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{{Krath charinfo
{{Eras|new|njo|djb}} {{Character-history}}
|name= Mayda Ferium
|order = Sith
|homeworld= Utapau
|birth= [[1 ABY to 10 ABY | 6 ABY]]
|gender= Female
|birth=[[1 ABY to 10 ABY|6 ABY]]
|species= Human
|height= 5’8”
|weight= 130 lbs., average build
|hair=Bright scarlet
|skin= Light Beige, burn scars.
|eyes=Emerald green
|hair= long Orange Red
|height=5’8” / 1.77m
|eyes= Emerald Green
|weight=150 lbs. / 75 kg
|cyber= Two left toes
|status= Single
|allies= *[[Braecen Kunar]]
*[[Moloch Argantes]]
|profession=Krath Advisor
|enemies= *[[Dismal Visutor al'Tor]]
|saber= Red
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|form= Soresu
|ship=YT-2000 Fire's Ember
|apprentices= [[Athrun Zala]]
|position= Asst. Editor of DV
|profession= Dark Jedi, Diplomat, Editor
|era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation= [[Clan Scholae Palatinae]], [[Krath]], [[Dark Voice]]
|ship= Mankvim-814, ''The Firestarter''
|dossier= [ 8430]

Mayda Ferium is a a human female from Utapau. A member of House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae, she resides on Judecca with her Master, Consul Kunar.  This Jedi Hunter of the Krath order is a member of the Mandalore Battle Team and serves as an Assistant Editor for the Dark Voice Newsletter. <br><br>
Mayda is a Krath Priestess from Utapau. She has intermittent periods of membership in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, beginning in 26 ABY with [[Clan Plagueis]], then another with [[House Scholae Palatinae]] in 37ABY.  
== Character History ==
She had force sensitivities early on, but no one to train under.  As a teen, she became a liaison to the Utapau Representatives to the New Republic, working behind their back as a spy for Black Sun.  She is charismatic, patient, and loyal. She prefers to affect change behind the scenes, making backroom deals and gathering allies.
=== Childhood ===
Mostly reclusive, Mayda and her father, Elric Ferium, hid out in a remote, lesser-known city-sinkhole on the planet Utapau, where Mayda’s grandmother had been raised. As a young child, she was content, but sheltered. She made many friends, mostly Utai and other humanoids, but never really felt comfortable around humans, not having seen them often.
==== Force leanings ====
When Mayda was a little girl, she always knew that she was special.  Of course it helped that her father told her so repeatedly, every night at bedtime.  She was gifted, with the Force, and was able to do some trivial parlor tricks - moving utensils across the table, sensing danger from others, but nothing more as her talents were untrained.  Her father didn’t want to encourage his precious little girl to become a Force-user for many reasons, but mostly for their well-being and survival.  There could ostensibly be danger if they were found to be living there; Mayda never knew the reasons for that.  Elric didn’t want Mayda to improve her skills and come to use them on others or rely on them, as that would be dangerous to anyone who was her victim, and call attention to them. 
Mayda was always looked after by her father, so there was no reason to need self-defense.  Her father taught her to find other ways to get herself out of a dilemma first - using diplomacy, negotiation, manipulation, deception or anything else verbal or non-confrontational.  So her cunning and guile were developed from an early age, and she showed great talent in that and an affinity for it.  Perhaps this was accentuated by her Force-talents, but that would not be obvious to most species they came in contact with on Utapau
==== Crash and Burn ====
At the age of 13, she was traveling on a transport with her father to some Outer Rim world as part of his undisclosed but shady business ventures. Before they reached it, the ship crashed, leaving Mayda with burns and scarring, though glad to survive, thanks in part to some force healing from her father. After that, she stayed reclusive for a few years.
==== Fight or Flight? ====
=== Adolesence ===
At the age of 16, she became a liaison to the Utapau Representatives to the New Republic, working behind their back as an undercover spy for Black Sun. Her father was a secret agent for Black Sun, and therefore encouraged Mayda, as one of the few humans there, to serve as a Liaison and Assistant to some Republic and Utapaun politicians. She would finally put into use her mental skills of deception and charm to gather information.  Though her father had relented and taught her basic self-defense, he stressed that she should never resort to violence unless it was an emergency, especially since she was not physically strong and trained in combat.  Elric recognized and told her that her mind was her greatest weapon.  She excelled at studying her enemies and exposing their weaknesses, playing on their vanity and other shortcomings.  Moving to Pau City, she lived amongst the politicians, and only met secretly with her father every month. She was able to gather Classified information and pass it onto Black Sun through him.
=== Path to the Brotherhood ===
[[Image:maydaship.jpg|thumb| ''Fire Starter'', Mankvim-814]]
In 24 ABY, the NR made a wide sweep, arresting all Black Sun Agents, including her father. Mayda was not discovered as part of them, but was about to be under suspicion, so she fled Utapau. The Republic had control of all the starfighters and could track them, so Mayda had to find an old ship in a junkyard on the edge of the city.  The Mankvim-814 was a leftover from the days of the Separatists, but was functional enough to get her safely off-planet. With the monetary savings that her father had amassed, she had the ship refitted with new engines and updated technology.  For a year or so, she traveled to a few outer rim planets, and was able to afford some plastic surgery and bacta treatment to heal some of her scars. Her anger and loneliness only exaggerated her leaning toward the Darkside. She decided that she must find a place where there were others like her, others who could take her in, as part of their organization. In 26 ABY, a spice smuggler told her to seek out the moon Lyspair.
== DJB History ==
=== Tutelage Upon Lyspair ===
In 26 ABY, Mayda Ferium arrived on Lyspair, and was accepted into the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.  Entering the Shadow Academy, she read about the Krath, and knew for certain that was the Order she belonged in.  She is very curious to meet other Krath and see how much they can improve her, inspire her, teach her and empower her.  Passing the basic courses, she concentrated on courses at the Deneba Campus.  Upon Graduation, she was assigned to House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis.
[[Image:Aerun.jpg|100px|right| ''Aerun'']]
=== Clan Plagueis ===
Though nervous and reserved about the new setting, many Clan members were welcoming and offered advice, looking out for the young female. She progressed through the lower ranks quickly, due to her incessant studying, love for writing and hunger for winning Competitions.  She went on her first mission with DJK Al’Tor to Kintan, recruiting a force-sensitive Nikto to the DJB.
In month two, she continued her studies and training.  Upon reaching Protector rank, Valerian Orzon noticed her and took her on as his Apprentice.  One mission was to Eden to scout a possible base for Plagueis.  A second was to Korriban to investigate a possible Star Map in the Valley of the Sith Lords with Laigerick and Niman for BT Exar’s Shadow.  She assisted in the murder of a traitorous fake, keeping his whip.  Joining the staff of the Dark Voice kept her very busy for her first issue, working under the tutelage of DA Telona Murrage.  Another important task was researching and presenting a report about HEK to new Justicar DA Kir Katarn.
In month three, as a Guardian, she was appointed Commander of Battle Team Exar’s Shadow, after Laigerick mysteriously disappeared.  Recruiting and training members, she lead them through the Third Rite of Supremacy.  A source of great pride for her was being on the debate team, even going against the ex-Grand Master and helping Plagueis reach third place overall.  One mission required returning to her home world, to investigate a force-user reportedly doing ‘miracles’.  Mayda apprehended him and transported him to a remote area, for personal reasons, but did not tell the full story to the House Summit.  Drained from the ROS, Mayda thought it best to resign her BTL position, feeling proud of how the group had grown.  Under the guidance of the new Consul, she worked to make logistical improvements and heal the members' battle wounds from the ROS.
Month four brought one of the most poignant adventures, as she was possessed by the Krath Priestess Tiamat and directed to Ambria, for sinister purposes.  (See ''Nomi's Legacy''  below). Upon her return to Aerun, she was assigned a new Master. Alas, even his tutelage and the recent ceremony of a Kun Title was not enough to overcome her growing desire to leave. Disillusioned and disenchanted by turmoil in Plagueis, she felt pulled into a deep despair. Going to Antei, she got right to work on another DV Issue, not quite recovered from the Ambria experience. After talks with leaders, she started believing that no one else shared her values.  On the eve of the CP Senate elections, she fled Aerun in the night, slipping out under cover of darkness, feeling a strong pull to do so immediately.
[[Image:Judecca1.jpg|130px|right| ''Judecca'']]
=== Clan Scholae Palatinae ===
The Jedi Hunter went into hiding for a few days, taking a small vacation. Not wanting to leave the Brotherhood, she made a brief stop in Antei to meet with the Grand Master himself. He gave her renewed determination and guidance, assigning her a new destination. One name stuck in her mind, recalled from some lessons on HEK History - Braecen Kunar, the Forsaken Son of Plagueis. The former Proconsul of Plagueis was considered a traitor of the highest order, so if anyone could understand her position and not look down on her for it - he could.  Her Mankvim fighter landed on Judecca, into the hangar bay in the north mountains.  Entering the triangular Headquarters, she was granted a private meeting with the Consul, Pontifex Kunar.  She now had a new Master - a new home.
=== The Power of the Dark Side ===
==== Return to Utapau ====
==== Nomi's Legacy ====
[[Image:MaydaAmber.JPG|left|frame| ''Amber Talisman'']]
Her mind is cleared in order to seem like a light-sider, to solve riddles and pass three trials from the ghost of Jedi Master Thon.  She retrieves a Sith Sword from the lake, losing two toes to some Hssiss.  Then finds the kin of Ossus Wilum, a teen named Vido who healed her while in surgery to receive cybernetic toes.  Going back to the lake, she then refuses to kill the boy, thus succeeding in the trials, and proving herself to be a descendant of Jedi Nomi Sunrider.  She was given the sword by Thon and an amber amulet by Vido.  
==== Trials and Tribulations ====

== Character ==
== Character History  ==
=== Appearance ===
(Note: Files on early history and details on previous DJB service have been deleted from records.)
[[image:MaydaJr.JPG|150px|left]]  [[image:MaydaKhal.JPG|MaydaKhal.JPG]]

Mayda first came to the Brotherhood in 27ABY, assigned to [[Clan Plagueis]], but spent most of her time in the Shadow Academy and working on publication projects with members of other clans. Under several masters and clans, each one disappointed or betrayed for their own greed and ego, leading her to a self-exile back to her home world for many years.

=== Personality ===
In 36ABY, she was recruited by Setsuna to return for the Dark Crusade in [[Clan Naga Sadow]], concentrating on her Krath studies, and was promoted to Priestess. But, she was again betrayed, this time by her jealous House Quaestor who was later proven to have been corrupt and deceitful in her personal and professional dealings.

She found solace and support in [[House Scholae Palatinae]], feeling it to be more of a home than anywhere else. However, during the battle for Korriz in 37ABY, she was taken as a prisoner to join the One Sith, becoming a servant under Elder Synin Torin.  
| '''Motivation'''
| To learn the ways of the Krath and someday to rescue her father or bring revenge upon the New Republic.  
| '''Personality'''
| Serious, Respectful, Introspective, Curious.
| '''Hatreds'''
| Duplicity, Disrespect, Cowardice.

== Possessions ==
In late 38ABY, during the DJB Civil War on Korriban, she was able to escape and return to her brethren in HSP. Soon after the end of the war, a new Grandmaster was chosen, Darth Pravus, who decreed that all independent Houses would now be Clans. Scholae celebrated for over a week, before beginning their reorganization. Two new Houses were created, while retaining Acclivis Draco as a Battleteam. Mayda was soon appointed as Clan Rollmaster, relishing in her new purpose to life - to serve her people.
=== Sword ===
=== Vibroshiv ===
[[Image:MaydaVibroshiv.JPG|left|]] <br><br><br><br>
=== Westar 34 Blaster ===
=== Pets ===
[[Image:MaydaVoorpakboth.JPG|left|thumb|150px|''Rusty & Dusty '', Voorpaks ]]<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

== DJB Facts ==
In mid 39ABY, she took a leave of absence to handle some personal business and discover her next adventure.

=== Current Positions ===
Asst. Editor, Dark Voice<br>
Member, House Acclivis Draco, Clan Scholae Palatinae <br>
Member, Battle Team Mando'ad Vode <br>
Apprentice to Pontifex Braecen Kaeth Kunar <br>

=== Past Positions ===
Journeyman in House Exar Kun, Clan Plagueis <br>
Commander, Battle Team Exar's Shadow <br>

=== Outstanding Achievements ===
Rite of Supremacy - CP Debate Team, placed 2nd.

=== Trivia ===
Burn scars on limbs. <br>
Two artificial toes. <br>

{{quote|A rose by any other name would still prick you with its thorns.|Joseph Michael Linsner}}

=== Favorite Quotes ===

[[Category: DJB Characters]]
{{Quote|A rose by any other name would still prick you with its thorns.|Dawn, via Joseph Michael Linsner}}
[[Category: Clan Scholae Palatinae]]
{{Quote|Patience is the darkest side of power.|Dawn, via Joseph Michael Linsner}}
[[Category: House Acclivis Draco]]

Latest revision as of 15:39, 29 July 2024

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
This article details the history of a character who no longer actively takes part in current events.

Mayda Ferium
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description





5’8” / 1.77m


150 lbs. / 75 kg


Bright scarlet


Emerald green


Two left toes

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Krath Advisor


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

Personal Ship:

YT-2000 Fire's Ember

Known apprentices:

Athrun Zala



[ Source ]

Mayda is a Krath Priestess from Utapau. She has intermittent periods of membership in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, beginning in 26 ABY with Clan Plagueis, then another with House Scholae Palatinae in 37ABY.

Character History

(Note: Files on early history and details on previous DJB service have been deleted from records.)

Mayda first came to the Brotherhood in 27ABY, assigned to Clan Plagueis, but spent most of her time in the Shadow Academy and working on publication projects with members of other clans. Under several masters and clans, each one disappointed or betrayed for their own greed and ego, leading her to a self-exile back to her home world for many years.

In 36ABY, she was recruited by Setsuna to return for the Dark Crusade in Clan Naga Sadow, concentrating on her Krath studies, and was promoted to Priestess. But, she was again betrayed, this time by her jealous House Quaestor who was later proven to have been corrupt and deceitful in her personal and professional dealings.

She found solace and support in House Scholae Palatinae, feeling it to be more of a home than anywhere else. However, during the battle for Korriz in 37ABY, she was taken as a prisoner to join the One Sith, becoming a servant under Elder Synin Torin.

In late 38ABY, during the DJB Civil War on Korriban, she was able to escape and return to her brethren in HSP. Soon after the end of the war, a new Grandmaster was chosen, Darth Pravus, who decreed that all independent Houses would now be Clans. Scholae celebrated for over a week, before beginning their reorganization. Two new Houses were created, while retaining Acclivis Draco as a Battleteam. Mayda was soon appointed as Clan Rollmaster, relishing in her new purpose to life - to serve her people.

In mid 39ABY, she took a leave of absence to handle some personal business and discover her next adventure.

Favorite Quotes

"A rose by any other name would still prick you with its thorns."
―Dawn, via Joseph Michael Linsner

"Patience is the darkest side of power."
―Dawn, via Joseph Michael Linsner