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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Saarin Vahn is a low-level member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, a follower of the Order of Obelisk and Clansman of Arcona, belonging to the house of Galeres. He currently studies under the tutelage of his master, Cethgus Entar.

Saarin Vahn is a mid-level member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, a follower of the Order of Obelisk and Clansman of Arcona, belonging to the house of Galeres. He currently studies under the tutelage of his master, Cethgus Entar.
== Biography ==
=== Prologue ===
Saarin Vahn grew up on the mining planet of Kessel. Born unto slave parents, his father was a miner, and his mother served drinks to the miners and passing patrons of one of the smaller cantinas near the shipping yards. Saarin grew up very early learning many things about many planets and star systems, by eavesdropping on the conversations of freighter pilots, passing mercenaries and even the occasional Pirate. He spent his younger years cleaning the floors and washing the dishes of the cantina his mother served in. Though, once he reached the age of twelve he was sold to another slaver who owned a dig in the mines of Kessel. Saarin spent the next eight years of his life in those mines, and in spite of the constant inhaled spice dusts and particles, he was stronger, and had a better stamina than that of a normal human of his age and weight. Though he knew the spice mines were little more than a long term death sentence, ever since he'd been sent there he had devised plans of escaping.  

== Character History ==

=== Early Years & Kessel Run ===
On a moonless summer night, he and a band of would be rebels, crept their way to the docking bay with a security access card and a few stolen blasters, and a pilot itching to get back to the cockpit. Once they made their attempt to escape they were caught up in a small skirmish, and an unexpected adversary was there to greet them, an old colleague of the pilot and renowned pirate; former first mate of his previous ship and a Mandalorian none the less. It was in this battle that Saarin lost the use of his right arm, when the Mandalorian, Kandar of clan Ordo, severed it from his body at the elbow with a vibrosword. Though it was also, in this battle that he first unlocked the hidden abilities he never suspected he had, by using a powerful version of force push, allowing himself to make a sprint for the ship. He and the old captain, Felnorr, were the only two to successfully make the escape, though just barley. Saarin knew that somehow his troubles were only just beginning and that adventure and danger was about to consume his destiny.
Saarin Vahn grew up on the mining planet of Kessel. Born unto slave parents, his father was a miner, and his mother served drinks to the miners and passing patrons of one of the smaller cantinas near the shipping yards. Saarin grew up very early learning many things about many planets and star systems, by eavesdropping on the conversations of freighter pilots, passing mercenaries and even the occasional Pirate. He spent his younger years cleaning the floors and washing the dishes of the cantina his mother served in. Though once he reached the age of twelve he was sold to another slaver who owned a dig in the mines of Kessel. Saarin spent the next eight years of his life in those mines, and in spite of the constant inhaled spice dusts and particles, he was stronger, and had a better stamina than that of a normal, human of his age and weight. Though he knew the spice mines were little more than a long term death
sentence, ever since he'd been sent there he had devised plans of escaping. On a moonless summer night, he and a band of would be rebels, crept their way to the docking bay with a security access card and a few stolen blasters, and a pilot itching to get back to the cockpit. Once they made their Attempt to escape they were caught up in a small skirmish, and an unexpected adversary was there to greet them, an old colleague of the pilot and renowned pirate; former first mate of his previous ship and a Mandalorian none the less. It was in this battle that Saarin lost the use of his right arm, when the Mandalorian Kandar severed it from his body at the elbow with a vibrosword. Though it was also, in this battle that he first unlocked the hidden abilities he never suspected he had, by using a powerful version of force push, allowing himself to make a sprint for the ship. He and the old captain Felnorr were the only two, to successfully make the escape, though just barley. Saarin knew that somehow his troubles were only just beginning, and that adventure and danger was about to consume his destiny.

=== Sour Dealings ===
Two months after the events of his great escape from Kessel, Saarin found himself a job as a pirate and smuggler working for Felnorr. He was Felnorr's personal bodyguard and copilot when they went on raids and smuggle runs. Though the job itself was not the safest or the most legal of jobs one could have, the pay was quite decent and company was hospitable. In a particular smuggle run; he and Felnorr were to drop off a stolen shipment of weapons in a meeting place of the buyer's choice. It was a simple trade, weapons for credits. Though the result could not have been farther from simple. The two bags supposed to be filled with Credits, were actually filled with two twin bombs, small sized nukes to be exact. Saarin and Felnorr had to shoot their way out of the situation only to see the blast go off from high orbit, knowing the buyers were not privy to the contents, meaning someone else was behind the coup. After this occurrence, Felnorr tried to get Saarin recruited to the New Jedi Order, though, due to his unpredictable nature, and anger prone personality, Saarin was not accepted. After he was dismissed from the testing, Felnorr decided Saarin needed to go to the Sith Academy on Korriban. He contacted an old friend, with the information, and gave Saarin money to barter passage. Only months later Saarin Vahn was a full-fledged initiate in the Dark Brotherhood and it was here, that his true Destiny would begin.
2 months after the events of his great escape from Kessel, Saarin found himself a job as a pirate and smuggler working for Felnorr. He was Felnorr's personal bodyguard and copilot when they went on raids and smuggle runs. Though the job itself was not the safest or the most legal of jobs one could have, the pay was quite decent and company was hospitable. In a particular smuggle run; he and Felnorr were to drop off a stolen shipment of weapons in a meeting place of the buyer’s choice. It was a simple trade, weapons for creds. Though the result could not have been farther from simple. The two bags supposed to be filled with Credits, were actually filled with two twin bombs, small sized nukes to be exact. Saarin and Felnorr had to shoot their way out of the situation only to see the blast go off from high orbit, knowing the buyers were not privy to the contents, meaning someone else was behind the coup. After this occurrence, Felnorr tried to get Saarin recruited to the New Jedi Order, though, due to his unpredictable nature, and anger prone personality, Saarin was not accepted. After he was dismissed from the testing, Felnorr decided Saarin needed to go to the Sith Academy on Korriban. He contacted an old friend, with the information, and gave Saarin money to barter passage. Only months later Saarin Vahn was a full-fledged initiate in the Dark Brotherhood.

[[File:Saarin-Vahn_SSPic02.jpg|200px|thumb|left|alt text]]  
[[File:Saarin-Vahn_SSPic02.jpg|200px|thumb|left|alt text]]  

=== Promiscuous Encounters ===
Almost 2 year after making it into the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood, Saarin was invited to a Pazaak tournament, being held on Coruscant at a Pazaak Cantina. The buy in was steep but Saarin had a good feeling, though needing transportation, he sought out one of his old spice contacts during his work with Felnorr, and borrowed a small freighter for 3 days. After finally making it to the tournament at the Cantina, having endured something of a small adventure just making the trip there, Saarin bought a seat in the high stakes. Several hours of card dealing, and several dozen matches later, Saarin was named the Grand prize winner, and walked out with a hard case filled with over 15,000 credits. As he made his way out of the Cantina he was approached by a most Promiscuous looking Twi'lek, who offered him a night of passion he would not soon forget. Saarin agreed, and after a more than satisfying performance,
from both, he made ready to leave for his starship, though he was interrupted on his way our when he heard the cries of the young Twi'lek and the sounds of a scuffle with more than one Gamorreon came from that very room. Saarin returned to see what the commotion was about, when he witnessed the gamorreons beating her, he was filled with rage, drawing from a memory he had of his mother being beaten by their master for breaking a window which was his fault. Though he was unarmed he channeled the Force to create a great arc of electricity which ran through 2 of the gamorreons, and the other Saarin killed with his bare hands. After learning that she, the Twi'lek, was previously an accountant for a weapons manufacturer, and sold into slavery to pay her bosses gambling debts, Saarin helped her escape to a remote, yet settled, planet unmolested by the control of the Hutts. During their journey however, the two grew close, and a relationship sparked between them, though Sith just as much as the Jedi believe Love is dangerous, Saarin could not help but feel just that, Love. After their arrival on the planet, he left her with half his money and promise to return to start a life together. Though on his way back to the star port he was approached by a man that bore grim news for Saarin. Felnorr had been killed.
=== Vengeance ===
After the death of his close friend and mentor Felnorr, Saarin felt an obligation to track down the murderer's who'd killed him. Saarin tracked them as far as Nar Shadaa, though they were hidden well, and in their own element, Saarin was out of his. After days of asking around and searching cantinas they might frequent, luck, or the Force, saw favor for Saarin, a low level enforcer, a thug, connected to the suspects of his friends murder; Saarin followed him back to his hideout, which was located on an abandoned space station in orbit of Nar Shadaa. Once inside, Saarin knew he'd need to make his way to the atrium. He fought through waves of bandits, raiders, pirates, and mercenary thugs, to finally get the culprit, the one pulling the strings, and the one whom gave to order to off Felnorr, Kandar Ordo, the Mandalorian, who years ago had taken Saarin's arm during his escape from Kessel...

== Appearance & Personality ==
== Appearance & Personality ==
=== Physical Appearance ===
Saarin Vahn stands at a height of 6' 2" with broad shoulders, large arms and well defined muscles. His head is bald, though he still yet remains capable of growing a beard, Which is is as sable as space itself. He has styled it with a single large braid about 8 inches in length and fashioned it with dark circlets to retain its figure. His eyes are very bright grey, almost silver in color. He wears black robes with a hood, accompanied with hardened composite plates protecting his chest forearms and shins. His voice can be described as baritone, but with a very commanding and booming sensation. Aside from his well defined melancholies, his body is scarred from his many battles, atop and beneath the scarification, are the tattoos of a Sith devotee. Few Sith have done this, of the few Darth Maul was one, the process and ritual one must undergo is one of extreme pain, however Saarin only elected to received the Black designs caring not, for the red designs.

== Physical Appearance ==
Saarin Vahn is very tall standing at about 6' 2". He has a very muscular body, much attributed to that of his youth years working manual labor in the kessel spice mines. His hair has completely fallen out of his head, due in most part to his former work conditions on kessel. He has an intimidating brutish beard, very long; with a single large braid about 8 inches in length, which he adorns with dark circlets to retain its figure. His eyes are very bright grey, almost silver in color. His robes are made up of hardened composite plating and rough dark leathers and cloth; his voice can be described as baritone, but with a very commanding and booming sensation. his body is scarred from his many battles and is covered in the tattoos of a Sith devotee. Few Dark Jedi have done this, of the few Darth Maul was one, the process and ritual one must undergo is one of extreme pain, however Saarin only received the Black designs, he
did not care to receive the red designs.

=== Personality ===
Though callous and hard on the outside, Saarin still holds some of the Jedi's teachings of kindness and humility in his heart, though he has buried them so far that many would doubt they exist. He is a recluse my nature, not outgoing like many in the brotherhood. He cares not for camaraderie, but instead results. Over a life time, Saarin has bottled his rage, storing it for battle, turning it into a weapon of its own, an undeniable, unquenchable thirst for violence and a blood-lust for the death and downfall of all Jedi.

== Personality ==

Saarin has grown to be cold and ruthless in his years as a Dark Jedi. Loosing friends and the few family he had, has taken its toll on his ability to care, some might even say, he has become callous to all emotion, though anger and frustration are still a frequent visitor to his temperament.He once loved a woman, whom he intended to marry, though again, through lack of luck, or will of the Force, she left him for another, he was so furious, blaming himself, and from then on decided love was an invalid emotion based from a mix of lust and hormones, though some part of him still wishes to believe in love, it is a waning thought, that it ever existed. Saarin's ability to control his anger astonishing, however, in comparison to those around him, his peers, would all cave in to the intensity of anger he experiences daily and would lash out without regard of consequence, though Saarin is a natural tactician, never making a move without knowing its result 2 steps ahead. Saarin uses his bottled rage for battle, turning it into a weapon unto itself, an undeniable, unquenchable thirst for violence and lust for the death and downfall of all Jedi. This also allows him to access force rage and use it to infuse his attacks with a more powerful, more precise strike.

== Facts & Trivia ==
=== Positions Held ===
* (Former) Assistant Battle Team Leader of Revenance Virtuom

== DJB Facts ==
=== Positions Held ===
* Assistant Battle Team Leader (Revenance Virtuom)

=== Outstanding Achievements ===
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
* Consistently High Shadow Academy Exam Scores
* High Scores in the Shadow Academy Exams
* Dark Maven of Combat
* Dark Maven of Combat
* Record Fast, Back to Back Promotion
* Record Fast, Back to Back Promotion

== Trivia ==

=== Facts About Character ===
=== Facts About Saarin Vahn ===
* My Characters First Name Saarin (S-air-in) is derived from the main villain from Mass Effect: Saren.
* My Characters First Name Saarin (S-air-in) is derived from the main villain from Mass Effect: Saren.
* The Surname of my Character: Vahn (Von) comes from a mix of Van (my dream vehicle) and Khan as in Genghis Khan, the Conqueror and    Emperor of Ancient Mongolia/China, several thousand Years ago.
* The Surname of my Character: Vahn (Von) comes from a mix of Van (my dream vehicle) and Khan as in Genghis Khan, the Conqueror and    Emperor of Ancient Mongolia/China, several thousand Years ago.
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* His loss of arm is greatly inspired by Anakin Skywalkers, though I doubt few whom have a cybernetic arm could say theirs was not.
* His loss of arm is greatly inspired by Anakin Skywalkers, though I doubt few whom have a cybernetic arm could say theirs was not.
* Saarin's No BS style of Combat is heavily reliant on brute force, centering his focus on two handed strikes and a killing blow; he also often makes use of feints (deceptive strikes intended as a ploy to distract and set up ones opponent for a more disabling blow).
* Saarin's No BS style of Combat is heavily reliant on brute force, centering his focus on two handed strikes and a killing blow; he also often makes use of feints (deceptive strikes intended as a ploy to distract and set up ones opponent for a more disabling blow).

=== Facts About Me ===
=== Facts About Me ===
In real life (RL) I’m:  
In real life (RL) I'm:  
* Just as much a medieval history and swordsmanship enthusiast as I am a Star Wars fanatic.  
* Just as much a medieval history and swordsmanship enthusiast as I am a Star Wars fanatic.  
* Working as a temp for a Staffing Agency
* Working as a temp for a Staffing Agency
* Saving towards buying a 1985-92 Chevy Work Van, or a 1969-74 Chevy Nova.
* Saving towards buying a Harley Davidson
* Moderately proficient in the use of mods using .py type files.
* Moderately proficient in the use of mods using .py type files.
* Moderately skilled in the use of Photoshop (enough to make Lightsaber blades and desktop background themes by meshing images together forming a mural).
* Moderately skilled in the use of Photoshop (enough to make Lightsaber blades and desktop background themes by meshing images together forming a mural).
* Working on texturing and re-skinning skills for modding games and I have used map editors and have a small amount of skill with 3D Image rendering Software.
* Working on texturing and re-skinning skills for modding games and I have used map editors and have a small amount of skill with 3D Image rendering Software.
* A Hobbyist who enjoys crafting Lightsabers for fan films, full contact sparring and decoration.
* A Hobbyist who enjoys crafting Lightsabers for fan films and full contact sparring.
* Lucky I've never lost a finger during full contact sparring matches with blunted blades and friends with aggression issues.
* Lucky I've never lost a finger during full contact sparring matches with blunted blades and friends with aggression issues.
[[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[Category: Rogue]]

Revision as of 08:01, 28 June 2012

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File:Saarin-Vahn SSPic01.jpg
Saarin Vahn
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

13 ABY

Physical Description













Right Arm

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Order of Obelisk, Clan Arcona

Known masters:

Cethgus Entar



[ Source ]

Saarin Vahn is a low-level member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, a follower of the Order of Obelisk and Clansman of Arcona, belonging to the house of Galeres. He currently studies under the tutelage of his master, Cethgus Entar.



Saarin Vahn grew up on the mining planet of Kessel. Born unto slave parents, his father was a miner, and his mother served drinks to the miners and passing patrons of one of the smaller cantinas near the shipping yards. Saarin grew up very early learning many things about many planets and star systems, by eavesdropping on the conversations of freighter pilots, passing mercenaries and even the occasional Pirate. He spent his younger years cleaning the floors and washing the dishes of the cantina his mother served in. Though, once he reached the age of twelve he was sold to another slaver who owned a dig in the mines of Kessel. Saarin spent the next eight years of his life in those mines, and in spite of the constant inhaled spice dusts and particles, he was stronger, and had a better stamina than that of a normal human of his age and weight. Though he knew the spice mines were little more than a long term death sentence, ever since he'd been sent there he had devised plans of escaping.

On a moonless summer night, he and a band of would be rebels, crept their way to the docking bay with a security access card and a few stolen blasters, and a pilot itching to get back to the cockpit. Once they made their attempt to escape they were caught up in a small skirmish, and an unexpected adversary was there to greet them, an old colleague of the pilot and renowned pirate; former first mate of his previous ship and a Mandalorian none the less. It was in this battle that Saarin lost the use of his right arm, when the Mandalorian, Kandar of clan Ordo, severed it from his body at the elbow with a vibrosword. Though it was also, in this battle that he first unlocked the hidden abilities he never suspected he had, by using a powerful version of force push, allowing himself to make a sprint for the ship. He and the old captain, Felnorr, were the only two to successfully make the escape, though just barley. Saarin knew that somehow his troubles were only just beginning and that adventure and danger was about to consume his destiny.

Two months after the events of his great escape from Kessel, Saarin found himself a job as a pirate and smuggler working for Felnorr. He was Felnorr's personal bodyguard and copilot when they went on raids and smuggle runs. Though the job itself was not the safest or the most legal of jobs one could have, the pay was quite decent and company was hospitable. In a particular smuggle run; he and Felnorr were to drop off a stolen shipment of weapons in a meeting place of the buyer's choice. It was a simple trade, weapons for credits. Though the result could not have been farther from simple. The two bags supposed to be filled with Credits, were actually filled with two twin bombs, small sized nukes to be exact. Saarin and Felnorr had to shoot their way out of the situation only to see the blast go off from high orbit, knowing the buyers were not privy to the contents, meaning someone else was behind the coup. After this occurrence, Felnorr tried to get Saarin recruited to the New Jedi Order, though, due to his unpredictable nature, and anger prone personality, Saarin was not accepted. After he was dismissed from the testing, Felnorr decided Saarin needed to go to the Sith Academy on Korriban. He contacted an old friend, with the information, and gave Saarin money to barter passage. Only months later Saarin Vahn was a full-fledged initiate in the Dark Brotherhood and it was here, that his true Destiny would begin.

File:Saarin-Vahn SSPic02.jpg
alt text

Appearance & Personality

Physical Appearance

Saarin Vahn stands at a height of 6' 2" with broad shoulders, large arms and well defined muscles. His head is bald, though he still yet remains capable of growing a beard, Which is is as sable as space itself. He has styled it with a single large braid about 8 inches in length and fashioned it with dark circlets to retain its figure. His eyes are very bright grey, almost silver in color. He wears black robes with a hood, accompanied with hardened composite plates protecting his chest forearms and shins. His voice can be described as baritone, but with a very commanding and booming sensation. Aside from his well defined melancholies, his body is scarred from his many battles, atop and beneath the scarification, are the tattoos of a Sith devotee. Few Sith have done this, of the few Darth Maul was one, the process and ritual one must undergo is one of extreme pain, however Saarin only elected to received the Black designs caring not, for the red designs.


Though callous and hard on the outside, Saarin still holds some of the Jedi's teachings of kindness and humility in his heart, though he has buried them so far that many would doubt they exist. He is a recluse my nature, not outgoing like many in the brotherhood. He cares not for camaraderie, but instead results. Over a life time, Saarin has bottled his rage, storing it for battle, turning it into a weapon of its own, an undeniable, unquenchable thirst for violence and a blood-lust for the death and downfall of all Jedi.

Facts & Trivia

Positions Held

  • (Former) Assistant Battle Team Leader of Revenance Virtuom

Outstanding Achievements

  • High Scores in the Shadow Academy Exams
  • Dark Maven of Combat
  • Record Fast, Back to Back Promotion

Facts About Saarin Vahn

  • My Characters First Name Saarin (S-air-in) is derived from the main villain from Mass Effect: Saren.
  • The Surname of my Character: Vahn (Von) comes from a mix of Van (my dream vehicle) and Khan as in Genghis Khan, the Conqueror and Emperor of Ancient Mongolia/China, several thousand Years ago.
  • Saarin's beard is styled after a depiction from a Norseman (Viking) warrior in a Computer Game.
  • His Eyes were inspired from Riddick from movie series The Chronicles of Riddick.
  • His physical build could be comparable to the actor who played King Leonidas from the movie 300.
  • His loss of arm is greatly inspired by Anakin Skywalkers, though I doubt few whom have a cybernetic arm could say theirs was not.
  • Saarin's No BS style of Combat is heavily reliant on brute force, centering his focus on two handed strikes and a killing blow; he also often makes use of feints (deceptive strikes intended as a ploy to distract and set up ones opponent for a more disabling blow).

Facts About Me

In real life (RL) I'm:

  • Just as much a medieval history and swordsmanship enthusiast as I am a Star Wars fanatic.
  • Working as a temp for a Staffing Agency
  • Saving towards buying a Harley Davidson
  • Moderately proficient in the use of mods using .py type files.
  • Moderately skilled in the use of Photoshop (enough to make Lightsaber blades and desktop background themes by meshing images together forming a mural).
  • Working on texturing and re-skinning skills for modding games and I have used map editors and have a small amount of skill with 3D Image rendering Software.
  • A Hobbyist who enjoys crafting Lightsabers for fan films and full contact sparring.
  • Lucky I've never lost a finger during full contact sparring matches with blunted blades and friends with aggression issues.