match Echelons within his Order or place all of his Devotion points in one Discipline.
However, he will only be able to purchase a Second or Third Echelon box if the pre-requisite First Echelon box is owned. So, for example, the member may not purchase the Second Echelon Krath Scholar box without purchasing the First Echelon Krath Scholar box.
Eventually it will be possible for the member to have earned enough Devotion points to have fully mastered one Discipline within their Order if they desire.
This system is not suggesting that because, for example, an Obelisk having fully mastered the Centurion Discipline has no knowledge of the other two Disciplines within his Order. Rather it shows the member’s exceptional mastery of that particular aspect of being an Obelisk. This is an important distinction to ensure the member knows his character is not being limited, but enhanced.
To clearly show how this system works we will go through each Order and its Disciplines below.
Obelisk Disciplines
Sith Disciplines
Krath Disciplines
- Admin Note: Everything within the Disciplines is easily changed including the titles of each Discipline and their associated rewards. The things in the above graphics are not final and are mostly meant to give an idea of what the system looks like and how it works. The specifics can be modified in the future.
The requirements for each Discipline are identical to that of the others. Each Echelon within a Discipline is purchased with Dark Side Devotion points (DSD’s), also known as Discipline Points, which are gained by increasing one’s rank within the Brotherhood.
The requirement break-down is as follows:
Order Example
XYZ Discipline
XYZ Discipline
XYZ Discipline
III Echelon
12 DSD’s
12 DSD’s
12 DSD’s
II Echelon
6 DSD’s
6 DSD’s
6 DSD’s
I Echelon
3 DSD’s
3 DSD’s
3 DSD’s
Figure 1-7
Dark Side Devotion (also known as Discipline Points)
Dark Side Devotion points, or Discipline Points, represent a member’s dedication to the Brotherhood, his Order, and the Dark Side of the Force. Points are awarded in various amounts each time a member is promoted beginning with the rank of Guardian and continuing through to the rank of Grand Master.
The points break-down is as follows:
Devotion Points (aka Discipline Points)
DSD’s per Rank
Total at Rank
Grand Master
Dark Prophet
Dark Jedi Master
Dark Adept
Dark Jedi Knight
Jedi Hunter
Figure 1-8
The total amount of Dark Side Devotion points that can be earned is 168 at the rank of Grand Master. Mastering the entire Discipline system is beyond the ability of even the Grand Master. The amount required to fully explore one complete Discipline and attain mastery over it, is 21. Only Elders may spend Devotion points across all three Orders. Equites and below are restricted to their Order’s Disciplines. One may choose to spend his points in any manner within his Order as he advances in rank. He may wish to work towards mastery of one complete Discipline or spread his points out to create a more diverse character.
It should be noted again here that the Discipline system does not open to the member until he reaches the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. The Dark Side Devotion Points (Discipline Points) he has earned to this point represent his time and study within his Order since the rank of Protector. The points are accrued in the meantime and used only upon reaching Dark Jedi Knight at which point he is able to begin purchasing Echelons within his Order.
There are currently five categories of rewards associated with the Discipline system. These rewards are meant to add both fictional and practical interest and depth to the Orders. They are reflective of things naturally associated with a particular Order and its three Disciplines. Rewards are bound to the Discipline under which they fall and do not transfer with the member should they change Disciplines or Orders.
It should also be understood that the reward system is modular and can and will change from time to time to meet the needs of a naturally evolving play environment. Some rewards mentioned below may be part of a phased release as the system is implemented over time. Also, rewards not covered in this outline may also appear after system implementation.
The five categories of rewards are as follows:
Reward Categories
Titles (T)
Displayed on dossier and reflective of member’s standing within the Discipline system.
Attributes (ATT)
Increased Attribute values used to enhance a character’s mental, physical and Force-related abilities.
Possessions (P)
Weapons, artifacts, and other items that are otherwise unavailable for purchase or trade. (Note: Feature disabled)
Grants (G)
Lightsabers, Discipline Tassets for WB, and robes or armor.
Skills (S)
Increased skill values used to enhance a character’s ability in Fighting Skills and Hand-to-Hand Styles.
Figure 1-9
Titles in the discipline system will be earned with each Echelon a member selects. Titles include First Echelon, Second Echelon, and Master all followed with the Discipline-specific suffix such as, “Second Echelon Marauder” or “Master Centurion”. The title rewarded will be displayed on the member’s dossier. In cases of multiple titles, the higher-Echelon title will be displayed. If a member owns multiple titles of the same Echelon, he may select which to display on his dossier.
Titles on dossiers would display as follows:
Marauder Title Examples
III Echelon
Master Marauder
II Echelon
Second Echelon Marauder
I Echelon
First Echelon Marauder
Figure 1-10
Small bonuses to a member’s Attributes are given in the Second and Third Echelons.
Possession rewards are currently disabled until the Possession System is completed. When available, the Discipline System will reward members with Order-related weapons, artifacts, and items that are not found anywhere else.
Grants represent Lightsabers, Discipline Tassets for Warbanners, Robes, and Armor awarded in various Echelons and are Discipline-specific. A member may choose to display any combination of these items he currently owns.
Additional Skill points are awarded in the First Echelon. These bonuses augment how proficient a character is in a given Fighting Skill or Hand-to-Hand Style.
A member may re-specify (re-spec) his character once every 90 days. This waiting period fictionally represents a fair amount of time for the character to transition to his newly chosen Discipline’s skills and abilities. Practically it prevents members from making daily changes that would not be conducive to things like ACC matches, vendettas, etc.
Upon attaining the rank of Dark Adept, the member has undergone what is known as Transcendence. Elders have risen above their respective Order to grasp concepts across the spectrum of power. Representing this quantum leap of knowledge in moving from the Equite to Elder ranks, each rank of Elder is awarded additional Dark Side Devotion points to select Echelons or entire Disciplines from any Order.
Ultimately, no member is capable of mastering every Discipline. If multiple titles are owned, the Elder may display whichever he desires.
Order Definitions & Discipline Descriptions
As in all other aspects of the Dark Side, the Brotherhood has pushed the known limitations of power and redefined what it means to be Dark Jedi. As with the names of our very ranks and Orders of power, to which we have become so accustomed, the titles of the various Disciplines may seem familiar, but hold meaning specific to that of the Brotherhood...
The Krath Order
Those who do not understand the allure of power often believe the Krath to be worthless bookworms, librarians who spend their time lost in the past. The wisdom of the past, and the lessons of those who have gone before are of great importance to the Krath - but they seek much more. To the Krath , knowledge – is – power, regardless of its source. From direct displays of raw, unbridled power, to the discovery of the enemy's secrets, Krath have long stood amongst the brethren in their pursuit of dominance.The history of the Krath is marred with madness and loss, the inevitable repercussions of too much power without sufficient control. Quickly delving deep into a power without the requisite command can have devastating effects, the wild power pushing the user to insanity. These lessons are chronicled, and the Order tries to avoid such pitfalls, but inevitably, it will still occur. Such vulgar displays of power, combined with the isolationist practices that constant study requires have helped sew distrust amongst the Brotherhood.The Krath draw their almost religious dedication to their path back to foundations as a Dark Side Cult in the Empress Teta system. Founded by idle rich socialites, they stumbled upon great power and used it to wreak havoc on the Jedi Order's temple at Ossus. Even then, their unkempt power and reckless ambition made them take unacceptable risks, their leader becoming apprentice to the Dark Lord of the Sith shortly before they were both defeated. Many Krath died at the enemy's hands, leaving a small number to retreat to their own lands, disappearing and allowing the galaxy to forget their very existence. In secret, the Krath Order would train select sensitives in the mysteries of the Force so that they could not only return to glory, but succeed without the intervention of the Sith, which was seen as destructive to the order.
From time to time, a Krath would climb to the pinnacle of power, their madness and hubris leading out of obscurity – and then cause such damage as they burned out, that the ripples from the events still impact us today. Perhaps most famous of these events came during the rise and fall of Tiamat, a sorceress of great power, who vainly thought she possessed the skill to harness the fury of a star. Her vanity and madness razed an entire star system killing herself and her cohorts.Ages later, another Dark Lord of the Sith felt the Krath and drew his gaze upon their power. Lord Jedgar Paladin, the second Sith Lord of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood had sensed the Krath's strength on his journeys near Cinnagar. He dispatched his Herald, Melan Pyr to join with them and to infiltrate their ranks, much as Qel-Droma had done ages earlier. Melan took to their teachings very quickly, working with Sebban Keto's students to rise to a position of power within the Krath.Grand Master Paladin then recalled his Herald, to learn what he had found. Melan brought with him the knowledge of the Krath, and the Dark Lord sent envoys with Melan back with an offer to join the Brotherhood, along with access to the Brotherhood's libraries and Holocrons. In exchange for sharing this wisdom, they would act as advisers for his Sith Warmasters. Many of the Krath abhorred Jedgar's new Brotherhood, and refused to repeat the mistake of trusting the Sith as Qel-Droma had done. Many others believed that to join with the Brotherhood presented them with the only opportunity to seize control again, and took the chance. The Krath split with their Cinnagar-bound brethren, becoming an Order of the Dark Brotherhood.
The Krath of the Brotherhood have been known to specialize in many differing fields of study, but the largest colleges of thought are called Sorcerers, Scholars and Alchemists.
Krath Sorcerer
“Among the Krath, these are the practitioners of illusion, enchantment, and manifestation.”
The fiercest and least scholastic appearing of the Krath, the Sorcerers are used as heavy artillery by the Brotherhood. A small cadre of Sorcerers can join power and use it to vicious effect on their enemies. The path of the sorcerer is long and arduous, the focus to harness such violent forces without succumbing to them requiring almost a singular devotion to the study of such things. Sometimes called 'Warlocks', the Sorcerers set themselves apart from the treacheries and intrigues of Brotherhood politics, having no time or patience for it. While this adds to the general feeling of mistrust that many feel for them, they still have no choice but to value their brutal effectiveness in battle.
Krath Scholar
“Krath Scholars have access to histories, lore, and tomes of knowledge the likes of which the other Orders can only dream.”
There are those who speak so infrequently that they are always heard. The scholars spend their lives focused on learning all that there is to know. Their encyclopedic knowledge and astute powers of observation make them indispensable as advisors, planners and aides in the near-constant power struggle of the Brotherhood. Their roles place them as 'powers behind the throne' in many cases, using their expertise to lend power to their Lord's cause. Particularly charismatic Scholars will sometimes seize power for themselves, using their own formidable wisdom to further their own cause instead of merely aiding others.
Krath Alchemist
“The Alchemists are dark engineers who work both flesh and steel into weapons of terrifying power.”
The monsters and machines of the Krath are renowned across the galaxy, often mistaken for the craftsmanship of the much more widely known Sith. But the Sith often lack the patience required for such technological or biological finesse. The Krath mindset is far more applicable to the decades of study required to learn these delicate and dangerous sciences. From bio-engineered and enhanced monsters and famed Krath War Droids to alchemically treated weapons and crystals, the Alchemists of the Krath Order have long contributed to the fighting forces of the Brotherhood.
The Sith Order
Twenty-five thousand years ago a revolutionary cast off the Jedi Order’s chains of stoic dogma and explored the full mysteries of the Force. Known only as Xendor, his explorations would lead to the realization that anger focused his power. This simple discovery led to the understanding that the true nature of the Force was found within emotion, not cut off from it. These events brought about the First Great Schism of Jedi, and thousands of years later led to the creation of our Order.
The Sith have had had many faces over the years, but our foundation has remained consistent. Strength is found in power. Our power is forged in the rule that governs all things. Survival is for the fittest. This is why the members of our order must suffer for every scrap of knowledge, this is why every secret gained is a journey into the nightmarish darkness, and this is why our apprentices slay their masters.
Our history can be traced back to many beginnings, but it is with Okemi that the Dark Brotherhood’s Sith Order truly begins. Over 5,000 years ago, the Sith Lord Okemi fled the wrath of Marka Ragnos and established his own empire. Born of pure Sith blood, Okemi was a powerful warrior who dominated all those before him. He would establish his seat of power in what we now know as the Antei System.
Okemi would form a triumvirate of power with two other beings who would encompass the abilities that would lead to the Obelisk and Krath Orders. The triumvirate crushed world after world, amassing power greater than any of the three could have accomplished alone; however, there was never a question of who was the most powerful. Okemi and the Sith ruled while the Krath and Obelisk served their desires. Though argued by others, the Sith Order still views this hierarchy as natural selection.
Okemi’s knowledge of the Dark Side and his conquests provided the Dark Brotherhood with a great many things, but this is where our homage to him ends. The Sith Order is not one of hero worship and certainly not one of blind devotion. Okemi’s successes and failures are lessons from which we may draw power, but not a grand design for our future. The Sith Order’s future is for the living to decide.
The sitting Grand Master remains the Dark Lord of the Sith and the architect of the Sith Order’s future. It is with the Grand Masters that we will move forward in our understanding that the Final Way is found in the knowledge that strength is power.
The Sith Order has defined three specific roles for its members in order to maximize our potential for conquest. The following are brief descriptions of these Disciplines and the powers associated with them.
Sith Marauder
“Marauders crave war and the Galaxy feeds them well.”
Cunning, intelligent, capable, the Marauder represents the soldier among the ranks of the Sith. Focusing on the martial aspects that can be augmented by the Force, he is concerned with little save the advancement of his skill in the art of war. Marauders will use any means available to them to accomplish a given task. Subtle suggestion through the Force, bribery, devastation; all are options within his consideration. Marauders are often those individuals who display a taste for war and the intelligence to wage it shrewdly.
Sith Inquisitor
“The Inquisitors are an institution among the SIth. Their skills are as necessary as those of the lightsaber and as difficult to master.”
When the Dark Brotherhood calls for reliable intelligence of enemy targets, Inquisitors provide the information. The source of that information can be manifold in nature. Be it derived through the violent interrogation of prisoners, the collated reports from innumerable spies, or the exhaustive examination of databases. The Inquisitor has taken on the role of the “Hand” used by generations of Sith Lords. Gaining intelligence, remaining cloaked in secrecy, and utilizing that intelligence to shape the future are the trademarks of the Inquisitor.
Sith Imperator
“To conquer is the birthright of all Sith, but to rule is that of the Imperator.”
The Sith Imperator believes that only the elite of the Sith Order are fit for command. Serving as the strategist of their order, the Imperator plans and coordinates the political and military schemes of the Dark Brotherhood. Based on the ancient traditions of the Sith Order, the Imperator leaves the actual execution of these machinations to those more suitable for the task: the expendable. Imperators view themselves as the elite caste of the Dark Brotherhood and will do everything they can to progress to positions of power.
The Obelisk Order
While often stereotyped as brash, aggressive brutes, the Obelisk are the acknowledged masters of personal combat and the arts of war. Represented as warriors, tacticians, and invisible-yet-deadly assassins, every Obelisk embodies the most destructive uses of the Dark Side. As masters of hand-to-hand combat and weaponry, they train apprentices in defense and the art of the lightsaber. In all things, the Obelisk serve as the warriors of the Brotherhood – whenever crises occur, Obelisk will soon stain the ground with the blood of their enemies.
Obelisk history is full of harsh lessons learned in the fiery forge of combat. Brotherhood scholars have traced the Obelisk history to a long-dead Jedi Knight. This Jedi's aggressive warrior instincts isolated him from the rest of his passive order, and he realized he could increase his power by unleashing his emotions. This quickly became his obsession, and he traveled the galaxy hoping to become the embodiment of war. Eventually he bent others to his will, amassed armies and assaulted planets for personal glory. Finally, amongst the carnage and destruction of his most violent battle, he discovered the purest expression of his corrupt desires and the Dark Side folded his weak mind into an unending cycle of narcissistic folly. Seeing their master felled by his weakness, his surviving apprentices fled the system, angry and determined not to repeat their master's mistakes. Instead, they established a small school to train willing men and women in the arts of war – a school whose few graduates would unleash terror across the galaxy.
Many years later, Grand Master Havok resigned, leaving the Dark Jedi Brotherhood in the hands of he who is now referred to as “The Other”. Concerned only with his superiority, he subverted the power of the Brotherhood, wasted precious resources, and needlessly sacrificed dozens of the dark brethren for his own twisted ends. This menace required tools for The Other to manipulate, and these tools were manifest in a cabal of elite warriors created for his own corrupt purposes. An adequate warrior at best, The Other sought out tomes on the arts of war, and his efforts were rewarded with the discovery of the ancient texts written by the long-dead Jedi's students. He passed on the teachings to his newly created warrior sect, and they swept through their Brethren, assassinating and silencing the opponents of The Other. The sect was called the Order of the Obelisk, a name harkening back to warriors of old.
As The Other’s intentions became known to the former Dark Lords and their Imperial allies, it became clear that the Grand Master could no longer hold the Iron Throne. A young Sith Warrior by the name of Jac Cotelin was hand-selected by Grand Master Paladin and Master Yoni to lead the assault against The Other. The battles were fierce, and the Other's warriors felled countless Dark Jedi – however the might of the Imperials and Jedi eventually overwhelmed The Other and his forces. In desperation he fled, leaving his remaining followers to prepare for a final stand, when the newly minted Grand Master Cotelin approached them with an offer – he would allow them to live, and give them full access to the ancient tomes The Other had left behind if they agreed to give their oath and blades to the Brotherhood. The cabal members, with no other options before them, agreed, and thus the modern Obelisk Order was born.
While sharing this common origin, today’s Obelisk have developed into three separate disciplines: Centurions, Paladins and Assassins.
Obelisk Centurion
“Centurions go where armies fear to tread.”
Centurions represent a philosophy utterly devoted to succeeding in combat; no matter the mission, no matter the cost. They spend their lives building themselves in the image of war with single-minded, often dogmatic training too arduous and demanding for all but a devout few. Indeed, members of the Brotherhood often refer to them as the “Ministers of War” - a title the fierce and merciless guardians of the Brotherhood have paid for in blood. But this training does not end with the physical, for their strength of mind is as impressive as that of their body. Their mental development is vital, for their valiant actions require far more than the power found in muscle alone. One Obelisk Centurion in the field is worth a legion of traditional warriors. The Brotherhood's leaders are well aware of this, which is the reason Centurions can always be found where the fires of war burn brightest.
Obelisk Paladin
“Paladins have plumbed the depths of the Force and made the most of its terrifying gifts.”
Paladins are the warrior-mages of the Obelisk Order, who formed from Obelisk seeking a broader skill set - wanting to become more than mere killing machines. Moving beyond the focus of pure physical prowess, Paladins base their system upon the teachings of the Matukai. These ancient Force-adepts sought balance between the physical and spiritual forms of combat through strenuous exercise and frequent meditation. The Paladin's meditations lead them to a deeper understanding of the nature of the Force, and this self-exploration allows for unusual adaptations of traditional Obelisk abilities.
Obelisk Assassin
“Where the Obelisk Order’s hammer in war is the Centurion; the Assassin is its scalpel.”
Virtuosos in the arts of silent death, Obelisk Assassins are consummate killers and often the first choice when considering the use of force against an enemy. Formed around Obelisk who lusted after the challenge of assignments thought impossible, the Discipline has guided and honed assassins for whom failure is a stranger. Specific details of the discipline's development are shrouded by mystery and disinformation as is the assassin’s way. But they are known as masters of infiltration, subterfuge, and evasion. They can be found in the employ of every leader in the Brotherhood. Their missions are meticulously planned and executed – the target of a Master Assassin will always be sent to the next world in ignorance of his own death. With the Dark Side guiding their skilled hands, these operatives are true harbingers of death.
Changing Orders
If a member wishes to change Orders to explore other Disciplines, or for any other reason, he may do so once every 90 days to coincide with the time window allotted for re-specifying Disciplines. He may then remove all his Devotion points from the Discipline system, apply to the Master at Arms for Order reassignment, and then reinvest his Devotion points in the Disciplines of his new Order.
Elders may change Orders whenever they wish since they have achieved Transcendence and have access to all nine Disciplines. They only need notify the MAA of their desire to choose a new Order.
- Sith Warlord Raken
- SWL Raken (Sith)/P:GM-T:F/Rogue – Designer, Author
- ED / SB / GC-PoDP / SC / AC-ToDS / DC-SP / GN-AgL / SN / BN / Cr-1D-2R-6A-7S-9E-2T-1Q / CF / DSS-BL / SI / SoL-BE / LS-PL / S:-10D-3Dk-16P
- Grand Master Darth Sarin
- GM Darth Sarin (Sith)/GM-EP-Wiki/Dark Council – Designer, Author
- DS / ED / AK / SB / SC / AC-ToSH / DC-BP / Cr-1A-4S-4E-1T-1Q / CF-RF / DSS-AgL / SI-BL / SoF-AgL / SoL-TC / LS-AuL / S:-1C-2D-2Dk-23P{SA: MVN - DML - DMP}
- Dark Jedi Master Muz Keibatsu Sadow
- DJM Muz Keibatsu Sadow (Krath)/DGM/Dark Council – Author, Artist
- SL / DS / ED / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoH / AC-ToSC / DC-GP / GN-AgL / SN-AgL / Cr-3R-3A-5S-5E-1T-2Q / PoB / CF-SF / DSS-PL / SI-AuL / SoF / SoL-BE / LS-EL / S:-9M-9R-6Al-7C-8D-3Do-2Dk-29P{SA: DML - DMW - DMP - DSLC}
- Dark Jedi Master Kir Katarn
- DJM Kir Katarn (Obelisk)/JST/Chamber of Justice – Author
- ED / RS / AK / SB / GC-PoTP / SC-CoP / AC-ToSH / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN-AgL / BN / Cr-2D-6R-6A-6S-7E-1T-1Q / CF-SF / DSS-AgL / SI-PL / SoF-BL / SoL-BE / LS-GL / S:-29M-8R-1Al-3D-2Do-2Dk-5P{SA: MVN - SVT}
- Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Rokir
- DJM Halcyon Rokir (Sith)/CON-Wiki/Clan Taldryan – Author
- ED / AK / SB / GC-PoTP / SC-CoI / AC-RoO / DC-DP / GN-AuL / SN-AgL / BN-AuL / Cr-3D-10R-12A-4S-9E-6T-17Q / CF-SF / DSS-AgL / SI-AgL / SoF-AuL / SoL-BE / LS-GL / S:-12M-6R-5Al-10C-25D-2Do-4Dk-24P{SA: MVN - SVT}
- Grand Master Jac Cotelin
- GM Jac Cotelin (Sith)/SCL/Dark Council – Editor, Coder
- GLS / SL / DS / ED / RS / AK / SB / GC-PoIT / SC-CoT / AC-ToSL / DC-GP / GN-AuL / SN-AuL / BN-AgL / Cr-2D-3A-1S-3E-1T-1Q / CF-PF / DSS-EL / SI-AgL / SoL-BE / LS-PL / S:-28M-1R-1Al-1C-3D-1Do-15Dk-13P