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Cobalt Platoon
Unit Information

33 ABY - present


29 personnel

[ Source ]



Before they became known as the Cobalt Horde and the mysterious disappearance of 33 ABY, The Clan went under a different name. Clan Ula'xin was a primitive culture that resided in three different seculeded villages across New Tyhon. There, Clan Ula'xin hunted daily for their needs. The Clan (compromised of three distinct tribes) were instinctive survivors, all of them knew how to hunt using bows, spears and whichever weapons that resembled swords they could find or scavenge. The tribe made their own medicines from herbs, created their own tools, and hunted animals for their meat. Also, the Clan bore an extremely high number of Sonants with the ability to contol beasts in their ranks. This led to giving the Harakoans of the tribe the ability to use mounts as they hunted, or have another natural predator alongside them also to assist in hunting. The Clan also used the hides of animals to build the massive huts that they lived in along the banks of rivers from which they gathered water. The Clan lasted for a century at least before the events of 33 ABY.

The Mountain Tribe

The Mountain Tribe were a group of many Harakoans living among the mountains in the southern region of Kamuekiko. The natives of this Tribe were made tough through the long winters of New Tython, and a constant cold climate. Animals were relatively scarce here, so the Harakoans often went into other regions to hunt for food and supplies to bring back to the Tribe. Oftentimes, it would take weeks for a Harakoan hunting party to return with enough food for their families in the village. Housing for these individuals ranged from the strong bamboo and leather huts to simple cloth tents. Hunting strategies often employed leading animals into ambushes, where it was not uncommon for the Harakoans to roll large ice blocks onto unsuspecting prey.

The Desert Tribe

The Desert Tribe was settled into the dry Honunom Desert on the northern region of Kamuekiko. These Harakoans were adaptable, as while the desets were dry, the temperatures varied greatly over the course of a day. Most of the animals that were found by this Tribe were often not used for food, but rather to carry supplies over long distances, as the Tribe moved often. Because of this, huts were normally made of light materials such as cloth and very portable, often only taking two hours to set up. However, water was scarce, so the Harakoans assigned water carrying duties to the younger individuals.

The Jungle Tribe

The Jungle Tribe made up the largest portion of Clan Ula'xin. Nestled in the lush green forests of Kamuekiko, these Harakoans were not as sturdy as their Mountain kin, but they employed greater hunting strategies than the other Tribes. Animals would often accompany these individuals during their hunting expeditions. The Jungle Tribe used various tactics, including using camoflage while perched in the trees for a ambush. Huts were constructed more pernamently than their other folk. Often a hut would use large, ancient trees as supports and had enough room to house the entire Mountain Tribe.

Cobalt Horde

Following the annexation of New Tython to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood wholly populated villages in the most remote regions of Kammeukiko's jungles, mountains and the Honmun Desert suddenly vanished. Surrounding tribes wrought about a massive search effort in the following days but only turned up a few dead bodies and the smoldering remains of the communities themselves. The disappearances bore the hallmarks of a grisly slavers raid. The chagrin of the tribes amounted to grief as their tribal cousins were deemed forever lost and the search parties were called off. Loud and sorrowful swooning and whooping sounds filled the air for days on end as the Harakoans sang a song of mourning from their nasal crests.


At the hands of their captors the Kammeukikans were subjugated to rigorous mind control techniques under the hands of their captors. Each individual Harakoan was slowly broken down over a six month period of isolation and subjected to immense sorcery breaking down that individual’s identity and sense of self. Their minds were bent to the point that during this process many of the tribal people’s minds broke and were thoroughly deemed useless. They were disposed of. THose who did survive were made absolutely loyal to the will of the Iron Throne.

Upon completion of the mind-wipe process the Kammeukikans that survived entered phase two of their training regimen. Under the direct tutelage under the Grandmaster Muz Ashen the Kammeukikans augmented their traditional fighting styles with a combination of various degrees of martial arts doctrines available. This imprinting coincided with peak physical training supplemented with the aid of Krath sorcery and Sith alchemy.

The Harakoans trained in constantly changing squads until each unit attained a perfect balance of unit cohesion through squad warfare tactics. The units utilized advanced weapons training building off of their traditional weapons backgrounds from the jungles of Harakoa. Energy bows were supplied to the marksmen of the squads to replace traditional wooden bow and arrows. Vibroblades replaced sharp wooden stone-tipped clubs, and Grenadiers were supplied with various types of grenades.

The primary focus of their training however was dominated by the intricate art of Beast Control. By nature Harakoans display amazing talent towards Sonance. Building upon this Grandmaster Ashen amplified their abilities for Beast Control and supplied them with a wide array of exotic and highly dangerous animals from their home world. Some squads utilized one massive beast together, while other squads had individual animals with specialized abilities


Cobalt Platoon is a special unit of the Army of the Iron Throne, under the Divisional Separate Units. The unit has 29 soldiers, split into three squadrons of nine soldiers each. The three squadrons are further divided into fireteams of four men. The unit is led by Platoon Commander Vilim and Platoon Sergeant Major Terrek. The squadrons are led by three corporals, and the fireteams by six lance corporals (the only Harakoan officers in the Platoon).

Even though it is listed in the Divisional Separate Units, Cobalt Platoon operates directly on the orders of the Dark Council, and it can function independently of the command structure of the Army of the Iron Throne. The platoon is employed in the frontline of assaults by the Army of the Iron Throne, to strike at enemy forces fast and hard. The unit's unconventional weapons, the watbeasts, also serve to lower enemy morale.

In addition to this, each squadron specializes in certain types of mission. Pursuit Squadron can ambush elite enemy units and take them apart with surgical precision. Blaze Squadron is used to charge the enemy frontline and tear a hole through their ranks to make way for conventional troops. Light Squadron is suited to reconnaissance missions and to harass the enemy flanks with hit-and-run attacks.

Platoon Structure

Cobalt Platoon: Commander Vilim, Sergeant Major Terrek, 29 soldiers.

Pursuit Squadron: Corporal Vance, 9 personnel.
Fireteam Usk: Lance Corporal Elambu, 4 personnel.
Fireteam Vev: Lance Corporal Abula, 4 personnel.
Blaze Squadron: Corporal Orus, 9 personnel.
Fireteam Wesk: Lance Corporal Harkoo, 4 personnel.
Fireteam Xesh: Lance Corporal Mishraadu, 4 personnel.
Light Squadron: Corporal Ryyk, 9 personnel.
Fireteam Yirt: Lance Corporal Tucutzi, 4 personnel.
Fireteam Zerek: Lance Corporal Gaxuca, 4 personnel.


"That's...Commander, Tripp, not blondie..."
―Bhreagh Vilim

Cobalt Platoon: Commander Bhreagh Vilim

Commander Bhreagh Vilim
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Year of birth: 10 ABY
  • Height: 5'2 (1.57 m)
  • Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
  • Skin color: Caucasian
  • Hair color: Blonde
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Biography:

Commander Vilim was born in 10 ABY in Kor Vella, Corellia. Her father was the famous Corellian Security Force pilot, Major Cayden Vilim. During her adolescent years, she would find herself spending most of her time at the library in Kor Vella reading about glorious battles of Corellia’s past, battle strategies, and outcomes of these battles. She yearned to be like her father in every way, even to the point where she wanted to join some sort of military organization. She could not join CorSec because it was dissolved in 7 ABY. Many believe in her strong connections with her father because her mother died giving birth to Bhreagh. However, Vilim’s father kept record of her mother’s doings and regularly shared them with Bhreagh. Her dreams would soon be realized when she was accepted, at the age of 17, to study and train at the New Republic Fleet Academy on Coruscant. She flew through the four year Officer Candidate’s classes in just two years, graduating the top of her class. At the age of nineteen, Bhreagh was appointed as second officer under Admiral Luth Dorma on the Vigilant. The Vigilant's symbol is a crimson star; used to distinguish it among the other ships.Lieutenant Vilim stayed with Admiral Dorma throughout most of the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Their relationship, however, would come to an end when the ship was attacked and breached by a Vong vessel where Dorma and the First Officer where executed by the Yuuzhan Vong Commander. Bhreagh took a garrison of troopers to the bridge in hopes to save the Admiral, but, it was too late. The Yuzhaan Vong had come and gone believing that all on the ship had been killed. Lieutenant Vilim became acting Captain of the Vigilant, guiding it back to the ship yards on Coruscant. She was awarded a commendation and promoted to Lieutenant Commander, all before her twenty-first birthday. Her new appointment was on the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk. She was sent there to train an elite unit of Wookiee commandos to defend Kashyyyk from the Yuzhaan Vong threat. Through the completion of writing and creating an intense and rigorous training course, Bhreagh was promoted to the rank of Commander.

The New Republic also wanted to test to see if this training course could work with their own, so, they sent a company of Republic troopers to Kashyyyk to complete this course. Sergeant Daxar “Tripp” Terrek was one of these troopers. The company become one of the most elite companies the New Republic had ever seen. They were all trained in advanced hand-to-hand combat, as well as, trained in using wookiee weapons such as the Ryyk blade. In 32 ABY, The Army of the Iron Throne started hearing about this company of Kashyyyk and their training routine. They wanted it; they wanted to use it. The Army of the Iron Throne sent a dispatch to Kashyyyk to talk with Commander Vilim. They did not get questioned by the Republic at this time considering Kashyyyk was not a notable planet of purpose in the New Republic as of yet, therefore, the Republic presence on the planet was limited to this company. The dispatch shared with Commander Vilim of the benefits of joining the Army of the Iron Throne. Bhreagh became very interested. She would need to come, alone, to join the Army of the Iron Throne. The dispatch, however, said that she was allowed to bring one executive company field commander. She chose Sergeant Terrek. Bhreagh is now the Commander of Cobalt Platoon, along with Sergeant Terrek.

"Let go of me! I'm not choking, my skin in naturally blue!"
―"Tripp" Terrek

Cobalt Platoon: Sergeant Major Daxar "Tripp" Terrek

Daxar "Tripp" Terrek
  • Species: Chiss
  • Gender: Male
  • Year of birth: 3 BBY
  • Height: 6'1 (1.85 m)
  • Weight: 198 lbs (90kg)
  • Skin color: Blue
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Red
  • Biography:

Daxar’s early life is a mystery according the records on his home word of Csilla. In fact, there are no records of Daxar Terrek on Csilla. We had to look on the planet Coruscant and found records through the form of interviews at the New Republic Defence Force Headquarters. We will refrain from using actual names for the protection of the soldiers.

“This was Tripp’s first appointed position, an intelligence officer in the HQ,” said a Sergeant at the Headquarters, “we all knew that Daxar wasn’t a desk jockey though, so, the first chance he got, he transferred out into the field.” As a corporal, Daxar, according to this sergeant, was appointed under a young Lieutenant.

We meet up with this lieutenant, now Major, at a cantina in the underbelly of Coruscant.

“Daxar was a fine soldier. He always did what he was told, however, he did have moments where he used to trip into trouble, hence his nickname, Tripp”, the Major said, chuckling under his breath, “he had a natural ability to lead and he led, oh, he led. Got him promoted to Staff Sergeant, that ability The last time I remember seeing Tripp was when he was taken out from under my command and sent to a forest world, something with a lot of K’s and Y’s.”

We later learned that this “transfer” was when Commander Vilim asked Terrek to help her with training the Wookiees and troopers on Kashyyyk. We also know that, during his time on Kashyyyk, Tripp gained the rank of Sergeant Major From Kashyyyk, Tripp went with Commander Vilim and joined the Army of the Iron Throne per Vilim’s request.

Pursuit Squadron: Corporal Coryn Vance

Coryn Vance
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Year of birth: 9 ABY
  • Height: 5'11 (1.8 m)
  • Weight: 190 lbs (86.2kg)
  • Skin color: Caucasian
  • Hair color: Light Brown
  • Eye color: Green
  • Biography:

Coryn Vance was born to a wealthy Coruscanti family in 9 ABY. His father, Cador Vance, was an officer in the Republic Guard, but their wealth came mainly from the father's extensive protection racket. Cador instructed his only son in both the governance and honor of the Republic Guard and the strategy and cunning of the criminal underworld.

In 20 ABY this balance was shattered when Cador's superiors exposed his criminal activity. Cador's assets were frozen, and what little they had left they used to bribe their way off-planet. By the time they reached their destination, Cyborrea, the Vance family had lost every chip of their former wealth.

Due to Cador's criminal record, he quickly found employment with one of the local Hutt Kajidics (a little-known clan named Ajadii). However, this was not enough to feed the family, leading Cador to basically sell the services of his wife and son to the Hutt crime lord. From this point on, Coryn began to nurture a broiling hatred towards his father, for what he had done to the family. In the following years Coryn grew up with the drive to prove to himself that he was no slave, that he could follow his own path in life.

In his teenage years was nurtured more by Ajadii thug gangs than by his own family. By the age of 16 he was already taking part in collection runs with his thug gang, where they would go around the cities to extort protection money from local businesses. At the age of 18 he became the chief of a dozen thugs which terrorized the local populace in the name of the Ajadii crime lord.

In 28 ABY Coryn took part in a mission where most of his gang was wiped out. However, because he had accomplished and outstripped the mission objective he was made boss of a Cyborrean enforcer squad. He shared this honor with another former thug chief named Jett Ryyk, who was assigned an equivalent enforcer squad. For reasons that Cyrin still does not understand, the fact that he saved Jett's life during this mission earned him the resentment and sour hostility of the young human female.

Nonetheless, the two enforcer squads formed a formidable unit in the Ajadii forces. The squads were formed of loyal Cyborreans who used fierce Neks in battle. The Ajadii used the enforcers to intimidate and assault rival clans, and sometimes to fight in the frequent wars that raged between the Cyborrean nations. During this period Cyrin's enforcer squad became known for its devastating precision strikes on the core units of rival clans.

In 32 ABY the Ajadii crime lord thought he could take advantage of the fact that some Hutt clans had still not recovered from the Yuuzhan Vong war. She sent Jett's and Coryn's enforcer squads to attempt a take over of a city of Nar Shaddaa, but they met with much stronger opposition than they expected. The enforcers were all wiped out, and Jett and Cyrin barely escaped with their lives.

On the nearby Nal Hutta, the two ruffians met a recruiter from the Dark Brotherhood's Army of the Iron Throne. Having no other place to go to they accepted the offer of enrolment and were shipped to Antei. Once there they were assigned to two separate Infantry Battalions, but in early 33 ABY, when their experience with Cyborreans and Neks was discovered, they were both transferred to Cobalt Platoon as corporals.

Blaze Squadron: Corporal Kelric Orus

Kelric Orus
  • Species: Bothan
  • Gender: Male
  • Year of birth: 8 ABY
  • Height: 4'10 (1.25m)
  • Weight: 97 lbs (44 kg)
  • Fur color: Black with streaks of grey
  • Eye color: White
  • Biography:

Light Squadron: Corporal Jett Ryyk

Jett Ryyk
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Year of birth: 6 ABY
  • Height: 5'5 (1.65 m)
  • Weight: 135 lbs (61.2 kg)
  • Skin color: Caucasian
  • Hair color: Red
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Biography:

Jett Ryyk was born the youngest and only female of six siblings, on the planet Cyborrea. Her whole family was in the service of the Ajadii Hutt crime lord, working in various roles inside her expansive criminal empire. Since the earliest age Jett felt the pressure of besting her five older brothers. At the age of 12 she resolved to reach for the highest martial accolade in the criminal empire, the Ajadii Household Guard. This was the most elite unit of the Ajadii and was assigned to escort the crime lord and her retinue.

At the age of 17 Jett became a rookie in the Ajadii spy network. She ran covert missions into the territory of rival clans until 26 ABY, when she realized that she needed to strive towards a more military role if the Household Guard was still her highest ambition. In that year she was assigned to command a small gang of twelve thugs, to operate an extortion racket on local businesses.

In 28 ABY Jett and her gang were included in an operation to eliminate a rival criminal outfit. She joined another thug gang and two Cyborrean enforcer squads in the assault of the rival stronghold, but the criminals were able to capture her and the enforcer squad bosses to hold them as hostages. Jett saw that the chief of the second thug gang, a young Human male named Cyrin Vance, was in a position to shoot one of the captors and thus save a single Ajadii soldier, with the risk of letting the others die. To Jett's dismay, Coryn chose to save her, and consequently the two enforcer bosses were shot down. In the ensuing fight Jett and Coryn were able to overpower and gun down the leaders of the rival clan.

Due to their bravery in the service of the Ajadii cause, Jett and Coryn were made bosses of the two enforcer squads. This killed Jett's dreams of joining the Household Guard, because the enforcers, being an elite unit themselves, were a promotional dead end. She blamed Coryn for this situation, because if he had tried to save the enforcer bosses instead of her, she would have been able to handle the situation and now she'd still be advancing through the ranks of the thug gangs.

In the next four years Jett and Coryn operated joint missions as the bosses of their enforcer squads, during which Jett made her utmost to outshine Coryn in everything they did, in what she thought was a suitable display of the rancor she held towards him.

In 32 ABY the two enforcer squads were sent on their first off-world assignment, but the mission ended in disaster, with the destruction of the whole unit. However, Jett and Coryn survived and eventually found their way into the Army of the Iron Throne. In 33 ABY, due to their experience with Nek handlers the two were assigned as corporals to Cobalt Platoon.



  • Bows
    • Energy bows
  • Vibroblades
  • Arrows
  • Spears
  • Sling-shots


Parade Uniform

Commander, Sergeant Major, and Corporal Parade Uniforms
  • Corporal

The corporal’s parade uniform is very simple as fitting with the rank of the individual who wears it. It involves a cobalt blue jacket with black epaulettes. Along with this is a pair of black pants and boots with a blue frill around the outside of the upper section of the boots. To top this uniform off is a black hat with a black brim, blue trim, and platoon insignia within. This uniform would be worn on parade, however, it is also a corporal’s dress uniform and is to be used for such events also.

  • Sergeant Major

The Sergeant Major’s uniform is fitting for the rank of the wearer. It still has the simplicity of a trooper’s uniform with some added bits that show someone of senior rank. This unform consists of a black jacket along with black pants and boots. The boots are exactly like any other soldier’s boots with the blue frill around the upper section of the boot. The black jacket is decorated with a cobalt blue sash, gold buttons and black epaulettes with blue shoulders. The hat is the same as other NCO’s. If you look closely, you can see a red line on each of the sleeves of the jacket. This represents blood and shows the seniority in the rank of Sergeant Major. The Sergeant Major would just wear this uniform in parades as they have other uniforms for other events.

  • Commander

Going to the extreme with this uniform, the Commander’s uniform truly shows the qualities of leadership. Let’s start from the top. As we can see, the Commander wears a white hat with a black brim and blue trim. Signifying an officer, there are gold leaves on the brim of the hat. Working down to the jacket and cape; the cape represents bravery, almost like the Kama that the Advanced Recon Commando, "ARC", Troopers wore during the Clone Wars. These are only reserved for the elite of the elite. The jacket is laid with gold buttons, a blue sash and gold rank insignias on the sleeves. Like the hat, there are also leaves on the sleeve. To finish this uniform off are traditional black pants and black boots. White gloves would also be included with this uniform. This uniform is to be worn only in parades; however, the cape can be worn with any uniform.



Pursuit Squadron operates nine Ssirshi hunters. Ssirshi are feline predators from the mountains of southern Kamuekiko. The adult, reaching up to three meters from nose to tail, has a stocky head with powerful jaws, a sinuous muscular body and a rufous fur with copper streaks. The unit uses these silent and cunning hunters to track down and ambush elite enemy units, and to assault enemy positions. The unit will track down the target using the Ssirshi's superior perception and then unleash the warbeasts to tear the enemy apart.

Blaze Squadron operates nine Ukro mounts. Ukro are large bipedal reptiles from the desert in northern Kamuekiko. These beasts have long muscular legs, short clawed arms, a long thick tail used for balance, an elongated skull and huge jaws with curving teeth. They can reach up to six meters in length. Their scales could vary in color from tan to brown and grey to pale green. The squadron uses the Ukro as war-mounts. They will charge into the enemy ranks atop these warbeasts, and while they shoot arrows and spears the Ukro shred the enemy to pieces with their jaws.

Light Squadron operates a pack of 18 Wispids. These are agile mammals from the thick jungles of Kamuekiko. The Wispids are around the size of a dog, but they have the features of a rodent and a slender, supple body. The unit uses them for reconnaissance and for harassing the enemy. The Squadron can guide the pack through terrain using the creatures' own senses, either to spot enemy positions or to carry out a hit-and-run attack.

Mountain Corinun- the mountain corinun has a tail similar to a lion's, and has a dark grey pelt. It resembles similarities to the Unicorn, with sharp horns on its forehead that can be deadly. It has two smaller horns that are on either side of the larger horn, and somewhat hidden by the forelock. This creature is a herd animal, and likes to be with others. Although hard to tame when caught from the wild fully grown, the mountain Corinun is fiercely loyal. It can be found in the mountains, but it moves into the forest and grasslands in the winter; because it can be found most commonly in the mountains, the mountain Corinun is sure-footed, and a great mount for this area. The squadron can use these creature for swift escapes; head on attacks, and as medical mounts to keep their wounded on.


While Cobalt Platoon itself does not possess any mechanized vehicles, it relies heavily on the support of Bravo Company, 3rd Assault Battallion, 11th Aerospace. This company operates specially modified LAATs to transport warbeasts and soldiers to and from the battlefield.