Nomad Robes

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Nomad Jedi Robes
Production information


  • Custom-made
  • Various designs




Technical specifications


[ Source ]

Worn by members of House Odan-Urr, both in times of peace and during covert action, the Nomad robes have been adopted as a symbol of the House's secret struggle against the Dark Side. Fashioned out of available materials and used to disguise a Jedi's identity, these garments are gradually becoming synonymous with Odan-Urr and are worn by those trained in the fight against the Brotherhood - be they Odanites or educated locals.


During the Dark Crusade, Odan-Urr's actions shifted from self-defense and damage control to more covert, guerrilla strikes. After years of surviving at the Dark Council's whim and facing constant threat, and following the Fall of New Tython, they came to realize that they could no longer follow their old, pacifistic ways. The old Order, upon which they had largely based their own tenets, had actively combated the threat of the Sith. Now, with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and the One Sith fighting against one another, the Jedi had finally gained the opportunity to quietly hack away at the war efforts of their oppressors.

Originally dressed in traditionalist Jedi robes, or a number of varieties, the Jedi of Odan-Urr found themselves constantly turning to deception, disguise, and misdirection as tools of war. Several of them would temporarily adopt an enemy's armor or robes, in order to sneak into outposts or ambush enemy forces. Others would alter the robes of the enemy, adding or augmenting existing hoods with masks and makeshift scarves and utilizing stolen red lightsabers in their attacks. These tactics would prove useful in harrying the enemy and catching them off-guard; in open war with the One Sith, many of the Brotherhood's Dark Jedi were not even sure of Odan-Urr's presence, and became less so as they seemed to watch their own brethren turn on one another.

Tactics such as these would continue throughout the Crusade, including many smaller engagements between, during, and after the war on other planets. To better conceal themselves, Jedi would make robes out of the clothing of locals, or alter garments to quickly disguise their identities. Oftentimes they would rely on the denials of the New Jedi Order, and their foes lack of legitimacy, to conceal themselves; other times, they would eschew lightsabers altogether, relying on martial arts and local weapons to take down those who threatened or oppressed the innocent. After months of successes, the Summit of the House would make a proper tradition out of these tactics, formally recognizing the custom robes of their forces as "Nomad" garb and utilizing it en-masse.


Though all Nomad robes are designed to have a similar basic design and look, thus disguising the Jedi themselves as faceless opponents, each set is custom-made by the Jedi wearing it or, in a few cases, by their allies. Some of these robes will thus have special touches, including ceremonial or cultural garb or meaningful trinkets. A few will incorporate the odd light armor pad or plate, though in general these robes are designed to emphasize anonymity and mobility in their wearers. Typical colors are the tans and browns of Jedi tradition, often with touches of green, blue, or yellow as a Jedi's specific Order dictates, though some wearers do incorporate pale or white cloaks as part of a "winter" sub-design. These are either used in snowy environments or, occasionally, as a flashy distraction for an unsuspecting enemy to focus on.

The enemies of the Jedi are neither careless nor stupid, and so will often catch on to Nomad robes as a tool for Jedi and their compatriots to hide. Because of this, those Houses that suspect Jedi presence will make efforts to confiscate or outlaw tan and brown garments, as well as traditional or inexpensive materials. On these occasions, Jedi will temporarily craft their garb out of whatever is available on their current world, be it street clothing, rags, vibrant and expensive materials, and even - on rare occasion - the robes and garments of their enemies, the Sith. Deception is the key; after removing these robes, an Odanite could be able to hide in plain sight, dressed in the fare of the locals.

After the use of unconventional robes, they will typically be discarded or handed off to those who could locally make use of them.

Ceremonial Importance

When trying to make an impression on their foes, or to inspire fear in them, Jedi will allow themselves to be seen in action. This involves them displaying their weapons and even using their skills, all while masked and clad in Nomad robes. These ostentatious displays shake the confidence of their enemies, especially as any formal inspections of Odanite Jedi by Sith spies would not detect any; Nomad robes are never worn in overt communications with the Brotherhood. This helps the Odanites of New Tython to avoid extensive repercussions, as they can claim that they are not involved in the strikes. While this may not appease most Sith, it does help them to ward off Vendetta action in all but the most severe cases.

When meeting in secret, or deployed together, many Jedi choose to wear Nomad robes as a point of personal pride. They use them as a symbol, meaning that all beings are equal when they serve the greater good. At other times, especially when Sith of the Brotherhood seek redemption and try to find Odanites, they will make themselves visible while clad in the robes and masked. This display of solidarity and skill can often unnerve the dishonest, and impress those seeking guidance. Finally, in the unfortunate event that a Jedi dies, their Nomad robes can often be handed down to a friend or Apprentice, or otherwise used to honor the memory of what they fought for.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Asani Armis • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness