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#REDIRECT [[Ruyn Myr]]
|type =Krath
|image= [[File:Azasell.jpg|250px]]
|name=Azasell Kirin
|homeworld=Nexus Ortai
|birth=Winter of 12 ABY
|hair=Silver White
|height=5'8"  /  1.7272m
|weight=130 lbs / 65kg 770.89g
|position=Magistrate to the Seneschal
|era= Dark Jedi Brotherhood ERA
|affiliation=Arcona, Soulfire Strike Team, House Galeres
|masters= Dark Jedi Knight S'nar Que Seshai
Azasell Kirin is a member of House Galeres in Clan Arcona.  He works in the Soulfire Strike team as a Sniper and even has some experience as a slicer from his time as a smuggler.  He is currently employed in the office of the Seneschal as a Magistrate. 
==Personality and Mannerisms==
Azasell was a shy child.  He did not like to draw attention to himself in fear of harsh criticism, but as he grew and experienced more of life, he became more confident.  Now Azasell is a strong minded young man with great ambitions.  A very charismatic young man, he likes to use what others refer to as , "His silver tongue", to sweet talk his way out of dangerous situations.  This silver tongue has also landed him in even more dangerous situations. 
Azasell is also know to have a lust for power.  If he learns of an ancient relic or artifact, he can't help himself but to search for it and obtain it's knowledge for his own purposes.
==Companion and Closest Ally==
== Character History ==
Azasell Kirin was born on the planet of Nexus Ortai within Hertae Sector in  12 ABY.  Not much is known about his short time on his homeworld, but what is known is that this young man escaped the planets fate of becoming one of the first worlds to fall to the Yuuzhan Vong. 
What is known about young Azasell is that around his fifth birthday, he was admitted into Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum to train in the ways of the force.  He spent three years on Yavin 4 training in the ways of the force.  Secretly, he had been sneaking from his room every few nights to explore the forests surrounding the temple in which they called home.  It was not until he was almost eight years old that he came across a rare and unique tome of dark lore within one of the ruins that could be found out in the forests.  During this night, the young trainee also injured another one of Skywalker's student which led to him being exiled from the Praxeum. 
After his exile, Azasell traveled around for a short while stowing aboard multiple starships until he finally reached Tantooine.  Here on Tatooine, he was confronted by a smuggler named Olivia.  She took him under her wing and began to teach him the arts of smuggling.  He spent another 7 long years learning from her and finally upon his fifteenth birthday, was given a ship of his own.
Sadly, on his maiden voyage to Coruscant, he was assaulted by the Yuuzhan Vong who had just recently conquered the planet. His ship was heavily damaged during this scuffle and Azasell just barely escaped in time as to not lose his life.
Landing on a nearby fleet vessel, Azasell left his ship in a capable mechanics hands as he roamed the fleet.  During this time he "bumped" into a man dressed in all black.  This turned out to be a Dark Jedi Knight passing through the area in search of new hopefuls to bolster the ranks of the newly formed Shadow Academy.  Falling for the man's dark and seductive words, the young smuggler joined him and returned to the Academy with this man.  The man promised to have his ship transferred to the Academy as well.
Time passed and with every passing day, Azasell grew stronger in the dark side of the force, but he felt that something was missing in his life and this led him to secreting himself aboard his old ship and escaping the Academy. 
During his self imposed exile, Azasell traveled back to Tantooine and fell into his old habits of smuggling.  7 years would pass before he finally found it in himself to return to the Dark Brotherhood from which he had fled years before. 
Upon his return to the brotherhood, he noticed that much had changed and the views of the order had grown.  Setting his mind to the task, he threw himself back into the order with much gusto and now works ever harder to grow in power and master the powers that course through his veins.
== DJB Facts ==
=== Positions Held ===
*Magistrate to the Seneschal
*Member of Soulfire Strike Team
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
*Having been on Hiatus for 7 years as a protector, Azasell came back and is now pushing himself through the ranks at a much accelerated pace.
== Trivia ==
*Azasell Kirin goes by the nicknames: Az, Aza, and Zell but has been called Azzy on occasion.
===Out of Character===
*Azasell originally started off having black hair but after careful consideration and a few details were trimmed out about his story, it was decided to change it to white.
[[Category: DJB Characters]]

Latest revision as of 02:19, 18 January 2018

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