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{{Krath charinfo|
#REDIRECT: [[Kieran Kodiak Erinos]]
|name=[[Kieran Kodiak Falor]]
|homeworld=Unknown (Raised on [ Dxun])
|birth= [ 7 ABY]
|height= 1.8 Meters
|weight= 100 KG
|skin=Lightly Tanned
|hair=Brown, Short
|eyes=Emerald Green
|era=[ New Jedi Order]
|affiliation=[[Arcona]], [[Dark Brotherhood]], [ Mandalorian]
|ship=''[[Dream Prowler]]''
|dossier=[ 7378]
== Character Biography ==
==='''The Early Years'''===
==== A Life Almost Lost ====
Kieran had a father once, along time ago, he may even have a mother, but the feeling is still foggy in his mind as this was before consciousness broke in the young infant’s brain.  Old enough to identify who his parents where, but not what they were, to him they are a warm distant memory.  His father had brought him to [ Dxun], but had made no more than a few steps before dieing.  [[Clan Kodiak]] was presented with another orphan of the galaxy, and as they had done they welcomed the small sole in with open arms.  The question of why his father had chosen to bring him to [ Dxun] among the elders, a medical examination revealed he had died of a terminal illness, but it perplexed them as to why he had chosen the moon of all the places in the Galaxy.  Still, Kieran began his life the adopted son of the clan’s Patriarch.
==== A New Life A New Friend ====
He was brought up like any [ Mandalorian] son and began his training.  Kieran possessed a natural talent that many of his brothers did not possess.  He learnt at an incredible pace and out performed the majority of his brethren, however he was always on par with one individual.  [[Sashar]], like Kieran was orphan, and they shared their adoptive father.  Fate it seemed, had been smiling down on the pair, and later they would reflect on the involvement of the [ Force] on their meeting. 
Kieran and [[Sashar]] struck up a solid friendship, increased by the bound of brotherhood but still they shared something more, something that their fellow clansmen did not.  They entered Super-Commando training together and excelled, rising to meet every challenge.  However, dreams plagued his brother, nightmares and stirrings inside him, something which the young [ Mandalorian] could not understand, yet still felt a vague familiarization with it.
==== A Brush With The Force ====
Knowing that the answer lay deep in their clouded past, they searched in the Clan’s archives for an answer, their father’s journal seeming the likely place.  They read of the Clan meetings, of discussion of the secret nature, it revealed that [[Sashar]] had ties with the force.  The Elders decided to keep it from him, concerned for his well being and for the clan’s.  But now the pair knew their answer and followed one of Sashar’s visions journeying to a planet called [ Onderon].
Upon entering the temple that was calling to his brother Kieran felt a calming feeling, clarity crossed his mind and he felt more attuned with his body and his surroundings.  His thoughts were that he was suddenly being awakened, but they soon turned to fear and worry.  [[Sashar]] had collapsed into a coma leaving Kieran to drag him out and race back to [ Dxun].
The reception upon their return was not a warm one.  Kieran had returned with one of the clan’s rising stars in a coma.  Still, anger fell away to concern which was then lifted by relief.  [[Sashar]] awoke one month later a changed person.  He was distant and seemed distracted, Kieran felt a great guilt having brought his brother to the temple and now to see him fall behind in his training.  Deciding to return his brother to the temple turned out for the best, as [[Sashar]] emerged strong confident, but with a sinister side to him none had seen before.
His brother soon left to join the [ Sith], the clan elders deciding it was for the better.  Kieran completed his training, and became a man.
==== The Training ====
His life entailed continuous cycles of running, shooting, playing war games, learning survival techniques, and learning how to use explosives (an activity he enjoyed most of all).  He learnt how plan and execute everything from single raids to a strategic campaign to take a planetary system.  The [ Mandalorian Warrior Heritage] was firmly instilled on the young man. 
They would often patrol through the moon’s jungle, patrol against patrol but they would always face the [ Zakkeg] and the [ Drexl] (also see [The Drexl]).  They would pit it out and the winner taking the glory.  Defeat always angered Kieran who had developed quite a competitive streak.  His training finished, his armour forged, but moreso he was a free man, now trained as one of Kodiak’s elite and at a moments notice ready to go to war for her.  But life seemed boring for Kieran; he desired to fill the empty void the excitement of his training had once filled.  He decided to strike out and leave [ Dxun] to join the likes of the famous [ Boba Fett] as a [ Bounty Hunter].
=== The Bounty Hunter Years ===
==== A Place in the Galaxy ====
Kieran travelled his way to [ Corellia] to make is way in the Galaxy.  The transition from the sheltered society on [ Dxun] to the bustling [ Core World] of [ Corellia] was a strange one for the young man.  His eyes were filled with wonders he had never before seen and he felt vacuum in his life begin to fill.
After obtaining his Bounty Hunting license he began his work building a reputation for himself.  He started off with what he regarded as menial hunting; collecting over due debts and roughing up people who had offended the wrong person.  [ Corellia] became his oyster and his list of clientele grew quickly.
He made his first kill almost by mistake.  His mark was the Marketing Director of one of the [ Corellian Engineering Cororation’s] rival firms, the CEC had been angered over the man’s slander campaign and that he had been rumoured to have paid a pirate gang to ambush and destroy cargo shipments in order to damage the CEC’s reputation.  Whilst the assassination had not been ordered, Kieran was told merely to rough the character up if necessary dispose of him.
Upon embarking on his career Kieran had known that reputation was everything in the Bounty Hunting world.  So when the young Mandalorian found himself standing above four corpses, the Marketing Director and his four bodyguards (having decided not to let Kieran go about his business un-interrupted) he had feared that his career might be over.  However Kieran was surprised to find the number of new contracts that were being sent his way.
It appeared that the Corellian sector had a market for his type of character and thus his trade increased.  Soon he had amassed a suitable wealth and a reputation to match.  He had a modest house on Coronet and was quite enjoying his thrilling line of work.
==== A Recall To Duty ====
A call from [ Dxun] awoke Kieran one morning; the clan Elders had use of the young Mandalorian.  Acting quickly, he organized he gear and raced back to his home.  It appeared that the Elders had set a task for him.  A pirate gang known as the Drexl Cry had established a base on [ Dxun] to harass the system.  Whilst that had made little difference to the Clan they had began infringing on Kodiak’s territory.  It had climaxed and a Mandalorian was injured whilst three of the pirates were killed.  The Elders wished him to take a patrol into their base and destroy everything.
Kieran sent messages to his brothers and formed his old training gang together, only Sashar was not present.  He amassed a platoon and set out into the jungle in search of their prey.  The pirate personnel numbered sixty but it was no match for the brutal tactics of the Mandalorians.  Kieran led them into the base and killed every one, it was the Elder’s order to allow no survivors and that their deaths would serve as a warning to others.  They suffered no casualties and the Elders deemed it a perfect success.  Kieran had grown in their eyes into their future.  He stayed at his home for a while, visiting old friends namely [[Juda]]; a fellow ner’vode and Super Commando.  After several weeks he left once again for [ Corellia].
==== Friendship Founded ====
{{Quote|Just drive damn it!" "Hey! I don’t like back seat drivers!|[[Derik Loran]] to [[Kieran]] during the speeder chase through [ Coronet City], friendly banter from the start.}}
Kieran was on his last lucrative mark for a while.  He had been toying with the idea of returning to [ Dxun] for a while, just to check the place out he would say.  His target was a local crime lord and his pay check was being signed by [ CorSec].  It appeared the local security enforcement had grown tired to trying to grab evidence and now they simply wanted him put away.  Kieran was quite happy to oblige even though they had said that any screw ups and we would become just another criminal to them; still the fee had him looking twice. 
He had tracked him down to a shopping plaza; it was a tricky job especially if he wanted to avoid civilian casualties.  He’d settled on a straight pistol shot to the man and then a flash bang grenade to cover his escape and hopefully stop his mark’s bodyguards from shooting him down.  It had gone well until at the moment he was to take the shot; another bolt lanced out from somewhere and took the man out.  A quick glance told Kieran another bounty hunter had also been offered the contract, CorSec clearly not believing Kieran was up to it.
All hell broke lose and the two were the inevitable targets of the bodyguards, whole proceeded to spray the area with blaster bolts without a care for who they hit, Kieran new at once his time on Corellia had come to an end.  Soon the local authorities had joined the party and Kieran and this bounty hunter were drawn together to escape on a stolen Speeder.  The bounty hunter introduced himself as [[Derik Loran]].  They escaped aboard Derik’s freighter and struck out together.
==== From the Shadows ====
Kieran was on Coruscant in a bar with his new companion Derik Loran.  The pair had grown close, taking on numerous marks and happy to share the bounty between them.  Kieran began to think of him as his family away from home, a ''ner’vode'' in the unlikeliest of places.  Their hunts had taken them all across the galaxy and it was on one such hunt they came across the [[Dream Prowler]], abandoned in space and drifting with no sign of the crew.  They quickly adopted the ship and used it as a mobile home.
Their drinking crusade had grown to a dramatic finally with the entrance of [[Sashar]].  Kieran greeted his warmly but the talk soon turned from a one of a happy reunion to a serious discussion.  It seemed the Jedi had come to reveal a secret of Kieran’s, one that he himself did not know.
[[Sashar]] explained Kieran’s force sensitivity to him and offered him a choice.  He could join the brotherhood or simply continue with his life.  Kieran dwelled on the question for several weeks after Sashar returned to the brotherhood.  After much deep reflection Kieran decided to take up Sashar's offer of Apprenticeship and join the brotherhood.  [[Derik|Derik Loran]] went his way but paid numerous visits to the Mandalorian.
=== The Brotherhood ===
==== Early Years ====
==== A Call from the Mandalore ====
==== The Strike at the Heart ====
== Profile ==
=== Physiological Profile ===
=== Psycological Profile ===
=== Fighting Traits ===
== Character Possessions ==
=== Weapons ===
=== Ships Owned ===
=== Pets ===
Kieran's personal ship: ''[[Dream Prowler]]''.
[[category:DJB Characters]]
[[Category: Clan Arcona]]

Latest revision as of 13:08, 26 May 2007