Kalak Ragnose

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Character History

Early Life

The Begining

For the first ten years of his life, Kalak did not know what he was, who he was. He went about his life stealing what he could. He joined a gang of thugs on Nar Shaddaa and was taken as a sort of son by their leader. The leader gave Kalak his name. He soon became accustomed to the crushing of people’s minds and bodies; it never really suited him though. There was no finesse involved, just brutal violence. He grew up big, strong and healthy that is, until he had his first encounter with the dark side of the force. A dark Jedi his face hidden, his voice like sandpaper sent a wave of force upon Kalak. He had no idea that it was the dark side. It twisted the way he thought forever. He felt a new intelligence, a thirst for knowledge. The dark Jedi read his mind, his thoughts and who he was. Kalak was amazed, new doors had opened in his mind. It was then that he learnt what he was, who he was and what he was going to be and do. As a 12 year old, he stowed away on a ship that was going to Coruscant in order to get training. He took everything he had and bought a holocron to teach him rudimentary knowledge of things like xenology. He soaked it up and was eager for more He went straight to the Jedi temple, its tall proud statues guarding the entrance allowing him in. He was determined to join. They were rather surprised by the fact that he had made it here alone but were glad of the fact he had no emotional attachments. Kalak was in his element, top in his classes. But he began to get annoyed, they were holding him back, stopping him using holocrons. They cautioned him with tales of Darth Revan. He stole one and secretly studied it. He was waiting for his time to come putting his body through immense training. He was only 16 when he killed the padawan in his sleep. He doubted that the Jedi council felt it; they would never have noticed that it was him. They found the padawan the next day. He had a single blaster wound to the head. They were too blind to notice a disturbance, and started to chase after smugglers. It was the perfect opportunity; He left and started wandering from planet to planet stowing away on ships and stealing any teaching data pads he could, although he had received extra lessons at the temple. He also wanted to study ancient ruins that littered the galaxy. He wound up on a strange planet and decided to wander. He had wandered for a while and he collapsed. When he woke up he was in front of a 6 metre statue of the great Sith Lord, Marka Ragnos. Bending over him, with an expression of concern was a kindly looking man of about 60. He asked Kalak who he was and he replied " Just Kalak". The man questioned where his parents were and when he found out that he had none and that he could read and write, the man was very impressed. He asked if Kalak would like to come and live with him on Frrelor. Kalak agreed and the man took him to his personal shuttle.

Life on Frrelor

On the journey, the man revealed his name as Lorey Naicaac, and he was one of the most powerful men on Frrelor and the richest man in the sub sector. The shuttle landed in a massive estate, with a huge mansion. Lorey gave Kalak his second name. Ragnose, as the place where they met was in front of a statue of Ragnos. Kalak's early time on Frrelor was possibly the best he had ever had. Fine robes, expensive cuisine and dozens of interesting data pads soon made Kalak as intelligent as some one twice his age. He became extremely cultured and enjoyed the fine life. His Room was massive and he had a personal library for all his data pads and books. Kalak had sprung up several levels and had been told by Lorey that he would inherit his position and wealth. It had turned out that his new father had a passion for shooting and they often went out shooting manta's. Kalak had also been introduced to the rest of the powerful and social elite. With his natural charm and a tiny use of his pheromones, he had them wrapped round his fingers.


As an extremely intelligent individual, Kalak soon entered into Diath university of Coruscant at the age of 20. He took many courses but in particular, micro-Biology, Bacteriology and ancient history. He was top in all of his classes and had perfect grades. It was also here where he fell in love with Hellena. She was a beautiful Human, with dark hair and beautiful black eyes framed by pale skin. They began dating, both having interests in the same thing. That was the point when he thought everything was perfect. But everything went wrong. One evening, he had gone to her apartment near the university. He used the key he had and let himself in. He walked into her kitchen and saw her kissing a handsome male Firrerroe. He stepped back in shock and Hellena had glanced round and gasped. He had rushed forward and sent the Firrerroe flying back. He then turned to Hellena who had lain cowering on the floor. He put his hands round the ivory coloured skin of her neck and squeased the life out of her. On that day, he thought he would never love again. The university put it down to the area, many thugs lived there.

Kalak graduated with degree's in all 3 of his chosen studies at the age of 25. He was then hired by a top medical facility where he worked as a doctor and as a researcher in bacteria. He excelled there, dicovering new forms of bacteria and diagnosing patients whose cases' seemed impossible. But he also secretly genetically engineered several species of deadly bacteria making them even more potent. These were all kept in a secret safe storage area. He began to take patients for his own 'Research'. Eventually the facility discovered what he was doing and he was promptly sacked. Kalak was furious. He released one of he deadly bacteria's into the building, killing everyone. He then walked through the deserted corridors taking dozens of specimens of Bacteria, Viruses etc. He also took a small fortune in credits.

Further Studies

Discovery of the Sith

Kalak decided to briefly travel to Iphgin on his way back to Frrelor. As he was walking down the street, he saw a cloaked figure with a red lightsaber fighting five Jedi. Kalak slowly drew a throwing razor and using the force, threw it. The razor slashed along a knights throat. The distraction was enough. The figure feinted and stabbed the opponent through the heart. The others quickly followed their leader. The figure turned to Kalak and told him that he was the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. He was grateful for his assitance and offered Kalak a small amount of Sith training. Kalak was honoured. Sidious gave him the coordinates to a planet in the deep core named Byss. Kalak set of to Frrelor to store the bacteria and all the credits that he had taken from the Med Facility. He then took took his personal Sheathipede shuttle and travelled to Byss.

The Dark Lord of the Sith met him in a citadel on the strange planet. There, Kalak was taught various old Sith techniques and Dark side powers. Sidious was impressed by Kalak's first for Sith Lore and as such, transfered a copy of many sith documents on to a datapad for Kalak to study. After Sidious had learnt of Kalak's plans for Frrelor, he told him what he had planned for the galaxy and offered Kalak the position of Imperial Govenor of Frrelor when the time came. As Frrelor was hidden from most of the galaxy, he would be undisturbed. Kalak gratefully accepted. Sidious then told him that there was nothing more that would be taught to him. Kalak had respectfully bowed then left Byss. He was 30 and would soon return to Frrelor to achieve his dreams

Student of the Malkite

Kalak was now determined to broaden his education on assasination. As such, he travelled to Chandrilla to seek the Malkite Poisoners. At night, he wandered the beautiful streets, searching for them. He made inquiries in cantina's but he had no luck. At last just as he was about to give up, a pair of past figures slipped up behind him and slipped a cloth over his face. He was bundled uncerimoniously into a speeder and taken deep into a mountain via a long twisting tunnel. Eventually they stopped and the clothe was removed. Kalak was in a large hall and in the centre on a throne was a beautiful woman of about 28. She had black hair and was dressed in a black jumpsuit with a silver lined silk black cloak. She offered Kalak a chance to train in the arts of poison. Kalak accepted immediatly.

Kalak was taught personally by the woman who introduced herself as Calmana Sinclaire, the leader of the Malkite. He learnt many things there broadening his education vastly. And as they studied, Master teaching and student learning, they began to grow to one and other. In one of the lessons, Calmana was right next to him pointing at something in the book Kalak was learning from. She had glanced up when she sensed that Kalak was not looking at the book and found him staring deep into her eyes. She put her arm round him, drew him close and kissed him passionatly. Throughout the rest of his time on Chandrila training, in his quatres studying or with Calmana. After 2 years, his knowledge in the arts of poison eventually rivalled the best members of Malkite Poisoners. He decided to leave and return to Frrelor. Calmana decided to go with him and they decided to form a sect of the Malkite on Frrelor in the old Mountain Citadel there.

Return to Frrelor

Kalak's return to Frrelor was heralded by a great banquet in Kalak's honour hosted by his adopted father. The Malkite were easily secreted into the citadel. Kalak secretly sent credits there in order for the sect to buy poisons and weapons. Then three weeks later a shcoking blow came. His adopted Father had just died of a stroke and had left Kalak everything. The Falleen now had access to millions of credits and a planet. Kalak immedialy set about assuring his power. He had some well known architects and builders construct a fortress in the norther hemasphere of Frrelor and started picking the best soldiers and warriors on Frrelor to serve as his secret police, the RSS. Once the Fortress had been completed, Kalak christened it Ragnose Fortress. While things may have seemed a little tyrannical at first, the Falleen quickly ushered in peace and the Golen age of Frrelor began. Kalak had all of his possesions moved into the Fortress and stockedpiled thousands of datapads, scrolls and artifacts. Things seemed to be looking up. That was until one year later when Calmana Sinclaire abadoned him. When he heard of her betrayal he screamed and and while sobbing destroyed the room he was in. One hour later, he ordered the RSS to find and exterminate the treacherous human. From that day forward Kalak was unable to love anyone in an intimate manner. He would later enter into a relationship with Impetus but that quickly ended and became more of a good friend thing.

Kalak was now 40 and the year was 30 BBY. The Falleen was scanning the galaxy for artifacts, Sith and Jedi. Kalak traditionally travelled the galaxy with several members of the RSS, both for protection and also if some digging or labour was needed. Every year he took time away from his Frrelorian duties to visit groups like the Witches of Dathomir and the Baron Do. He was not really proficient enough at the time to use their powers but he learnt of their traditions and histories and stored how they used their powers so that one day he could use them as well.


In the time between the Battle of Naboo and the death of Palpatine, not much happened. He met up with an Anzat assassin, Alzon Fengo on Correlia and hired his services permanantly. He accquired a DeepWater-class light freighter which he named Shadow reaper and used it to further assist him in his travels. It was also during this time that Kalak journeyed to his Species home planet, Falleen. He walked through the plains, to the registry office with an ensemble of guards and enquired as to his origins. Too his immense shock and pleasure he found out that he was the son of a Falleen Lord, Lord Anazider. Kalak journeyed to his fathers estate deep in the Nothern hemisphere's Rainforest and there he met his father. It was the most disapointing meeting ever for Kalak. His father was a bloated, lazy monster, resembling a green Hutt. His mother had apparently long since died and had left him an unbreakable crate which Anazider now displayed to his son, while guzzling down juice. After inspecting it, Kalak determined that is was a force lock. Anger had begun to imerge and using the Force, Kalak began to mentally tortue Anazider, extracting anything of value from the obese noble. Eventually after all his fathers financial codes and secrets were out, Kalak executed his father and claimed his title as Falleen Lord. Immediatly afterwards, he emptied his fathers bank vaults and stripped the mansion of everything of worth.

On his trip back to Frrelor, Kalak reinspected the crate and began to probe it with the Dark Side. It immediatly opened and revealed its treasures. Inside were fine robes, lightsaber crystals, manuscripts and more importantly, a small box containing his mothers robes, her lightsaber and a datapad. The datapad revealed his mother to have been a Dark Jedi and contained a sort of Biograpy of her life. He put the lightsaber back into its box and as soon as he reached Frrelor he had the crate moved to Ragnose Fortress.

Frrelor went through the clone wars un disturbed and Kalak managed to accquire 30 B2 battle droids for the Frrelorian army. The Republic fell and the Empire rose. Warship production boomed and soon there were several imperial fighters on the market. Kalak bought some of these in preperation for an eventual attack. But again thanks to it's location, Frrelor was untouched.

Death of an empire

With the death of the Emperor, the last true Sith Lord until 40 years later, came a wave of reprecussions, reveberating from the core into wild space. The new Falleen Lord watched in interest as a new Jedi order rose and a new republic. A mindless drone came from the New Republic and invited Frrelor to join. It was of course sent away but the drone made the people of Frrelor fear an invasion as a stepping stone for the New Republic, to hit Coruscant. Luckily Borleias was chosen and Kalak escaped detection.

Time with the Brotherhood

Reports had come to Kalak's attention of Brotherhood of Dark Jedi based around Antei. He travelled there, leaving the vizier in charge. He was sent to the Shadowacademy and then immediatly assigned him to Clan Scholae Palatinae. The Falleen Lord was immediatly thrown into the feud between CSP and Clan Arcona. After the conflict, he was noticed by the Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco who offered to be his Master. Kalak gratefully accepted, being delighted to study under one so powerful. Kalak slowly advanced through the ranks o the Journeyman, becoming the magistrate of Anshar Kahn Tarentae, the Headmaster of the time.

Rite of Supremacy

Kalak fought hard in the rite of supremacy and also made a trip to the well of Darkness on Dxun. There he was confronted by images of his mother on Falleen. Turbolasers were raining down on the surface and the consumed the image, bathing it in fire. After finding a rock with the word Bane carved in, he was transorted to the hall of CSP where he was forced to confront his former lover, Helena. Lastly he was thrown into a world of nightmares facing Darth Vader and other things of that nature. He finally reached the end and found several weapons for the clans use.

GJW 8 and Reclamation o Judecca

As soon as the rite of Supremacy was over, the Yuuzhan Vong struck. Kalak had been on the observation deck of the CSP Flagship Excidum at the time and had suffered damage to his leg when a shard of metal and speared it. He had helped repel a group of Vong warriors who had infiltrated the Excidum and collapsed soon after.

He woke up in the Med bay and quickly left. On Judecca, he was assigned by his master to find a hidden cache of weapons. He did so and then rejoined his Master at the command bunker. He was then ordered to take a team of journeymen and commandoes and take down the shapers operations at the abandoned temple. He did the efficiently and dueled Master Shaper Vandde Ren, an unusual Shaper because of her remarkable ability to fight. He eventually killed her and escaped. He was involved in the Reclamation of Brutus (one of Judecca's moons) but was forced to use a cane for a while as a result of the exertion on his wounded leg.


Apearence and Attire

Kalak is a relatvily traditional Falleen. His scales are green, his face is angular and very symetrical and his long black hair is tied in a topknot. He is 2 metres tall and is rather intimidating. He virtuall always wears robes, either his Krath ones or elegant expensive ones. He wears boots that come up to his knee's and also has several jewlled rings on his fingers.


Kalak rarely gets in a fight but he does have some weapons.

  • A lightsaber
  • A Black can with an emerald emmbedded at the top. When the emerald is pressed a blade comes out the other end.
  • Rodian throwing razors


Kalak is the typical Falleen, arrogant, disiplined and controlled and with a rather large ego. The only thing Kalak really cares about is knowledge and he will go to great lenghts to increase this, often putting into motion complex plans simply to gain a rare scroll or book. His time in the brotherhood as mellowed his selfishness some what and he does do certain things for the good of the Brotherhood and his Clan. Add the traits of the Krath, manipulative and deceitful and that is Kalak.

Abilities and traits

Kalak is a Falleen and thus is blessed with his species assets. Being a semi aquatic species, he can hold his breath underwater for a long time. He is resistant to mind tricks. His best asset though makes him a master of the mind. A common trait among his species, Kalak is in command of persuasive pheromones, capable of affecting the behaviour of other sentient beings, especially females. This ability, combined with the Force, makes Kalak one of the most persuasive Dark Jedi in Acclivis Draco. Kalak is also a skilled fencer and as such, has taken the Lightsaber style Makashi to compliment this. Besides these, his primary ability is his brain. Kalak has a working knowledge of poisons and history and is well versed in many languages. To be short, Kalak could be considered the epitome of culture and civilisation

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Immensely intelligent
  • Huge Willpower
  • Skilled Fencer
  • Able to seduce any Female
  • Powerful in the Force


  • Stubborn
  • Weak Piloting skills
  • Relativly weak Blaster skills
  • Not particuarly athletic
  • Cold to virtually everyone

DJB Facts

  • Former apprentice to RevengeX Palpatine
  • Created the motto for the Battle team Mandalorian Comrades

Positions Held

  • Magistrate to the Headmaster


  • Kalak has a pet boma which he found on a mission to Dxun when it was a baby and has raised it as a pet. He named it Maligniatis.
  • His personal starship, Shadow Reaper is a DeepWater-class light freighter which has been heavily modified. It is piloted by a V6-series pilot droid,
  • Kalak has a great knowledge of many languages modern, and ancient. Galactic Basic, rodese, Falleen, Ithorese, Cheunh, Ryl and Mon Calamarian as well as the ancient languages Classical Ossan, Old Feeorin, ancient Selkath and a little of Sithese
  • Kalak is an able Chemist, and his specialises in Cardiothoracic's and Mircobiology