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Souls of Darkness is the Elite Special Unit of House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae.
While the Souls of Darkness had rather humble beginnings as a training team under the reign of Impetus, the team has undergone many changes to reach its current incarnation.
It currently acts as the Elite Guard for the Quaestor, after having been reorganized by Thran Occasus and brought back into action as a functional team.
The Souls of Darkness also consists of three teams, one led by the Commander with four (total) members, and the other two teams (four total each) led by the flight leaders. The Commander him/herself leads the whole team as one. The separate teams, or squads, often stick together, but in cases of separation, the flight leaders assume the commanding role.
In its first role as a training team, Souls of Darkness had two Commanders, Horus Blackheart and Thran Occasus.
Currently it is lead by Eludajae M'Nar.
Current Roster
- 1. Eludajae M'Nar - Commander
- 2. Impetus Korin-M'Nar Palpatine
- 3. Xathia
- 4. Corin Nal'kethar
- 5. Malaki - Flight Leader
- 6. Jack "Jackal" Okason
- 7. TBA
- 8. TBA
- 9. Camord - Flight Leader
- 10. Tyno
- 11. TBA
- 12. Ylith Atema
Specializations are skills or training that a member of the battle team has. These specializations are varied, though all are useful, and important to the success of the missions. The following is the list of specializations.
Communications, Sniper, Scout, Combat Medic, Environment specialist, Heavy Weapons specialist, Assault, Vehicle Specialist, Technician, Demolitions Specialist, and Close combat specialist.
Communications specialization is the man (or woman) in charge of relaying messages to and from elements of the command structure and the team, as well as signaling, and decoding of enemy messages. They have extra equipment on their back: a long range miniature communications array, a large datapad with specialist programming to assist with cracking codes, and signal recognition, and a video-audio recording system, to allow for target recognition, reconnaissance, and range finding.
DH-122 Sniper Rifle
Sniper specialization requires a high level of marksmanship skill, coupled with steady nerve, and light and ease of movement. They are used for taking out specific targets, guards, sentries, or sighting targets, surveillance and reconnaissance. They have extra equipment: a DH-112 sniper rifle, with silencer, and infra-red laser marker, improved optical visor, and specialist servo-assisted armor to allow for quieter movement.
Scout specialization is the understanding and use of different techniques of tracking and reconnaissance. The Scout is most commonly the Point man on the ground, as he can track a target by subtle signs in the area around him. The Scout is also the survival specialist, knowing what you can and cannot eat, as well as where to get fresh water. The Scout and the Environment Specialist work closely together, to allow for more accurate information collection and survival techniques.
Combat Medics are men and woman who have received extensive first aid training, as well as minor surgical training, to allow them to administer quick, and excellent assistance to any member of the team who has been injured in battle, be it a sprained ankle, or a laser bolt to the chest. The extra equipment is obvious: A medical backpack, full of all the different items he might need during an operation, such as bacta packs, and a roll of surgical instruments, along with a hardened datapad to assist with diagnosis, and treatment.
The Environment Specialist’s job is exactly as his title says: He knows exactly what to expect in the environments they would be encountering, and if he doesn’t, he knows how to find a way around it. He and the Scout work close together when it comes to survival and tracking the each environment. The Specialist also has another important job. If there is an area or world with an extremely hazardous atmosphere, or problem surrounding it, for example a high-radiation area, the Specialist is required to complete this mission or part of the mission himself. He is the usually the only one with this sort of experience.
The Heavy Weapons Specialist is the main destructive force in the unit (except for the Demolitions Specialist of course). Equipped with the mighty DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle, which fires rapidly, with high powered bolts, a Heavy Weapons Specialist can take down speeders, and speeder bikes, and can have a devastating effect on buildings, and personal. He also has a program in his Heads Up Display to allow for easier targeting, and threat determination.
The Rapid Assault Specialist job is to be the first one through the door in any situation. He has to assess the situation, and designate targets of highest threat in seconds. Specialist programming in his helmet assist with this, and a high-speed connection between him and the rest of the unit spreads the information quickly. The Rapid Assault Specialist is equipped with T-21 Rifle, which is considered a very good light repeating rifle. He is also equipped with detachable thigh guards, and stronger chest and leg armor to protect him.
A Vehicle Specialist’s primary role is to maintain and use the small fleet of ground vehicles that the unit has been assigned, as well as assisting the technical specialist with major repairs when needed. He is equipped with a technical datapad with all the schematics he could need, as well as manuals on the use of various craft, whether they were brought with, or ‘procured’ during the mission.
The Technical Specialist is in charge of maintaining all the equipment that the unit has with them, be it a simple malfunctioning commlink, or the hyperdrive on the Transport. Either instance, he is in charge of repairing, or jerry rigging a solution. The technical Specialist is also in charge of slicing computers, and other various activities that fall around this category. A special datapad used for slicing, as well as repairing equipment is issued to this Specialist.
A Demolitions Specialist needs to be someone with a feather touch and nerves of steel. Their job is to manufacture or build explosive devices, set them, then set them off. It also helps to be a bit mad. Another function of the Demolitions Specialist is bomb disposal, to remove bombs from where they ought not to be. This Specialist has various tools needed for building explosive devices, as well as a small store of explosive material.
Close Combat Specialists are usually buff, and worn men and woman, whose sole specialty is to defeat his or her opponent in close combat be it with a knife, or just hands and feet. While this specialization isn’t commonly employed, this specialist must also keep the rest of the unit trained and fit. He or she is also the physical and mental officer of the unit, making sure everyone is fit and healthy of the body and of the mind.
Roll of Proselytes
Ylith Atema - Proselyte of Defiance - May 2008
Eludajae M'Nar - Proselyte of Shadows - April 2008
Jack "Jackal" Okason - Proselyte of Fury - March 2008
Impetus Korin-M'Nar Palpatine - Proselyte of Subtlety - February 2008
Camord - Proselyte of Ice - January 2008
Corin Nal'kethar - Proselyte of Storms - December 2007
Syphoc Rilkel Kaeth - Proselyte of Knowledge - November 2007
Nokkon Wun - Proselyte of Tenacity - October 2007
Xathia - Proselyte of Wisdom - September 2007
Phantom Mandalore - Proselyte of Rain - August 2007
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae – Proselyte of Fire - July 2007
Yzarc Rellik – Proselyte of Sapphire – June 2007
Fionn dan Locut'hal - Proselyte of Stone - May 2007
Tyno - Proselyte of Swords - April 2007
Cethgus – Proselyte of Horns - March 2007
Niemand – Proselyte of Erudition - February 2007
Malaki – Proselyte of Retribution - January 2007
File:SoD-2.jpgSouls of Darkness Armour Set.
The armor that the unit wears has many different functions. The most important of course, is protection. The armor gives similar or better protection against blasters than common Stormtrooper armor, and nearly full protection against ballistic weaponry. While the thigh plates have been removed to save space, and increase speed and agility, the fibers of their combat pants are woven with a stiff synthetic material to be resistant to most forms of martial attacks, but are mostly useless against ballistic or blaster attacks.
Another function of the armor is also a protection based function, but protecting against the environment. The basic set of armor can filter out most toxins, and is water tight, with a small air tank built in with a one hour supply of air.
Lastly, the helmet has several improvements. The visor is auto-shading, so when a flash bang grenade goes off nearby, for example, the trooper isn’t totally blinded. The helmet can also deaden the sound of said grenade, and most sonic weapons. There is a small holocam just above the wearer’s left eye, which sends recorded information to the communications specialist’s equipment to be analyzed later if needed.
Currently, membership in the Souls of Darkness is earned by being named the member of the month for House Caliburnus.
See Also