Wild Space
Tingel Arm
1, Amaterasu
2, Marishiten and Tsukuyomi
30 hours
383 days
14,000 Km
Kyataran, Nevonese
Inazawa, Owariasahi, Kuroshin
The planet Kyataru exists in the Honba star system. Honba is a class G star, and the terrestrial-type planet has evolved in orbit around it. There is very little tilt in the planet’s rotational axis.
There are two moons, Marishiten and Tsukuyomi. One of the moons, Tsukuyomi, is associated with bad luck, owing perhaps to the meteor showers that happen every fifty years when it orbits closely to the planet.
The lack of tilt in the axis combined with the large landmasses make the climate fairly stratified in defined horizontal bands across the planet. The planet is largely temperate, with arctic areas near the poles. There are some hotter semi-tropical areas near the equator, but they are limited to a narrow band.
The planet does not have the gigantic storms that a world with large oceans produces. However, this causes day and nighttime temperatures to vary considerably as most of the planet is land. The planet is mostly forested, with grassy plains in a few areas.
Mammalian life forms predominate. The native population is largely human. There are sporadic reports of Kitsune-type “fox people” but these are unconfirmed, and must be exceedingly rare. It is also said that they are Force-users of some type, but this remains to be proven.
Several large predatory animals exist, and one of the most notable seems to be large reptilian carnivore species named “Gojura” by the natives. A species of strange mutant humanoids called “Tengu” exist, but are reclusive and rare as well.
The exotic and varied nature of the flora allows for production of unusual biochemicals and medicines collected from native stock. Many types of flowering plants, fruits, herbs, grains, and vegetables exist on Kyataru.
KuroshinThe planet is highly tectonically active. Large areas of crust grind against each other, causing many mountain ranges to jut up in different areas of the planet. Given this factor, there are numerous active volcanoes about the world. The effects can occasionally be devastating.
This makes for fertile soil and abundant mineral resources. Gold, sulfur, phosphorous, exotic metals, non-metals, minerals and gemstones can be found in small deposits across the planet. They are especially abundant in the mountainous areas. The periodic meteor showers also bring the occasional metallic meteorite, from which the locals produce superb weaponry.
There are saline some ocean areas, usually following open seafloor-spreading rifts. Several large inland seas do exist, usually in rifted areas of the crust. They tend to be chilly and deep.
Social Paradigm and Culture
Situated in Wild Space, Kyataru is classified as a 'backwater' planet due to it's distance from the core systems of the Republic. In modern days, it has been largely forgotten- Kyataru does not even have a diplomatic representative or an ambassador. However, this is soon to change- following an extended period of absence, the self-appointed rulers of the planet have returned to claim their birthright, leading to a coup d'etat against the current rulers. This family of Force sensitives, called the Keibatsu have effectively seized control of most of the planet, ruling from the capital of Inazawa.
The Kyataran people are an efficient and polite people, not prone to laziness or rudeness. A warrior culture stretching back for millennia they value their heritage and honor above all else. With this in mind the visitor is warned to avoid calling a Kyataran either of two very grave insults, they are:
1. Traitor; and,
2. Merchant.
The first word "Traitor" is insulting to a Kyataran as loyalty is a paramount component of individual honor.
The second word "Merchant" is seen as an insult as only warriors uphold the traditional values and views of Kyataran society. Merchants are seen as greedy and self serving, contributing nothing to society and profiting from the works of others, thus calling a Kyataran citizen a merchant is an insult to their warrior heritage.
The government of Kyataru hads begun an ambitious program to encourage tourism from the local systems, hoping that tourist dollars would help invigorate the few cities with rudimentary spaceports. After spending several million credits on research, and consulting one of the galaxies most prominent advertising firms the new slogan "Become History" was chosen for all Kyataru tourism advertisements.
Kyataru's "Become History" Ad Campaign
This turned out to be a mistake. Local Dialects were used when printing the ads, and once outside of the major cities of Kyataru, the dialects shifted subtly. The words were understood to mean "Die Somewhere Else", which did not necessarily illicit the reaction that the governors had intended.
The ad campaign was ended quite shortly after realization of the mistake had come out, but some old publications still circulate with the old ad.
Geographical Structure
Kyataru is split up into three continents- one main archipelago, flanked by two smaller landmasses, one to the east and one to the west. The main archipelago is known as 'Shuuyoujo', while the landmass to the east is named 'Dong-Hai' and the landmass to the west is known as 'Jin-Ho'. These three continents live, for the most part, in harmony, although territorial disputes do occasionally lead to war- alliances are formed and broken between the three countries regularly.
Politically, the main archipelago of Kyataru is still ruled by a traditional feudal government. A caste system is still in place; the noble, ruling class is followed by an extensive warrior class, followed by merchants, artisans and craftsmen, and at the bottom of the scale, the peasants and farmers. This system has been rigidly imposed by the warrior class in compliance with the nobles- attempts to rise up against the system have, throughout Shuuyoujo's history, been crushed brutally, eventually leading the people to accept their position. The country is technically ruled by an Emperor, known as the 'Son of Heaven', but in reality is governed by a self-appointed military dictator known as the Sei-i Taishōgun. This Sei-i Taishogun usually rises to his position through warfare and defeating all other claimants to the position. The current incumbent is one Nagahide Tsukimura, although his position is under threat from the descendants of a previous Sei-i Taishogun.
InazawaCulturally, Shuuyoujo is still a feudal society- the only modern technology present on the continent is that which has been brought in from other planets, although progress is being made on reverse-engineering this technology and harnessing it. This has led to contention between Shuuyoujo and the other two continents of Kyataru over the growing military might of the archipelago.
Inazawa, the Capital City of Shuuyoujo, is a crowning gem to the country. A blending of the old styles and the contemporary, the largest city on Kyataru has been rebuilt in recent times, as investments from the Keibatsu help to modernize their homeworld. The ancient Amahara Castle, long the imperial seat of power within Shuuyoujo still stands here as a combination Capitol building and tourism draw. In addition to the modern hospitals, schools, libraries and museums, new factories and industries have popped up as well as a governmentally owned shipyards.
Kuroshin is regarded as the capitol by most of the populace, what with the Keibatsu keeping their stronghold deep beneath the ruined castle. The Keibatsu, however, insist that Inazawa is the capitol, in the huge buildings that reside there.
OwariasahiDong-Hai, as a country, is much less structured and rigid than Shuuyoujo. Although there is a feudal system in place, the caste system is much more flexible, with only one 'noble' class. The majority of the country's vast population live in small villages and towns out in the countryside, but a small proportion live in huge cities which stretch across the landscape.
Like Shuuyoujo, the country is also under the rule of an Emperor, who is also viewed as a godlike figure and who does not communicate with the common people, or even acknowledge their presence. For a commoner to lay eyes on the Emperor is to risk death at the hands of his personal guard.
Dong-Hai is also the primary antagonist of Shuuyoujo- in times gone by, Shuuyoujo has invaded Dong-Hai several times and attempted to enslave the population, slaughtering vast numbers of warriors and civilians alike. This explains the tension between the two countries, alongside Dong-Hai's worry at Shuuyoujo's increasing industrialisation and growing military might.
As the smallest of the three countries on Kyataru's surface, Jin-Ho is often seen as the 'underdog' in the struggles which occur between the three. However, this would be a flawed view- although the least technological and least developed of the continents, Jin-Ho has a remarkably skilled, feared navy which has beaten back the invasion forces of Dong-Hai and Shuuyoujo time and time again. The military leaders of the other two countries remember one particular Admiral without enthusiasm- Admiral Sun-Yi, who managed to completely rout a huge Dong-Hai/Shuuyoujo force of over 200 ships.
Politically, the country is unique in that it is ruled by a government, not a monarchy- although there is an Emperor, he has very little power, and is more of a figure-head. Day-to-day decisions are made by a council of wise men in consultation with experts in particular fields. There is no caste system, although the relatives of the Emperor do hold a revered position in society.