Syrena Valkar

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 06:06, 5 October 2024 by Syrena Valkar (talk | contribs) (added in her current Master, not sure how to hyperlink on here yet)
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Pre-Republic eraRepublic eraImperial eraNew Order era.
Syrena Valkar
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

Age 26

Place of Birth:


Physical Description







126 lbs


Light Pink


Pale Lavender

Personal Information

Birthmother unknown, Unofficially adopted by Zerana Valkar


Birthfather unknown, Unofficially adopted by Maleth Valkar


Associates of Elethar Kheth

Lightsaber Color(s):

A single white-colored lightsaber

Fighting Style(s):

Shadow Step, mixed with Teräs Käsi and Echani

Chronology & Political Information


Known masters:

Sivall (Zosi'val'ria) Zoria



[ Source ]

Syrena Valkar was a former slave and nightclub dancer within the Uscru District of Coruscant. She has since spent many years on the run, using her force-based abilities and knowledge in martial arts to aide in freeing other slaves.

Character History

Early Life

Her only remaining memento from her Mother is a simple letter marred with rough edges simply reading, "I am sorry, but I had no other choice," along with a woven black leather bracelet. Despite being sold into slavery, Syrena's first placement as a child was a relatively fortunate one. She worked in the household of a wealthy couple, the Valkars, who lived on Coruscant’s upper levels, where her daily tasks included basic cleaning and folding laundry. Syrena developed a friendship with some of the Droids employed there as well, one of which was a Protocol Droid who aided in her early education. As the years passed, eventually the couple grew to care for her as one of their own, and Syrena found herself in a loving home– Yet this was not to be forever.

One dark evening, the Valkar family was assassinated, and Syrena found herself admitted back into the slave trade at age fifteen. As always, she was sold to the wealthiest bidder, this time another wealthy family— But one that was not so kind, and made their living dealing in weaponry. In this new placement, Syrena spent years of mistreatment being overworked on the daily.

Dancer of the Night

In the few rare moments that she had the stamina and time to herself, Syrena found solace training herself in the art of dance, which would later translate into her knowledge of martial arts. Yet the moment this talent of hers was noticed, Syrena found herself sold again at the age of eighteen, this time at a much higher price to none other than nightclub owner and crime lord, Elethar Kheth.

The club was a popular one within the Uscru District of Coruscant, one where the exotic dancers were all slaves like herself. Though it wouldn’t have been her first choice in style of dance, Syrena was able to find a sense of respite in the fact that she was able to work doing something she remotely enjoyed. Due to her nature as a Zeltron, she found that she thrived in the club setting and that her attractiveness deemed her high in demand amidst the patrons. Syrena even managed to slyly pocket a few credits in secret after each performance.

A Shift Towards the Light

Despite her popularity at the club, with each passing day, the less than savory behavior from the club-goers began to wear on Syrena’s mindset, as did the overall treatment from Elethar. A deep resentfulness towards the fact that she had never known true freedom began to take over. Yet just as Syrena felt herself beginning to turn towards the darkness, she found something that would change the course of her life forever — A lightsaber, and a basic book of teachings. Whether these items were left behind on purpose, or Syrena just happened to stumble across them, that will forever remain a mystery.

For once, Syrena felt hope. And with that hope, she began to train herself in secrecy with the teachings in the book, beginning to carve out a way towards the light. One evening during what was to be her final shift and final night as a slave, Syrena witnessed another dancer at the club being mistreated.

Fueled by a strong sense of justice, she instinctively lashed out with her force-based abilities, channeling the light to shatter the chains that once bound her. Combining this with her overall knowledge in martial arts, Syrena was able to deliver a swift demise to Elethar Kheth, a necessary means to set herself and the other slaves free.

She now maintains an element of secrecy, for her path towards freedom was not without consequence. Continually hunted by Elethar’s associates, she does what is necessary to keep safe, whether that means fighting or being continually on the run. Though not fully aligned with the Jedi belief system, Syrena has chosen a path of wanting to provide protection in order to preserve the freedom of other's, especially those of smaller tribal populations, something that eventually led to her enrollment into the Odan-Urr Clan.

Physical Description

Syrena has a rather striking appearance, due to the vibrancy of her gaze and the glow of her pale hair in the fluorescence of light. She has a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and full lips that are peach-toned, though her eyes are her most prominent feature. Slightly upturned, they are framed by thick black lashes. Her light-colored eyes almost seem to glow, with irises that are pale lavender with hints of silver in their depths.

Her silky hair falls in a cascade of soft waves to her waist. She will typically either wear her hair down, or in an ornate braid. Similar to Syrena's eyes, her hair also seems to glow when underneath the light. This is due to the color, which is that of a soft pink, with vibrant icy white highlights.

Her smooth skin is rose-hued in color, though holds cooler silvery undertones and is slightly darker than her hair, creating a contrast that adds to the overall striking quality to her appearance. Despite her rough past, she has very little scars compared to others who have met the same fate. Her only remaining scars caused by chains, are ringed faintly around her wrists, which she frequently does her best to conceal the best she can... Any other distinguishing marks from her rough history, Syrena has seemingly gone to great lengths to remove.

Her build is slim and in overall form, though is accentuated by feminine curves and an hourglass shaped figure. Having also spent several years as a dancer, her elegant legs and stomach are lightly toned to reflect this.

Personal Views

Having known what it is like to be without freedom, this is something that Syrena values above all else. She will go to great lengths to preserve her own freedom, as well as the freedom of those who she deems necessary of such protection, such as tribal communities or smaller populations. With freedom, Syrena will oftentimes seek out elements of fun when she has time to herself. Though she does not view partying as valuable per say, yet it is something she can't help but indulge in every now and then, due to her nature as a Zeltron, and due to the fact that she has spent the majority of her life entrapped.

When it comes to the force, Syrena does view it in a way that is religious or indoctrinated in any sort of way. She instead associates the force mentally in the same way that she thinks of music as a dancer... That it can be felt in rhythms, can be woven or interpreted, or that in can bring peace in the same way a calming melody can.