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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|eyes= Dark Blue
|eyes= Dark Blue
|Allies = [[Rasilvenaira]]
|era= djb era
|era= djb era
|affiliation= [[Clan Scholae Palatinae]]
|affiliation= [[Clan Scholae Palatinae]]

Revision as of 13:09, 7 April 2007

Template:Obbie charinfo Cethgus is a Dark Jedi Knight of Clan Scholae Palatinae, and currently resides in House Caliburnus

Character History

Normal days work

It was a sunny day on the planet Iridonia, as the Zabrak prepared to go to work with his father, who was called Kurmeq, had green eyed man with wrinkles across his face and a small scar across his face with a horn missing from his head, He also had a horn that touched another one but this is a different story all together. As Xedhur walked into the Kitchen "Hello Mother" Xedhur said. The woman turned and looked at her son. She had an apron on and she was working over a stove making some breakfast. Her face worn and she had black bags under her eyes where she hadn’t got mush sleep because she worries too much. " Why haven’t you had much sleep Mother" Xedhur asked. "Don’t ask that," Belya snapped at her son. "I on." Xedhur stop knowing his Mother would give him a punishment if he went on any more. "Breakfast is ready," She said putting a plate of food in front of Xedhur. "Thank you" Xedhur said to his mother. He sat down at the table and started to eat while thoughts about why his mother wasn’t sleeping went through his head. He slowly took a drink from his cup and then got back to the breakfast his mother had made him. Once he had finished he slowly went to the sink and started to wash the dish and the cup then he put them onto the shelf where they belonged and then wiped his hands dry and went out side. Out side of his family house Xedhur found his father standing there waiting for him "I’ve been waiting for you we are behind on the schedule" said Kurmeq to his son. "Sorry Father" Xedhur replied " Shall we start to go to the dealer then?" Xedhur asked Kurmeq nodded and replied, "Yes lets". The two Zabrak’s got into a speeder as Kurmeq sat into the passenger seat and Xedhur into the driver’s seat. "You know I hate your speeder why do you keep it Xedhur" Kurmeq asked "Because it is the fastest way of getting to places father and I had to save a lot of credits to get this speeder, So I am not going to sell it ok" Xedhur said to his father. The two Zabraks started to travel towards the dealer and to the market. "So father why every single day do we have to travel towards this market place" Xedhur asked. His Father looked at him "You want food on the table, roof over your head " Kurmeq replied. As Xedhur saw the market place slowly coming closer. Then they saw the same old business of the market as they saw the Jawas trying to sell robots as I watched another Zabrak family trying to sell a robot but not getting anywhere. There was another family trying to buy a robot but as the same the Jawas weren’t selling it for any less than it was worth "Dam Jawas why do they take all of the families so precious money" Xedhur said to his father "Well we have our living but they have there own too so lets not have a go at them for there own living" Kurmeq replied. The two Zabrak’s walked into the market they carried creates which didn’t show what was in them and Xedhur looked at his father and smiled. They both walked through the market together. "Xedhur!" a man shouted. Xedhur turned and faced the man "Oh it’s you Martica" Xedhur said "Yes and I haven’t forgot about that insult on my family Xedhur I will get my payback" Martica said. "The day you learn to use a blade I will fight you but you cannot lift one so there is no point" Xedhur said. At that point Martica drew a blade and pointed it at Xedhur and smiled "Ok then how about you versus me tomorrow at twelve in the fight arena your weapon will be a sword" Martica said. Xedhur looked at Martica there was a crowed that started to gather around the two people and was eager to see what would happen. Xedhur looked at Martica with a smile "Ok then" and then Xedhur continued to walk on. "I know you don’t want to make our family look bad but you don’t have to fight tomorrow yo…." Xedhur interrupted " I know but there is only one rule for the arena, and that rule is fight till the death so I guess Martica is dead from now on ok" Xedhur said. His father continued to walk on through the market place toward the dealer. "Father I need to make a blade tomorrow" Xedhur said. "I have some strong martial you could use called Ventoc it is the strongest material around" Kurmeq said. Both the Zabrak’s walked around the corner and they saw a sign named Goods & Trades "That must be the place then isn’t it" Kurmeq said.

Shopping for Trouble

Cethgus' Saber

Then as the two Zabrak’s walked into the shop a small human walked up to them then said "You must be Xedhur and Kurmeq?" The small man asked "Yes" Xedhur said "and I am Kurmeq" Kurmeq said. "You must be Tavernot then I presume" Xedhur asked. The man by the name Tavernot nodded. As the two Zabrak’s followed Tavernot down into his basement, "Ok then show me what you have got to sell" Tavernot said. As Xedhur opened the create which carried some of the most beautiful blades the planet of Iridonia has ever seen. They had beautiful grips and they had a lot of patens on them. "Those blades would be great for your arena fighters those blades will never fail in the time of need in a fight" Xedhur said. Tavernot slowly inspected the blades "Hm, yes they are surely wonderful aren’t they". Tavernot said. "Ok then I will buy them buy them for hm let’s think two hundred and fifty credits" Tavernot offered. Slowly Xedhur looked at him "Ok then fine I will take the offer" Xedhur said as he got the credits then Kurmeq turned to Tavernot "Hm now then these will help you". As Kurmeq emptied the crate which contained Blaster pistols along with other type of pistols, which was made by Kurmeq himself. Along with a couple of concussion grenades that was at the bottom of the create. "I will be able to pay a much better price for these weapons now," Tavernot said as he looked at the weapons in front of him on the table. "Yes, yes they are very reliable weapons aren’t they" Kurmeq said. Tavernot had a gleam in his eyes as he had the amount of weapons in front of him. "Yes so then what is your offer on my weapons Tavernot?" Kurmeq asked. "Five hundred credits per create" Tavernot said. "I have twelve more creates full of weapons," Kurmeq said to Tavernot. Tavernot face lit up as he heard that Kurmeq had another twelve creates full of the weapons. "Well then a pleasure doing business with you" Xedhur said as the two Zabrak’s walked out the shop together. "Well were rich now," Kurmeq said. "We are we I mean five hundred credits per create we are amazingly rich" Xedhur said. The two Zabraks went to the near cantina and had a dinner. They then both sat down and had a good talk about what had just happened. "I think that I should give you the Material to make your blade and the perfect handle I can make" Kurmeq said. Hand by the Handle of Zar’rok Xedhur cuts his family to peace as they scream for help! Then Xedhur sees him self-talking to Impetus….


Xedhur wakes up and lookes around the cell he has been in for the last two years. Impetus walked out to see him "Xedhur I have got an offer for you it is easy you join us as a Dark Brotherhood member and work for me or rot here for the rest of your life" Impetus said. Xedhur stood up and thought about it the said "I accept". Impetus smiled then said, "You are now know as Cethgus and you will be in the Dark Brotherhood from now on.

Out from the shadow into the Darkness

Cethgus stood there in his robes at in front of their leader of a house called Acclivis Draco where the Obelisk worked his way through there ranks quickly trying to prove himself worthy to the other members around him as the best way he could. Cethgus slowly started to make a name for himself in the house and was looking for new things to do. There he was given a master named Impetus who showed him the way and taught him everything she could.

Cethgus then moved into a house called Caliburnus where he then pursued what he could trying to help and trying to fit into his new house where he was soon to have a wake up call from his daily routine to one which would change him for good.

All hell brakes lose

Cethgus' warbanner

Cethgus stood there in his knight robes looking into the eyes of his Quaestor Impetus. For that day he was proud to be in Caliburnus as war broke out. Cethgus stood at the home and defend it from the terrible on slaughter that would happen on that day. He saw the war side of himself and enjoyed every single moment of it. As the war raged on both houses not wanting to give up on in the fight.

The Feud only in a dead heat, there was no conclusive victory for either house, as the outside threat forced both houses to set aside their differences to defend the clan as a united front. There was another threat growing

For Scholae!

War with a new clan emerged which would test teamwork of the clan to the limits. Cethgus was put into a team and sent on a mission of sabotage against Arcona. He landed on planet doing as ordered and fighting for the glory of Clan Scholae Palatine.

The Feud between the clan started to draw to the end as clan continued to fight till the very last minute of the battle neither side willing to give in. The Feud ended with each clan trying to pick itself back up and move on towards the next think that was about to happen.

Talk about nothing

“Dark Jedi Knight Cethgus please enter” Rasilvenaira said

The Knight opened the door and walked into the office of his Aedile and looked at her. Silver was sitting in the desk looking at the Knight and on one side of the desk Cethgus notice the amount of paper work she had to do.

“What may I do for you?” Cethgus inquired

“ I need you to get the moral up again if you can” Silver said.

Cethgus nodded and left the office with out saying another work. He headed straight down the corridor looking for people he could help. Dark Jedi Knight Cethgus smiled to himself.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Tertarach of Ebon Cloak Phyle

Commander of Nightmare Squadron

Obelisk Sergeant: Order of the Serpent


Cethgus curently holds JA lessons for Clan Scholae Palatinae