Nfolgai - SadowFive

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Nfolgai system





Rotation period:

21 Hours

Orbital period:

212 Solar Days





Primary Terrain:

Northern Hemisphere

  • Mountainous, Barren

Southern Hemisphere

  • Mountainous, Jungles, Swamps
Native species:


Immigrated species:
Primary language(s):




Major imports:


Major exports:



Sith Empire

[ Source ]

"Initial scans of the system show Nfolgai as the most likely target. If we can get a foothold there, we have our first step into the heart of Sith territory. From here we can strike along the Descri Wris, leaving Ziost and Athiss open to our advance."
Voice Intel Report N-020613

Cool opening.


"The barren expanse felt like... nothing. Devoid of life. Almost like it had been consumed by the jungles to the south."
Voice Intel Report N-020713

As much a victim of Sorzus' alchemy as the creatures she experimented upon, the Dark Side of the Force has left its mark upon the surface of Nfolgai. Large, sweeping mountain ranges cover the planet's surface, a dark reflection of the jaded darkness that consumes it. The northern hemisphere is utterly desolate, a scar spanning semi-globally and emanating with a perpetual loneliness. This is a sharp contrast to the dotted jungles and swamps to be found in the southern hemisphere. Plant-life, twisted and obscure, laid claim to the land and turned the dark canopies of this hemisphere into natural military assets. The high levels of metallic contents within the plants renders radar and scanners nearly useless, a trait similar to the planet of Myrkr.


"The buildings here are ancient. Such history to be found in their halls and even the debris now reclaimed by the flora. This planet is... Altered... Its almost as if I can hear the ghosts of conversations long past on the wind whispering at night. So much more to find, so much many secrets lost."
Voice Intel Report N-020813


Sith Empire

The world Nfolgai was originally part of the pre-Republic Sith Empire ruled by King Adas. While not one of the five most sacred worlds of the Sith -- Ziost, Khar Delba, Rhelg, Krayiss and Korriban -- Nfolgai was located at the end of the Nache Bhelfia hyperlane on the Descris Wris and of strategic importance due to its close proximity to both Athiss and the capital of Ziost itself.

At some point in the Sith’s early history, Sorzus Syn speculated that the native Sith struck out at nearby Republic worlds outside the Stygian Caldera, including the world of Thosa, and that it was from these unrecorded attacks that they brought back the Draethos and Mrlssi slaves who were subsequently forced to erect the long since crumbled megaliths and statuaries whose ruins are believed to continue to exist somewhere in the southern overgrown wilds today.

Come 6,900 BBY, Nfolgai and the rest of Sith Space fell under the control of the exiled Dark Jedi who had been banished from the Galactic Republic by the Jedi Order at the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness. Of these new Sith Lords, it was the alchemist Sorzus Syn that took a particular interest in Nfolgai, seeing in its slight detachment from the heart of the Sith Empire the opportunity to continue her personal research into the dark side. In the south, Syn had the planet’s slaves erect an aviary for her, which she used to house the specimens she had managed to bring with her from the Republic together with the new beasts that she discovered during her time on the other Sith Worlds. Many of her creatures are believed to continue to haunt the southern jungles today, with even a battle hydra purported to have been sighted near where her own mausoleum was later to be constructed.

Despite Syn’s interest in the Esstran Sector’s wildlife, she and her fellow Exiles soon became more concerned with finding new ways to ensure the continuation of their own legacies. Evidence of Syn’s own contributions to the survival of the Sith Lords’ genetic bloodlines still remains in some of the facilities that have been uncovered, with one research team recording a compound housing hundreds of long dead life forms that resemble monstrous crosses between various species having been chemically preserved. However, despite the fact Syn is known to have constructed both the Muur and Dreypa Talismans, no research teams have yet found any sites related to her research into Sith artifacts, nor any new information pertaining to the 'Great Amulet' that she is recorded to have discussed creating.

In the years after Syn’s eventual death, her surviving Kissai acolytes ordered the construction of a mausoleum for her in the southern jungles. While it remains unknown whether Syn’s own body was interred there or not, her disciples were nevertheless entombed alive inside its walls, as was customary in Sith society. Either way, Nfolgai returned to primarily serving as a secondary tomb world, with later Sith Lords like Tulak Hord and Marka Ragnos choosing to focus their time on the more sacred worlds.

Collapse of civilisation

In 5,000 BBY, the Sith Empire collapsed following the disastrous Great Hyperspace War and Nfolgai’s slave populations fled into the jungles to survive the ensuing civil war and extermination of the native Sith by the Republic. Without anyone now to maintain order, the slave races quickly fractured along species lines, with the Human slaves being wiped out after just a few years, and the Draethos and Mrlssi establishing their own tribal groups. Furthermore, with little knowledge of the arcane devices left behind by their masters, the remaining slaves devolved back into primitive creatures, with their descendants becoming increasingly deformed due to the planet’s dark energies and the individual tribe’s inbreeding over the centuries.

At some point in the ensuing centuries, an Interdictor-class cruiser crashed into the northern hemisphere, the impact further decimating the already desolate and unwelcoming north. Mrlssi tribes have fought over the wreckage ever since, with the tribe who have held it for the better part of the last millennia having delved even further into insanity by whatever cargo the cruiser had been transporting for its unknown commanders.


"We lost contact with Recon Team Gamma at 0900 hours. A sweep of the area found a damaged scout droid. Its records are being retrieved now, but if you ask me something savage got a hold of it... And something unnatural put those dents in it."
Voice Intel Report N-020813-2

Cool people.


"These plants are playing havoc with our systems. Recon has been reduced to visual levels only. Still, we are finding more each passing day. We stumbled upon what looks like an old avery at 1300 hours, the plants there were different than the rest, exotic."
Voice Intel Report N-020713-2

Cool people.


"We have found the base of operations for the One Sith forces stationed here. An aerial drone returned feed showing several locations of interest nested deep within the mountains, as if carved out of the stone itself. Reports from Delta and Epsilon tell of a massive wreck in the north, we await additional intel."
Voice Intel Report N-020813-3

Cool places.

Sorzus Syn's Mausoleum

"Something isn't right in this place. I can't sleep, and even when I do I would be better off without. The men are reporting sightings left and right of some strange woman cloaked in darkness and strange sounds from deeper within the building. I would have dismissed it if there weren't so many reports. Zeta hasn't reported back, with or without them we move out in 30."
Voice Intel Report N-020913

History of the above place.

Render Crash Site

"Epsilon's report revealed the location of a crashed Interdictor-class Destroyer. Hard to believe something that large could have been crashed in such a complete state. Judging by debris, much of the current damage occurred recently, and not during the crash."
Voice Intel Report N-020913-2

This planet really must be cool to have so many cool places.

Persons of Interest

Sorzus Syn

"I am not a Sith. I do not share their blood."
Sorzus Syn

Cool story, bro.

Yobd Nan

"The One Sith forces here seem to be led by a Duros, not exactly what we expected when we arrived. He seems a coward, always accompanied by two or three Dathomiri Hunters."
Voice Intel Report N-020913-3

Not as cool story, bro.

Behind the scenes