Droid Army (Ashes Fall week 3) entry- Team "Sang's heroes"

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"Droid Army of the Progenitor"
Unit Information

36 ABY - present


The Progenitor




"Kill Everyone."


200 Droids

[ Source ]


The Progenitor’s droid army is broken up into two main groups. The first group are are those units which attacked the Shadowlands, where Team Alpha was positioned. Arachne and Hoplites were the primary combatants facing Alpha. The other group was engaged by Team Bravo in the catacombs below the surface of Sepros. Hoplites, Arachne and Echidna comprised the majority of the forces enaging Bravo.

Units of the Progenitor’s Army


The first unit encountered by the Sadowan armies, the Arachne unit was a large spider-like droid. These units were designed to specialize in infiltration and assassination. Each is equipped with blade-tipped legs and grapple cables, which may be used for attack and travel. These droids were not to be dealt with lightly, able to go toe to toe with most Journeyman. Intelligence suggests that two or more Knight rank Sith may be able to destroy an Arachne. All clanfolk are advised to use caution, as after constricting a victim with grapple cables, an Arachne is capable of injecting poison into a target. This is accomplished with frightening metallic fang-like injectors.


The second unit type of the armies has been designated the "Hoplite". These units are a less-specialized unit than the Arachne, being suited for a variety of tasks, and comprise the bulk of the Progenitor's ground forces. These Hoplites are closer in appearance to a battle droid, but appear to incorporate both organic and inorganic matter akin to cybernetics. Most possess hands like a humanoid, and carry weapons like common troopers. The parts which comprise these units may vary, using species including: Humans, Wookies, Rodians, and presumably many more. Given the armor and the self-replication ability of Hoplites, it is highly suggested that ranks of Knight and above work together with Novitate and Journeyman to assault Hoplites.


Designed for High-speed assault, the third droid of the Progenitor's armies have been designated "Echidna." Named after the creatures present in some mythologies, these droids possess a droid upper body and an interlinked lower body. The lower body moves akin to a serpent, allowing them to slither along the ground like an animal, suiting them to blitzkreig-style assaults. Like some species of serpents, they are able to wrap their tail around and crush victims. Their upper body has been fitted with blades on the droid arms. A blaster cannon has been fitted in the head of Echidna, allowing them to fire from their mouths. Their deadly nature is further increased by their sheer speed. Intelligence agrees they are best engaged in heavy armor from long distance. Able to use their speed to crash through the defences, Journeyman must avoid these units at any cost. Even lower-level Equite may struggle against these units, and the presence of a 2nd rank Equite is ideal to ensure survival.


The units designated as "Titans" are large heavily-armored droids. These massive units can be equipped with a number of different loadouts including: missile racks, heavy blaster cannons, flamethrower arrays, vibrolances and ion cannons. They have been sighted in bipedal, tripedal, and tracked variants, allowing Titans to be better designed for more specialized roles than simply destruction and armored-tank. The armor of these units have been observed to deflect lightsaber strikes. With enough strength and determination, it appears that their armored carcass can be penetrated, though most ranking lower than second-level Equite would not be capable of such a feat. As such, Equite two and higher level Sadowans are suggested to engage Titans. Even still, the greatest of care must be used as these droids have been shown to destroy Clan droids with ease.

The Progenitor

Lastly, there is the leader of the droid armies himself, the Progenitor. Imprisoned in a main-frame, this powerful Force User has used Mechu Deru to keep himself alive. His body has long been abandoned. Instead he has sought to immortalize himself by mechanizing himself, extending his life and his command. He is inhuman and unmoving in his drive for power.

The Progenitor was not always this way. He originally hailed from Corusca sector. After his wife became deathly ill, the Progenitor began to research into ways to keep his love alive. Unfortunately he quickly realized that in his advanced age, the man would not live to see such a project come to fruition. In an act of desperation, he had his lady frozen in carbonite, and began to copy his personality into a mainframe in order to continue his work.

For several months, the man continued his research and work without any issues. However, unbeknownst to the Progenitor the process had been incomplete, and his love was slowly but surely dying. When checking his wife's vitals, the man realized that his wife had passed away. Unable to cope with the trauma of the event, the Progenitor devolved into madness. It was from this day that he began to infect unsecured networks, and stretch his tendrils out. By inserting himself into the software of droid factories, he was able to begin the build his armies unseen. This was only the beginning of what would become a notable reign.