Lorien Sinclair

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Lorien Sinclair Dupar
Biographical Information

Nar Shaddaa

Date of Birth:

5 B.B.Y.

Date of Death:


Physical Description











Black with dark red coronas

Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

New Republic/New Jedi Order Eras


Maadaerkhai Confederation, Ghost Squadron, Clan Plagueis

Personal Ship:

Resurrected Erebus



[ Source ]

Lorien Sinclair Dupar is a rogue Guardian of the Brotherhood. Her allegiance to the Brotherhood is one of common goals, originally born of the idealistic fervor of a woman determined to avenge old wrongs through any means necessary, and now out of a desire to protect all she holds dear.

Character History


The thirty-four year old Sinclair is a native of the slums of Nar Shaddaa. Raised by her parents, Tekhis and Sarai Sinclair, Lorien learned the cold, hard truth of life at an early age, shunned by most of the inhabitants of the slums due to her unusual eyes - obsidian orbs with crimson coronas - and her preternatural reflexes. Attacked on a daily basis, Lorien became a bitter, streetwise tomboy, whose reputation for brutal retribution only worsened her circumstances.

Despite this, Lorien's parents were able to instill a fierce sense of honor into their daughter, largely centered on protection of loved ones, and concerning retribution. Tekhis taught his daughter to defend herself, and Sarai taught her how to read people, to observe the world around her, and be mindful of her surroundings.

In 11 A.B.Y., the slums of Nar Shadaa fell prey to a epidemic, decimating the population. Buoyed by the belief that the then-sixteen -year-old Lorien was some sort of dark harbinger, the survivors mobbed the small permacrete building that doubled as both home for the Sinclairs, as well as family business, and demanded that Lorien be executed for her supposed role in events. In the ensuing events, the building was firebombed, causing a support beam to break loose, crushing Sarai. Tekhis ran to save his wife, but a wild shot from one of the lynch mob outside hit him between the eyes.

Lorien's life would have been over, had it not been for the timely intervention of the gray Jedi Alaric Shaddonai, a survivor of Palpatine's Jedi Purge who had been in hiding in the Unknown Regions. Shaddonai tore through the mob's ranks, scattering them to the wind with the Force and a few choice waves of his lightsaber. Once through, he carried away Lorien, who had been clipped in the head by a sizable piece of permacrete, to his ship on the upper levels.

Despite some early distrust of Shaddonai, Lorien learned some information that both complicated her situation, and also set her on a rather uncertain path. Alaric's presence on the Smuggler's Moon had been the result of her ancestor, Makhael Sinclair, the leader of the Maadaerkhai Confederation.

Jhekkoria Prime and Primary Grievances

Makhael, who was known better by his title of 'Zenekhai', was an Immortal, one who had earned a grudging respect from Palpatine's Sith predecessors, as well as the Jedi Order, in the years before the Purge. As he was Lorien's only relative, and Alaric was still a wanted man in the eyes of the Empire, as well as by several criminal organizations, including Black Sun, Lorien was taken to Jhekkoria Prime, the capital seat of the Confederation.

Between Makhael's Zenekhai Council - a group of warriors who had fought under him since the fall of his homeworld -and the man himself, Lorien was trained in the art of war, stealth, and assassination, alongside a formal education in philosophy, history, and technical design. She was placed in an apprenticeship until the age of twenty-one in Jhekkoria's Khryton Shipyards, designing starfighters and light gunships.

During the latter half of 17 A.B.Y., Lorien ignored Makhael's warnings, and attended the Jedi Praxaeum on Yavin IV. Over the next six months, her faith in the Jedi was replaced by a sense of frustration with their pacifist, middle-road approach. Five days before the turn of the year, she confronted Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn directly over the issues, and when her grievances were met the same complacent nature she had observed in the Praxaeum since shortly after her arrival, she struck Master Skywalker, cursed the Jedi who lived and studied under him as fools, and departed.

Over the next few years, Lorien did all manner of work, from being the bodyguard and personal consort of a midlevel Black Sun operative, to running assassination and smuggling missions for the Hutts. Her battle savvy need her up in the middle of the Corellian Insurrection on the side of the New Republic, although not without consequence -- her first ship, the Vendetta Pride, was destroyed in the firefight.

Enter the Brotherhood

Shortly after, Lorien caught wind of rumors about the Brotherhood. Returning to Jhekkoria, she made peace with her ancestor, and accepted his offer of aid if she ever needed it. She also made inquiries to several mercenary associates about the Brotherhood, as well as looking up Alaric, who she convinced to train her in the ways of the Force. This was cut short by Talon Jade, who cut down Shaddonai on the ruined world of Makhotis in late 21 A.B.Y.

In 22 A.B.Y., Lorien joined the Brotherhood. Running on hate and a thirst for vengeance, she locked horns with a few of the upper echelons of the Brotherhood - most notably Jonaleth Isradia diPlagia - over her temperament and her tendency to get in over her head. Despite having trained under the likes of Chi Long and her adopted brother, Gaidal Dupar al'Tor, Lorien has had no great desire to gain any great status within the Brotherhood. Following Gaidal's departure for points unknown, and the destruction of the Acarr system, Lorien left the Brotherhood, haunted by a vision of her as a Sith Warlord, engaged in battle with a Brotherhood helmed by diPlagia, but controlled by forces whose ultimate objective was far more capricious then even Jonaleth was capable of -- galactic annihilation. She has since been residing on Preminger Colony, a deep-space stellar cartography station on the edge of Nubian space.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Flight Member, Exar's Shadow

Outstanding Achievements

Combatant in Acarr Exodus


-Lorien is derived from "Lothlorien", the realm of Galadriel, the Wood Elf Queen who tested Frodo Baggins in "The Fellowship of the Ring", by J.R.R. Tolkien. Sinclair is derived from Michael Sinclair, the main character of the Reckoning Wars Saga. -The idea for Lorien's eyes, as well as Makhael's, came from an image of the goddess Tokimi of "Tenchi Muyo!" fame. -Makhael, Tekhis, and Sarai are names used in the Reckoning Wars Saga. Makhael is an honorific given to Michael during his experiences in the distant past. Tekhis and Sarai are the names of two of his closest friends.