Clan Tarentum

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House Tarentum
Political Information
Founding Document:

13 ABY

Head of State:

Justinian Arcanious Khyron, Sith King

Head of Government:

Anshar Kahn Tarentae

Commander in Chief:

Marshal Maxamillian von Oberst

Societal information

Issa, Yridia IV

Official Language:



Galactic Credit Standard

Historical information
Formed from:

House Tarentum of Alvaak


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

As with the other Houses now in existence, House Tarentum began as one of many Houses that dotted the socio-political landscape of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The last of the "original" Houses to form, Tarentum was formed by the members of the legendary Tau Squadron. When Tarentum became a Clan proper, it originally sired the vassal Houses of Tridens, Gladius and years later spawned a third House, Cestus. However, all three of these Houses were closed during the reign of Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae and two new Houses were created after two heroes of Tarentum: Kaerner and Reinthaler. After Grand Master Muz Ashen called for the reformation of the Brotherhood, Clan Tarentum once again became House Tarentum.

Brief History

Of all the Clans and Houses, Tarentum is the only one to be formed under direct order. Beset on all sides by the other Houses wishing them to join them, not wanting to tie themselves to any of the other Houses (thereby sharing their glory as the best of the best), and under increasing pressure from Grand Master Khyron to join or form a House, the pilots of Tau Squadron formed their own House: House Tarentum.

Eventually, the Clan would grow to serve the interests of the man who ordered them into existence - Grand Master Khyron. Though the house has been through many changes in governmental style, the House still proclaims loyalty to Sith King unfailingly and unflinchingly.

Government and Politics

Yridian Organization

When Tarentum originally came to inhabit the Yridia system, the locals had already been established under theocratic rule. The Founders of Tarentum were initially quite content to allow the Yridians distance and control over their own destinies. As time passed, and interest in Tarentum of controlling the system grew, the Yridian people and government began to be manipulated and brought under sway of the Clan on an increasing level. Eventually, the system was run as a limited parliament on behalf of the Sith King and Prince (Quaestor of Tarentum).

The government was then molded into the so-called "Yridian Kratocracy" by Ronovi Tavisaen, one of the Tarentae, during her tenure as Consul, and then Quaestor of Tarentum. The Kratocracy was established to press the ideal of the Sith King lording over all. It placed a public figurehead into government, ostensibly to look out for Tarentum's interests, while allowing the Prince to focus on other personal goals and objectives, or those more relevant to Tarentum as a House of Force-sensitives.

With the recent devastation across Yridia due to a Rakghoul plague, the surviving Yridians have turned back to their roots, and their government originally did the same, allowing the rise of theocracies and criminal syndicates. In the events of Operation: Supremacy, firm control of the system was re-established into the hands of the Quaestor.


Sith King

The entirety of the Yridia system, from the Prince to the lowest citizen, is sworn to the Sith King, Justinian Khyron. Upon formation, House Tarentum swore themselves to the Sith King, who has complete jurisdiction over the lives of the citizens, the wealth of the coffers, and the word of the law within Tarentum's home system. However, it should be noted that the Sith King is a relatively absent monarch, leaving Tarentum to largely do as it pleases.

Prince of Yridia

The Quaestor of the Tarentum also holds position as the Prince of Yridia, subject of the Sith King. In recent times, the title of Prince has largely fallen out of favor, with many Quaestors simply preferring that title.

Grand Chamberlain

Sith Bloodfyre was appointed Grand Chamberlain for life. For the moment, the title is largely ceremonial, and the Grand Chamberlain still sits as the chairmen of the Tarentae. He calls the group to order, oversees the meetings, and conducts inductions of new members to the group (when clan status is obtained).


The military of Tarentum is led by one holding the position of Marshal of the Armies of Tarentum, a traditional title that is sometimes shortened to "Marshal," or sometimes "Field Marshal." Presently, the only bearer of the title of Marshal is Maxamillian von Oberst, one of the Tarentae. Those who are named as Marshals hold the title for life, unless stripped of the honor, and are bestowed with a Marshal's Baton that is created according to the desires and specifications of each title holder. Military commanding officers serve under the active Marshal, and serve at his discretion, as well. Titles of Army and Navy commanding officers are typically "General" and "Admiral," though variations in rank exist according to the Marshal and Prince's discretion.

Changes Coming

With the recent events of Operation: Supremacy, the political landscape of the Yridia system has changed. Exactly what changes will occur to the governmental structure remain to be seen. For now, many of the local governments operate as they always have, though a strong military presence on Yridia IX has altered the rules there.


The Yridia System is an economic hub situated close to the Rimma Trade Route and a significant portion of the Brotherhood's trade funnels through Yridia in some manner or other. To that end, the few, true business fronts of the Brotherhood are hidden beneath the plethora of countless businesses and merchants situated on Yridia IX.

In addition to being a financial and trade hub for the Brotherhood, Yridia is also a major exporter of solid minerals and foodstuffs. The seas of Yridia II and the arable land of Yridia IV contribute greatly to the larders of the Brotherhood as a whole as well as the local sector.

Banking and Finance

A series of financial houses have been setup with their headquarters on Yridia IX. These houses serve as a laundering operation for the Brotherhood. Dealing in large sums (hundreds of millions of credits), these institutions muddle the paper trail leading to and from some of the most powerful members of the Brotherhood. Branches have been founded on other mid-level planets, away from the major financial centers of the galaxy. The fees incurred for laundering offset the operational costs of these branches.

It is unknown who runs these institutions and by what will they were originally founded. The only information available is that the deeds list one Trevarus Caerick as the seller of the properties in question. It is assumed that various key members of the Clan are aware who runs the institutions, however they are especially tight-lipped, claiming only that Tarentum has no direct stake in the financial interests aside from revenues garnered from taxation.

Society and Culture

House Tarentum is a part of Yridia. No more. No less. Ruling the system, the House has integrated itself as a part of the system. Cultural practices and traditions vary from world to world based on innumerable factors, but especially environment (such as the ocean planet of Yridia II).

The Three Estates

The so-called "Three Estates" represent the castes of Yridia.


The Tarentae are the upper crust of society and often have the option of holding high positions in the government and/or military, should they so choose. In recent times, though, many of the Tarentae have gone off on their own. Though they remain loyal to the house, they no longer serve in the government as a member of the group.


The Tarenti are the members of House Tarentum. They fill a number of positions as officers and administrators and, on occasion, are some of the most respected members in the Brotherhood. Controlled by their individual battle team leaders, the Tarenti are spread throughout the entire system. They can often be found in major cities or settlements aiding local government and providing additional support for non-Jedi administrators. Tarenti represent a wide swathe of races and peoples, though they are all considered Yridians and most are devoted to their new home.


Native Yridians make up the bulk of the population in the system. They are bankers, poets, businessmen, artists, physicians, laborers, soldiers, officers and everyone else. The former colonists of Yridia II, and the fringe-outpost traders of Yridia IX have become the native population (the first to arrive on the various worlds), especially when they were discovered by the newly arrived Tarenti. Recently, in an effort to stimulate internal growth, the government has sponsored new settlements on Yridia III and Yridia IV with the intent to cultivate new agricultural regions and to stimulate the emergence of new industries. Citizenship within Yridia requires at least two years of residency in the system and the swearing of an oath of allegiance.

House Tarentum has long maintained that use of the Force should be used rarely in front of the native population, though there has been more use and incidents in recent times.

Chivalry and House Tarentum

At the end of the First House Wars, with the banners of the other great Houses at their feet, the original members of the original House Tarentum swore eternal fealty and loyalty to their House and the reigning Grand Master at the time - Justinian Khyron. In doing so, these early members created the first Chivalric order, and a tradition of service to the Clan that has been revived in recent times.


Defunct Orders

Knights of Tarentum

A former military order within the Clan, the Knights of Tarentum were sworn to defend the life of the Prince and the rest of the Summits of Tarentum. No heraldic markings had been bestowed unto the Order by the Prince or Sith King. The Knights of Tarentum were Sir Welshman; Sir Merlance; and Sir Dox.

Knights of Tau

A former Order within the Clan, the Knights of Tau were first formed concluding the First House Wars during the reign of Grand Master Khyron. Sworn to defense of the Clan above all others, the charge given unto them is the outline, in red, of a TIE Interceptor, an homage to the founders of House Tarentum - Tau Squadron. The only known members of this Order still in residence within the Clan today are Master D.B. Zero, Adepts Sirrus and Reinthaler, and Field Marshal Oberst.


Broken up into two distinct branches (army and navy), Tarentum's military forces are commanded by the High General and Fleet Admiral, who both answer directly the Quaestor. Below them are the respective Battlegroup and Legion commanders.


The Yridian Surface Command is a highly mobile, armored strike force designed by High General Sato Tarentae to supplement House Tarentum's naval forces, as well as the Yridian ground militias. First put into service in 33 ABY, after most of Clan Tarentum I Corps was wiped out upon Salas V, the YSC seeks to redefine the way House Tarentum and Yridia wages war against its enemies. Breaking from the traditional format, each YSC Legion is comprised of armor, infantry and support units.

Tarenti not holding a rank act separately from the military forces they are near. They do not give orders to the army and the army does not give orders to them.


The navy comprises all spaceborne military forces. In declared times of war, merchant ships under the House's control or within the system may be pressed into military service. Battlegroups with three or more squadrons of fighters and bombers are assigned an air group commander (CAG), whose job it is to coordinate fighter deployment and engagement.

Tarenti aboard military ships that do not hold rank are separate from naval forces they are near. They do not give orders to the navy and the navy does not give them orders, with one exception: personal fighters and transports can be commandeered by the CAG or battlegroup commanders. Failure to comply with orders from CAG and above can and will be construed as treason.


Ship's captains are the ultimate authority aboard their vessel. Officers ranked below captain who command a ship are afforded the title of captain, but can also be referred to as "skipper." Visiting officers who rank as a captain are not addressed as such to avoid confusion on the ship; instead they can be referred to as "commodore," given the courtesy of higher status afforded to guests. Passengers who otherwise outrank the captain cannot override the ship's captain with the exception of the Fleet Admiral.


Rank progression in Tarentum's military is as follows:

Tarentum Military's Enlisted Ranks
E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9
Tarentum Military's Officer Ranks
O-1 O-2 O-3 O-4 O-5 O-6 O-7 O-8 O-9 O-10 O-11 O-12 (special)
Army: 2Lt 1Lt. Cpt Maj LtCol Col BrigGen MajGen Lt.Gen Gen Col-Gen Mar*
Navy: Ens LtJG Lt. Lt. Cmdr Cdr. Capt. Cdre. RAdm VAdm Adm FAdm Mar*
*Marshal is more a title than rank, and does not normally figure into officer scale.

For descriptions of the ranks, see Tarentum Ranks.

For more information on Tarentum's military structure, deployment and disposition, see Tarentum Military.

See Tarentum Order of Battle for more info on the available military forces.


House Tarentum is situated within the Yridia system. Further information on Yridia can be found by using the provided link.

It should be noted, that the House currently has an immense no-fly zone. Ships are not allowed past Yridia IX without clearance and military escort. To date, the only exceptions to this rule are Grand Master Justinian Khyron and Masters Mejas Doto and Trevarus Caerick. Violation will result in ships being fired upon.

Allies and Enemies


Allied Houses earn privileged trade status and benefit from mutual defense pacts.

  • House Arcona - On opposing sides in the previous conflicts, neither House has spilt the other's blood willfully in some time. Instead, the two Houses have become closer in their socio-political and economic dealings. Arcona comprised one-third of the Tripartite Alliance with Clans Naga Sadow and Tarentum in the events leading to and through the Fifth Great Jedi War. It should be noted that up until recently, only the personal transport of Master Mejas Doto was allowed to violate the No Fly Zone and enter Yridia unmolested. Currently, Arconan craft are allowed through the Itanna Belt without issue. Arcona and Tarentum, together, make up the Estle-Eden Axis, a military alliance between the two Houses.


Houses listed here are neither actively hostile against nor favorable towards. Although not watched as closely as enemy Houses, neutral Houses are much more likely to be searched than allied Houses.

  • House Naga Sadow - Allies leading up to the Sixth Great Jedi War, relations between the two Houses have mellowed considerably, though HNS still benefits from preferred trading privileges.
  • House Plagueis - Although a formal declaration of Alliance was made in the early days of the Sixth Great Jedi War, both sides have cooled their association somewhat. Still, prospective attackers should take into account that both Houses individually have more modern fighters and bombers at their beck and call than most other Houses. In more recent times, Tarentum and Plageuis have begun working together, and the houses are on friendlier terms than they have been in awhile.
  • House Revan - While some of those who originally populated House Revan had ties with, or had been a part of, Tarentum, the two Houses have little-to-no true relationship status. Revan exhibited a level of skill in its infancy stage that earned it some level of respect, however, and it is very possible the two Houses may eventually sit at the treaty table in the future.
  • House Taldryan - The winner of most vendetta conflicts. While the situation between members might be openly hostile towards Taldryan, the House affirms a strictly neutral outlook and has since attempted to better relations between the two units. Taldryan's raw output has vexed the Clan's military leadership, and the immense firepower available to Taldryan's fleet is enough to dwarf the comparatively diminutive Yridian fleet.


These Houses are watched carefully while conducting trade upon Yridia IX. Ships are constantly screened by fighter and bomber patrols and any slight deviation from flight plans will result in said ships being brought down for violation of the NFZ. The tariff rendered upon trade for these Houses is often excessive, in order to discourage their presence on Yridia IX.

  • House Odan-Urr - It should be no surprise that the presence of Light Siders in the Brotherhood would not be well-received by Tarentum. Whatever the motivation behind the Dark Council, and the Grand Master's decision to allow Odan-Urr a place in the Brotherhood, Tarentum has not always supported every decision made by the Council in the past. Members of this House are allowed no freedom or liberty within the Yridia system, and are watched even more closely than many of Tarentum's other enemies.
  • House Scholae Palatinae - While relations prior to the Sixth Great Jedi War were tersely cordial, the situation between the two Houses has soured entirely. Third party diplomats from the Dark Council have been unable to bring representatives together for more than a few days before talks break down completely.

Typical House Actions/Reactions

When compared with the rest of the Houses, Tarentum is, economically, quite solid. While not as deep pocketed as Clan Naga Sadow, Tarentum controls a vast portion of the Brotherhood's markets. As such (and due to having a rather small fleet), retribution from the House is almost always fiscal in nature.

Historically, Tarentum has been the loudest and staunchest advocate for greater Clan and House autonomy, as well as a withdrawal of the Council from Clan/House policies and politics. The request by the Dark Council to house bases within each Clan's home system was met by the Tarenti with much disgust. Subsequently, the Yridian Government permitted the Dark Council base to be built in furthest reaches of Yridian Space, well past the Itaana belt.

The two Task Forces on loan from the Brotherhood for defense of both The Shroud and Yridian markets give Tarentum greater leeway in dealing with military matters. Although not active enforcers of the House's No Fly Zone, the Task Force commanders generally accept that keeping the peace is necessary and will send support to the House's own pickets and patrols.

Easily the most insular House, intrusions upon the House's space is met with naked hostility.

Important Figures

  • Magnus Kaerner - Commander of the reconstituted Tau Squadron. Founded House Tarentum with the other members of Tau Squadron. First Quaestor, eventually became the first Knight Commander of the Brotherhood.
  • Master Zero - First Aedile under Kaerner, and second Quaestor of then-House Tarentum. One of the founding members of the House, and of the infamous Tau Squadron as well, Master Zero is one of the most-revered members of the House, and one of the foremost agents of the Sith King. Served as a Deputy Grand Master to Khyron.
  • Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae - Field Marshall and one of the original founders of House Tarentum. Oberst has played a major role in the style and function of Yridian society and government. He is one of Tarentum's most renowned members.
  • Erich von Reinthaler - First Knight of House Tarentum. Architect and builder of Castle Tarentum. Eventually became Sith High Warrior.
  • Sirrus - Only Krath of House Tarentum through first House War. Proved his singlehanded dominance of the Krath Order in competition. Krath counterpart to Zero's singlehanded dominance of the Sith Order in competition. Eventually became Krath High Priest under Khyron.