Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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===Weapons & Armor===
===Weapons & Armor===
Ripper - Once his father's, now his. This Mandalorian pistol bears the symbol of the mighty clan Ordo.
Ripper - Once his father's, now his. This Mandalorian pistol bears the symbol of the mighty clan Ordo.
Full Body Armor - A suit of armor worn by the generals of the Mandalorian armies, also was his father's
Full Body Armor - A suit of armor worn by the generals of the Mandalorian armies, also was his father's.
Lightsaber - The weapon Vardar made with his own hands while in the Dark Brotherhood, having an odd design with obvious influences of Mandalorian worksmanship this saber is unique and symbolizes what Vardar has become.
Lightsaber - The weapon Vardar made with his own hands while in the Dark Brotherhood, having an odd design with obvious influences of Mandalorian worksmanship this saber is unique and symbolizes what Vardar has become.
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
Though there were several clashes between Vardar and some clan mates, Vardar still managed to play an important role for Taldryan during the Great Jedi War, and he is proud to have been part of such an over-powering victory.
Though there were several clashes between Vardar and some clan mates, Vardar still managed to play an important role for Taldryan during the Great Jedi War, and he is proud to have been part of such an over-powering victory.

Revision as of 00:39, 13 January 2007

Template:Sith charinfo

Character History

A Warrior is Born

In the year of 9 ABY a small and battered space ship carrying a pregnant mandalorian woman and her husband, once a great mandalorian warrior, rushed through hyperspace. As the engines gradually failed so did the ship return to ordinary space. Unable to control the speed of the ship, the warrior had no other choice than to attempt a landing into the nearest planet, and as he did, so did the woman give birth to a young mandalorian that was to be named Vardar Fen'Amar. It took nearly three weeks, but after that time the ship was fixed and the family was able to leave that planet, though they couldn't place it, both the mother and the father had a strange feeling from the aura that emanated from the planet they had crashed in. They travelled through space for two months before finding a planet with suitable conditions for their son to grow up in which they settled.

The Child

As years passed, Vardar grew strong with the teachings and military training his father provided. Though he was only 4 years old when disaster struck and unknown force sensitives attacked his home, Vardar helped his father protect it, but though they desperately tried they couldn't save his mother. One decade later, other Mandalorian survivors had joined Vardar and his father, and together they had built a camp. Their peace, however, was short-lived for, one day, a meteor shower hit their camp as well as a huge area of the planet they were in, Vardar's father was mortally wounded and died a week later, but not before telling him that they were the last descendants of the Ordo clan, and that though his death was not an honorable one he would die peacefully knowing that his son would become a great warrior. Vardar took his father's Ripper pistol and his full body armor, and after re-establishing part of the camp began work on a space ship to leave that light-forsaken planet.

The Force

Two years later, Vardar had become a man and had gone in search of more lost mandalorians which he had found and settled with two months before in a planet in a nearby system. Again, he wouldn't be left in peace because he was in the home system of the Echani, and this he knew, and as they discovered the existence of a Mandalorian camp, they struck. Though they were great warriors, the Echani couldn't match the skill and combat prowess of these Mandalorian warriors who had never known defeat. And as he proved himself in battle, so did Vardar became worthy of his father's belongings. That system had nothing left to offer him, and with his Ripper, his Ful Body Armor and his self-built X-Wing, he made his way to more civilized galaxies. Vardar had just reached the age of 17 when he came upon true civilization, as he came down on a planet he was surprised to see the local population surrending readily to the invading forces that could be seen. Vardar had never heard of the Sith, but apparently the Sith had never heard of Mandalorians either and when told to surrender and drop to the floor, Vardar fought and killed a Sith apprentice. The Sith Master in charge of the invasion recognise the touch of the Force within Vardar and took him under his wing, mentioning how Vardar had proven himself by killing his former apprentice. And though Vardar didn't understand this new philosphy, he knew right away that he would like it.


Six months later Vardar was travelling through space again, he had quickly learned the ways of the Force and killed the Sith Master that had taken him as an apprentice, as his ship was damaged by a meteor he crashed in a nearby moon. This moon was Lyspair, the location of the Shadow Academy and a domain of the Dark Brotherhood, thus did he begin to dwell within the Brotherhood in Clan Tarentum under the care of the current envoy, Acxodim Pyralis under whom he reached the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. A few months later, Pyralis resigned from the clan and then begun Vardar's rising. Though he started as a mere warrior, he quickly made his way up the ranks and became the proud leader of The Yu Circle. Under his rule, Yu quickly became one of the deadliest and swiftest killing squads ever to have existed in Tarentum, but all glory is fleeting, and soon Vardar was abandoned by his warriors. All attempts to ressurect Yu were to no avail, and he had to leave Tarentum. Though he cycled through other clans, Vardar finally came to Clan Taldryan, and despite all complications and yet another brief period of exile, Vardar will remain a Taldryan Warrior for he knows that it is there that his destiny will unfold.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Lord of Yu

Weapons & Armor

Ripper - Once his father's, now his. This Mandalorian pistol bears the symbol of the mighty clan Ordo.

Full Body Armor - A suit of armor worn by the generals of the Mandalorian armies, also was his father's.

Lightsaber - The weapon Vardar made with his own hands while in the Dark Brotherhood, having an odd design with obvious influences of Mandalorian worksmanship this saber is unique and symbolizes what Vardar has become.

Outstanding Achievements

Though there were several clashes between Vardar and some clan mates, Vardar still managed to play an important role for Taldryan during the Great Jedi War, and he is proud to have been part of such an over-powering victory.