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Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description







150 lbs


Light Brown



Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Knight, Battleteam Leader


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

Character History

The Beginnings

Reiden was born as Hiten Karr on the planet Corellia; born to Darin and Amyla Karr. Hiten had always been interested in battle and striving to perfect himself and his skills that he had learned, even at a young age. He lead a simple life as the only child in his famly, always helping his parents the best he could.

The Last Supper

One night, as Hiten and his parents were sitting down to dinner, as they had done every night for as far back as he can remember, there came a vicious pounding on the door. His mother Amyla went to open the door but was knocked back as it was kicked open, followed by three men. The men were dressed in full combat gear, high-powered guns strapped across their backs. At that moment his father Darin turned to him and Hiten nodded in response, silently and quickly slipping from the table to his hands and knees and crawling past the distracted men, most likely bounty hunters. He reached his room where he closed his bedroom door until only enough space was left for him to watch what was going on. One of the men was clearly the leader, judging by the black star symbol outlined in red with a background of fire that was emblazoned on the sides of his shoulders and his left breast. He pointed a blaster at Darin and asked him a question, to which Darin replied that he had no idea what the man was referring to. The man, who the other two referred to as Ka'tor, then trained the blaster on Amyla, pressing it against her head and repeated the question. Darin gave the same answer, which apparently was not the one that Ka'tor was looking for, so he fired the blaster and the woman fell to the floor, limp; Darin let out a yell and Hiten bit his sleeve, stifling his own cries and yells. The question was repeated yet again and met with the same response, earning a blaster shot to his foot. Ka'tor asked Darin one final time, and Darin, through tears and sobs, told the man to go to hell and that he will never find what he was looking for. With this, Ka'tor became enraged and whipped Darin with the end of the blaster then aimed it and shot Darin repeatedly, killing him. Hiten watched in terror as his world came crashing down around him, his parents dead, murdered by some psychotic man, for reasons unknown to Hiten. Paralyzed by fear, Hiten then watched as the men proceeded to set fire to the house. Luckily, they did not check in any other rooms of the house and left the house to burn to the ground. Hiten worked quickly and grabbed what little few precious possessions: a small vibroknife he had been given as a gift the previous year for his birthday, and a necklace of a golden phoenix. He then put his robes on over his clothes and tightened the belt and grabbed his cloak, pulling it on and rushing out of the window and into the night. Running and not stoppong or lokking back, he fled from the world he knew. Away from the conflagration, away from the death and pain...away from home...

The Wandering Shadow & The Path Towards Destiny

At the age of thirteen, Hiten was orphaned, left to wander through Corellia, not knowing where he was going or what he would do next. Hiten – tired of traveling throughout Corellia, found a ship heading off-planet – was able to talk the pilot into allowing him passage aboard the ship. Once reaching the planet, Hiten bid the man farewell and began his travels once again. As time passed by, Hiten grew older, as all people do when time moves on. Two years later, at the age of fifteen, Hiten soon found himself in need of credits, for how else was the young boy to survive? As such, he started to take on various odd jobs – helping people with small problems, infiltrating buildings with relative ease – some whispered that the ease he demonstrated in doing so must have been the result of magic of some sort – to test out security measures, and also corporate espionage, besides, who in their right minds would ever suspect someone so young of being a spy? The years went by and Hiten grew to be the age of eighteen. As his age had increased, so too had his talents, becoming somewhat of a mercenary. In his trade he had earned himself the nickname of “Wandering Shadow”, due in part to his constant travels and never staying in one place for too long and also from the fact that no one seemed to know anything about him, where he came from, or what his purpose was – aside from earning money, of course.

Throughout his travels on that planet, he had heard many mumblings and whisperings. The fact that he was a mercenary helped him in the process of gathering information and hearing about rumors, talk of whether or not most people believe said rumors. None of these rumors however, intrigued him more than that of a certain Brotherhood, where it was said that all of its members had some weird sort of powers. This last bit of information sealed the deal for Hiten. For years, he had wondered what allowed him to gain entrance into a building simply by saying that the security would let him in, after the fact that they had just told him he would not be allowed to enter. He always thought he had a special ability, and now it appeared as though this Brotherhood was full of people like him, most likely everyone within its ranks. Hiten couldn’t only seem to coerce people into doing things for him, but he had experienced many odd events in the past when he was a child. His parents had simply waved it off as him imagining things; oh, if only they could hear what he was hearing now!

The Second Shadow: Kadain

On one occasion when he was questioning a passerby in a bar about the Brotherhood, after hearing the drunkard mention it, a cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows and nodded to the bartender, who gave him a drink. The drunk took one look at the cloaked man and the look on his face turned from that of drunken happiness to one of fear and immense terror almost immediately. The drunk could hardly nod before hastily vacating his seat and continuing to run out of the bar like he had just seen a very pissed off Zabrak on a speeder looking to take his head off. The cloaked man took down his hood, revealing the most startling detail about him – his eyes. Hiten had never seen eyes so yellow and full of power, red circles around the eyes seemed to hint at untold rage being held back almost constantly, so as not to terrify everyone around him wherever he went. The man said that had been wandering various worlds for years and years, looking for someone promising; he told Hiten that his name was Kadain, and that he was a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, which, he said, was commonly referred to simply as ‘the Brotherhood’. Hiten was stunned, unable to speak for a few moments, and in this time, Kadain was able to fill him in on the Brotherhood and what went on within its halls. He went so far as to say that he had been following Hiten for some time, silently watching from the cover of shadows, making close note of Hiten’s various talents and unique abilities; of course Hiten had only thought of his abilities as unique before hearing about the Brotherhood. Kadain had said that he was a Dark Jedi and that should Hiten choose so, he could bring him to the Brotherhood when he returned. Intrigued and eager to see what he was capable of, Hiten readily accepted the old man’s offer and joined him as they departed the next day. In the time between accepting the offer and leaving for the Brotherhood, Hiten had a few more drinks and then left for his apartment and gathered and packed what little possessions he had, his collected money from life as a mercenary as well. With that, his next journey had begun, and he could already feel the danger that lay ahead…and he could only grin at the thought.

The Death of a Shadow & The Arrival

Towards the end of the journey aboard Kadain’s ship, the old man suddenly and quite unexpectedly grew ill. Upon landing on the planet where the Brotherhood was located, the pair slowly made their way across the planet to the Brotherhood’s main base of operations. Along the way, Kadain’s illness took a turn for the worse and his condition seemed to be deteriorating by the hour. When Hiten looked at the old man’s face, he knew what must be done. Without hesitation, he drew his blaster pistol and placed it against the man’s forehead and whispered two words, “good bye”, before swiftly pulling the trigger and putting the old man out of his misery. It would not be until much later, a while after joining the Brotherhood and on the way back from a particularly violent mission that he would recall the thrill that he had experienced in the moments before and after pulling the trigger, as well as the very moment he pulled the trigger and ended the man’s life.

Hiten knew that he must continue on with the trek, so the young man took Kadain’s pack, emptied it of its contents and packed it with things that would be needed later: food, water, a few pieces of clothing, and lastly, the old man’s weapons, including what Hiten would later come to realize was Kadain’s lightsaber. With that out of the way, Hiten continued on to the Brotherhood for luckily, yet at the same time foolishly, the old man had told Hiten of its location – perhaps he had known what would happen and had planned it this way from the start. Continuing on, Hiten reached the entrance of the Brotherhood and laid his hand upon the door, imprinting the memory in his mind for later, and then removed his hand and allowed the door to open.

The Name & The Brotherhood

"I'm CSP's over-affectionate Twi'lek chick!"
― Impetus to Reiden upon his initial appearance in Scholae Palatinae

When Hiten first stepped inside the Brotherhood, he was immediately questioned, mostly about who he was and how he had gotten there. After giving them his newly-decided name and his story, even daring to go as far as telling them that he had killed the old man Kadain, they simply nodded and proceeded to let him go. He called them back and asked them if he could join, and, after much thought, they agreed and he became the newest member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

Hiten had already decided that he should have a different name before even entering the building, so that is why he gave them a false one, deciding to actually assume the identity of that false name. He had imagined himself as becoming another person when he would join them – he had assumed that they would let him join before arriving and deciding to take a chance with the assumption – and as such, he would need a new identity, a new name. He also chose to take on a new name because he was still on the lookout for the man who killed his parents, and he was hoping to find some leads while within this group of people. In the end, his decision was to take on the name of Reiden – a link to his past, from a story that his mother had read to him as a child. Now known as Reiden, he would cease using his last name, partially because he was hoping to one day find the killer – to befriend the man, who would never be the wiser, only to kill him – and partially out of caution that someone would recognize the name either as part of the family of his that had been long dead and also from his days as a mercenary. Reiden also felt as though one wasn’t even really needed.

When Reiden first showed up, he was subjected to a short series of tests and examinations, used to determine his physical and mental health, as well as his abilities in the Force. Shortly afterwards, they had given him a brief combat test and told him the name of the Order to which he would be joining and then sent him off to the Clan and House to which they assigned him, explaining that they believed that they chose based on where they thought he would thrive and succeed more. He had joined the Obelisk Order and was assigned to House Dorimad Sol of Clan Scholae Palatinae.

Upon his arrival at the Brotherhood and subsequently Scholae Palatinae and Dorimad Sol afterwards, Reiden realized that he had finally done it. He no longer had the need to wander; he had found a new home. Not only was the Brotherhood like a new home to him, but Reiden quickly gained new friends, something which he had never had many of previously. Then, eager to prove himself to everyone, he set himself to work, mainly within the Shadow Academy. Due to his eagerness to prove himself to everyone, combined with his immense amount of activity among the ranks of House Dorimad Sol, Reiden was awarded a Dark Cross within only four days of finding the Brotherhood.

The Next Step

Over the course of his time within the halls of the Brotherhood, roughly around the period in which he was a Guardian, Reiden was told that he would be assigned a Master. At first he was not sure how he'd feel about it, but in the end he decided to trust the decision of the Summit leading Scholae Palatinae and accept and respect their decision of who would be his Master. Reiden then met with his new Master, Angelo Dante, whom everyone simply referred to as Dante. The pair seemed to work well together, the master reminding the apprentice to get to work and get things done, sparking continued activity in the young Obelisk. After spending roughly three months within the Brotherhood, and with the tutelage of Dante, Reiden had risen through the ranks of the Brotherhood. Through continued activity and a drive to succeed in everything he does, he has achieved the rank of Jedi Hunter. Upon attaining this rank, Reiden was told that he would begin his Trials to Knighthood shortly. Upon hearing this, he was thrilled, happily accepting yet another chance to prove himself to everyone in Dorimad Sol and Scholae Palatinae, but not only them, but all within the entire Brotherhood as well.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

  • Was a member of the Battleteam Banshee Brigade, under the command of Cern Unnos.
  • Was a member of the Battleteam Blades of Chaos, under the command of Cethgus Incendia Zor-El.
  • Was a member of the Battleteam Blades of Chaos, under the command of Ric "Blade" Hunter.
  • Is currently the Battleteam Leader (BTL) of Banshee Brigade.
  • Is an apprentice to Angelo Dante, though he has been promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight already.
  • Is the Editor in Chief of the Royal Gazette, Scholae Palatinae’s newsletter.
  • Was elected to the Senate of Scholae Palatinae as the Junior Senator - the representative for the Journeymen ranks.
  • Is a Colonel within the Scholae Palatinae Military.
  • Is the Commander of the 37th Assault Legion, known as "Sleeping Fury", of Scholae Palatinae's Military.

Outstanding Achievements

  • Became the Editor in Chief of the Royal Gazette; attained this position within roughly one month of joining.
  • Helped to create part of the Arx Ondorii wiki page (provided text).
  • Helped to create the website for House Dorimad Sol along with Robin Hawk (really only provided some text).
  • Has finally released the second issue of the Royal Gazette, with the help of Lucien Kaeth and Timbal Palpatine.
  • Became the Battleteam Leader (BTL) of Banshee Brigade.
  • Has been promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.
  • Was the last person in Scholae Palatinae to be promoted to Dark Jedi Knight under the rule of Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine before his retirement from the position of Consul.


  • The name Reiden was taken from the character of the similar, if not same, name from Mortal Kombat.
  • The name Hiten was taken from the anime series Inuyasha. Hiten was the name of one of the two Thunder Brothers.
    • Hiten can also be found in the anime Ruroni Kenshin (sometimes seen as Samurai X) in the form of Kenshin Himura's style of using a sword, Hiten Mitsurugi.
  • The name Karr was taken from the movie Bulletproof Monk. The name of Seann William Scott's character was named Kar.
  • Seems to have become more confident in himself after becoming an apprentice of Dante; this has been illustrated by his resumed activity and new-found determination to succeed and further himself on his own path towards darkness.
  • Once proclaimed himself a "Perma-GRD" in reference to his disbelief of ever getting to a rank higher than Guardian (GRD).
    • This title has since been disproved, since he has been promoted to the rank of Jedi Hunter (JH).
  • Once jokingly referred to himself as a "Perma-JH", but since it was jokingly, he meant nothing by it.
    • This title is obviously wrong, seeing as how he is constantly working to better himself and move farther along the path of darkness. The title is also obviously wrong since he has now attained the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.
  • Came up with the name "Tritus" for Tritus d'Tana when he was trying to decide on a new name for himself (this was shortly after the Three-Way Feud between Scholae Palatinae, Plagueis, and Arcona).
  • Came up with the names for four(4) separate Legions of Scholae Palatinae's Military
    • 34th Assault Legion -- Sweeping Death
    • 35th Assault Legion -- Dark Curtain
    • 36th Assault Legion -- Reaper Strain
    • 37th Assault Legion -- Sleeping Fury


Since joining the Brotherhood, Reiden has been known to use nicknames or name shortenings with the people that he has met. The current nicknames that he has used are: