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"The role of a leader is not a light one, in fact the more and more work you do it seems the more weight is on your shoulders. A leader with no desire, whether because of outside pressures or because of inner turmoil, is a danger not only to himself but to those he leads. The famous Aristotle once said, "He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.""
―Astronicus Aurelius Sadow

Astronicus Aurelius Sadow, better known to many as Tron, is the Overlord of Clan Naga Sadow and the last living descendant of his clan's name-sake (Naga Sadow). Astronicus, for the longest portion of his time with the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi, has been associated with Clan Naga Sadow. This would be in no small part because of his founding the original Independent House that would later go on to become the Clan.

Astronicus has been with the Brotherhood for over two decades now. In that time he has seen many changes and has helped in small ways to advance and promote those changes.

Character History

Orphaned at birth he was found and adopted by a prominent family, the Dlarits, on the lush bacta planet of Thyferra. Aerin Dlarit raised him to respect authority, taught him the tricks of the trade in running the Xucphra corporation, and most of all that loyalty was an all important quality to gain from the working class. Tron Dlarit (his adopted name and what he was known by in his earlier days as) excelled in his university classes and business training. Soon he became a playboy, a philanderer who devoted himself to a life of "play", a socialite delinquent. It was not uncommon to find him at some of the well known night clubs and to be escorting one or two ladies.

But eventually life changed as events in the galaxy began to shift. A call was sent out for new recruits to join the Galactic Empire. A threat posed by rebel dissidents was brewing and so as soon as he was able to he entered the Imperial Military Academy on Raithal. He again excelled in his studies, his piloting skills being augmented and strengthened due to his connection with the Force, though he was not aware of this at the time.


He graduated with honors and despite an offer to serve aboard a Star Destroyer as a bridge officer, he choose to become a fighter pilot. Ever the socialite, he felt his role as an officer and a pilot would not only come in handy in life, but also with the ladies. His career started out aboard the Star Destroyer Intrepid. This led to his becoming an ace fighter pilot for the Empire. He advanced through the ranks, racking up rebel kills one after the other. By this time it was the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was transfered and stationed abroad throughout the Empire, from one ship to another. After the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader this became more prevalent as he was shuffled around from one warlord to the next.

He soon grew tired of not having a centralized and stable command structure. Eventually he found his way to the Emperor's Hammer. It was here that he would serve under the command of a man claiming to be a Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy, though it would turn out he was just some rogue Wing Commander who held the rank of General. This General had promoted himself, as did many of the warlords after the fall of Palpatine, and had set up his own private little empire near the Minos Cluster in the Aurora Sector.

Nevertheless, Tron served here as it suited his own ends. As it turned out, the Emperor's Hammer was affiliated with an organization know as the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi. A Dark Jedi Master by the name of Yoni recruited him and began training him in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. It was at this time that Tron discovered his latent Force abilities. He was a quick learner and rose to the rank of Guardian, graduating from the Shadow Academy at the top of his class. At this time he was encouraged to join a House, and it just so happened that a new one was forming within the Brotherhood known as Aquillas.

He was later coerced into joining House Satal Keto. From here he grew in power and achieved the rank of Jedi Hunter. This was just the beginning though. As he grew more powerful he began to construct a plan, a plan that had been delivered to him in a dream. It would be his ultimate venture in his growth of the dark side.

The dream consisted of four elements. The first element was of a young Dark Jedi laying the foundation stones for a house. The next element was the same Dark Jedi, now a little older, fighting a fierce battle against the lord of another great house. The third element showed this Dark Jedi building on to his house and making it into a great castle like fortress. And finally, in the last element, the Dark Jedi stands atop the highest point of his fortress looking out on the horizon. There he sees a half dozen or more other fortresses, all burning and turning to mere rubble while his is in pristine condition.

Tron knew not what these elements of his dream meant, but he did know that the Dark Jedi represented him and that he had a destiny to fulfill.

Naga Sadow

He was mastering his new abilities as well as moving ahead in the Empire. With great powers came great opportunities, one such was a chance to make a new chapter in the history of the Sith. As he had seen in his dream he began the first element, he did this by rebuilding House Naga Sadow and introduced it to the Dark Brotherhood. It just so happened that he served as Planetary Governor of Sif in the Phare System for the Galactic Empire. He therefore situated House Naga Sadow on the planet Sif. It was from here that he would rule as Quaestor and Governor. Due to limited resources he made his Governor's Mansion into House Naga Sadow's base of operations - it would later be renamed Sadow Palace.

Over the span of time that followed, House Naga Sadow engaged several of the other Houses of the Brotherhood in battle. At times they were victorious and at others they were not. This was a fulfillment of the second element of his dream, the Dark Jedi fighting a fierce battle against the lord of another great house.

In time the third element of his dream came to be. This happened when House Naga Sadow became a Clan and he was named Consul of it. His powers grew as did his desire to rule more and more. After a span of time and many rank elevations, he was soon risen to that of Sith Warlord, a rank he would hold for some years to come. He grew restless with being confined to ruling over just a clan, and so gave up the position of Consul to seek out opportunities of greater control and power.

There were several other positions within the Brotherhood that he would aspire to, most notably on the Dark Council - the Brotherhood's ruling body. But none of these satisfied him nor the hunger for more power that he craved. It had been a long time since he had seen his master, but then one day Master Yoni returned and was ready to evaluate his student. He was pleased with Tron's progression, yet he sensed there was still something lacking in Tron. He couldn't quite place it, so he did not bring it up as a failing but rather an area of improvement that was needed.

Soon infighting and bitter rivalries became rampant within the Brotherhood. It was at this time that Tron was serving as a member of the Chamber of Justice, the judicial system of the Brotherhood. The Grand Master, a madman by the name of Zoraan, was planning a full scale war with the Emperor's Hammer but was removed and exiled before he could launch his assault. Unfortunately before he was stripped of everything, he dissolved portions of the Chamber of Justice - seeing it as an impediment to his overall plans.

With this turn of events Tron returned to Clan Naga Sadow, though not as the Clan's leader but merely as a resident in Sadow Palace with no position of authority. One night as he slept in the palace, Tron was awoken to see his ancient ancestor Naga Sadow's force ghost standing at the foot of his bed.

Naga Sadow told him about his true heritage, about how he came to be orphaned and how he was destined to bring about the rebirth of not only their family line but also the new Golden Age of the Sith. From that day forward he was known as Tron Sadow. However, in formal matters he would use his full name - Astronicus Aurelius Sadow - he never much cared for the aristocratic name of Astronicus, but as he aged and matured it soon grew on him.

Other Ventures

Throughout his time in the Brotherhood, Tron has held varous titles and positions. Of these his favorite was that of Editor of the Dark Brotherhood's holozine journal known as the Dark Voice. He editorialized three issues and was awarded medals in recognition of his services.

He also served for a brief time as an Aedile of Clan Satal Keto's Sith Order House Galthain. This was the last house he had served in before forming House Naga Sadow. He made many great allies here that would later go on to benefit him as well as a long lasting alliance with Clan Satal Keto and Clan Naga Sadow.

Then there was his dubious appointment as Proconsul of Clan Alvaak, a once prestigous clan that fell on hard times after it's own houses clanned. It was a clan that was considered for the elite and admittance was by invitation only, yet Tron had meritted such prestige and valor that the Grand Admiral's clan welcomed him openly.

It was from Alvaak that Tron would once again feel the lust of power and so he stayed on with that clan until his appointment to Consul of Alvaak. Though a lengthy rule as Consul ensued, he did not feel what he had when he served within Clan Naga Sadow and so he left it for a less powerful but more suitable role as a member of his old clan once again. Within time the power bug bit him again and when asked to lead House Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow, he whole-heartedly agreed.


Astronicus' armor

In time an Assembly of Consuls was convened, many great men took up the helm of leadership for this assembly, giving voice to the Grand Master from the collected body of clan leaders. After time they moved on with their pursuits and one was needed to fill the gap. Astronicus "Tron" Sadow was named Emissary to the Assembly of Consuls and was the last to hold said title.

Ever looking for ways to help the Clans, he would always listen yet rarely let his voice be heard, rather being conservative and not seeking to overburden any with his whimsical ideas of the Golden Age of the Sith. He sought to strengthen the clans only if it suits the Grand Master's will. As Emissary, he was basically given command of the clans, the Consuls would still retain their power and positions but they answered to Tron. He in turn answered only to the Grand Master and his Deputy.

Soon this position too would be dissolved and Tron would once again return to his clan as the Overlord. Upon the dissolution of the position of Emissary, Grand Master Jac Cotelin elevated Tron to the Elder ranks by promoting him to Dark Side Adept.

Tron has since returned to Clan Naga Sadow and resides within House Ludo Kressh. As a warrior for Clan Naga Sadow he had a set of armor and twin lightsabers crafted by Muz Keibatsu Sadow, at the time the Brotherhood's Herald, a long time member of the clan and trusted colleague. The armor is reminiscent of Imperial Stormtrooper armor layered to fit atop of Astronicus' robes.

He will stay with Clan Naga Sadow, waiting and watching for his opportunity to once again rise from the ashes and claim his rightful position as a leader within the Brotherhood. Until then, Tron lives by the quote of a famous orator of the Old Republic:

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
―Theodore Roosevelt

Future untold

Astronicus continued in his studies, eventually accumulating knowledge to the point where his expertise was requested by the Dark Council to take the reigns of the Wiki Tribune. Here he would collect, collate and see to the storage of the Brotherhood's vast library of knowledge. His continued service in this field was rewarded by his elevation to Dark Jedi Master.

Destiny was being fulfilled. As the newly named Master increased his understanding of the Dark Side with the secrets, wisdom and knowledge of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood he began to take a more active role in Clan Naga Sadow, not serving just as the Overlord. He began attending to matters of the members by assuming the role of Proconsul after Trevarus Caerick stepped aside due to personal reasons.

His tenure as Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow, under the leadership of Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, was brief but was only meant to be an interim position until the next prospect for the position was ready. Once both Ashia and Astronicus agreed upon it, Ashura Isradia was made Proconsul and the omnipresent Overlord went back to his studies. Though a member of the Conclave, Astronicus began to take a lesser role in the Clan as events unfurled within that disturbed him and a number of his colleagues.

It was during this time that he came to have a Force vision of the future. What he saw not only alarmed him but moved him to action in preparing his Clan for something that had not occurred before, no nor would occur again.

DJB Facts

Positions held:

Wiki Tribune

On October 8th, 2007, Tron assumed the role of Wiki Tribune. A member of the project since it's launch over a year prior, Tron was one of the first few to be recognized and added to the Wiki Staff. Upon his appointment as the 3rd individual to hold the title of Wiki Tribune, he began to implement a lot of changes around the Wiki. Article policing became a big priority for his staff while he worked on projects that the Grand Master had outlined for him. Of these was the transfer of the Policies and Projects pages from the domain as well as the various Leadership Manuals that had been written.

Tron also began to implement the Current events page and the Community Portal page. These two pages had for the longest time not existed, yet had broken links in the nav bar. Following recommendations from his staff he set up these two pages to be a resource for the Brotherhood. After that he made a Help page to give some guidance for the newer members, along with the Donations page for any generous souls.

Along with contributions from Kaine Mandaala and Korras, Tron was able to complete and implement the Wiki course @ the Shadow Academy. This was the first in a series of courses he had planned to help improve members knowledge and overall usage of the Wiki itself. Following that he implemented an overhaul of the Main Page to include new features such as the Top Ten Most Wanted Articles for the DJBWiki and the Quote of the Day.

His time with the Wiki is considered yet another highlight of a long career within the Brotherhood spanning a decade of service.


  • It's general conjecture that the name Tron is taken from the Disney movie of the same name, however, it's actually the real life initials of the character's creator.
  • Tron changed his name to Astronicus to help differentiate himself from another well known Tron in the Brotherhood. They would occasionally be confused and people would refer to Tron as Tronsta, the alias of Davaak Tron.
  • Astronicus is a mix of the name Titus Andronicus and the word Astronomy.
  • Davaak Tron and Tron (Dlarit) Sadow would actually work together on a summit at one time as the Quaestor and Aedile resptectively for House Galthain.
  • Founder of House Naga Sadow / Clan Naga Sadow
  • Thusly, Tron was the 1st and last Quaestor of House Naga Sadow
  • As well as the 1st Consul of Clan Naga Sadow
  • Along with Vladet Xavier, he was the first to complete the Dark Savant - Leadership and Communication
  • Tron has 2 pet Tuk'ata - Kren and his father Xor.
  • A Gladiator was named after Astronicus [1]

For more info see his dossier

None Quaestor of House Naga Sadow
14 ABY
None Consul of Clan Naga Sadow
15 ABY
Robert Daragon
Vladek Wiki Tribune
28 ABY - 29 ABY
RevengeX Palpatine
Trevarus Caerick Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
29 ABY
Ashura Isradia
Vladet Xavier Right Hand of Justice
29 ABY to Present