Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya

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"Why won’t you just buzz off, before somebody gets hurt? "
―Anubis Annedu

Anubis Annedu is currently a Jedi Hunter residing in House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan serving as the Tetrarch of Hex. The Annedu’s physical description includes three cybernetic limbs, red eyes with slitted pupils, white hair, and medium build. He is a full-blooded Valheru strong in the Force, and is one of the last remaining ones, much like Ylith Atema The Valheru, according to what is know of them at this time, are a lost and broken race, as not many of them remain and they are scattered throughout the large galaxy and their home Shi unreachable by normal means.

Character History

The Prophecy

"If you are not the heir, you shall never wield my blade. "
―Torikon Anika

The Annedu Prophecy refers to the prophecy in which the heir of Torikon Anika, will be gifted with the Force and will be able to wield the great sword, Exotath. The blade is stored in a glass case, which only the true heir of the great Valheru warlord can open. It is said that unless you are the heir, you will not feel the affects of the sword, or see its magnificence.


"Look at him Brisha, the perfect baby. He’s all ours, too."
― Nikkon Annedu

Anubis was born a young healthy baby on Dantooine, as the son of two farmers Brisha and Nikkon Annedu. They loved caring for their son, but sometimes it distracted how much farming they were able to complete, and it eventually affected their monthly income. As the young one continued to grow, his father became more distant with each passing day. It wasn’t until his sixth birthday had the boy walked into his parent’s room and saw Exotath that his father would have been brought closer.

The Annedu had attempted to touch the glass case, and energy surged from the sword and into the case, then into his arm. Though it gave him no pain, it frightened him. He ran out of the room and returned with his parents. Both Nikkon and Brisha touched the case and nothing happened. Anubis then touched the glass once more, and saw the energy. His parents just stared. They refused to believe that their son was the chosen one, the one that would fulfil the prophecy.

Brisha hid the case from him, refusing to let him touch it again. The next day, Anubis had completely forgotten about it, and went on to live his life for the next three years until he once again entered his parent’s room. As he went to grab his ball, he hit the shelf that Exotath had been sitting on. The case toppled over, but didn’t shatter. This time the boy had seen the latch that was keeping the sword case closed.

Thinking smartly, he went to touch the case and quickly opened it as fast as he could. A little energy still went into his arm, but he had successfully opened the case. He stared at the sword, and grabbed it. No energy surged through this time. The youngling strapped the sword with in it`s sheath to his belt, and went down to show his parents. When they saw the sword with their son, Brisha fainted. Their son was indeed the chosen one.

Sword Training


"My son will never become a Jedi Knight! I won’t allow it!"
― Nikkon Annedu

Nikkon was furious when he saw the sword hanging from his son’s belt. He stalked up to the boy, and removed it. He was bringing it higher and higher, until it stopped. They Valheru looked down to see his son with his hand outstretched. That could only mean one thing. Anubis was using the Force to disobey his father.

The man yelled at his son to release the sword from his grasp. The boy didn’t listen of course, and brought it closer to him. Tried as Nikkon did, he still couldn’t stop his kin. When the sheath was close enough to grab, the youngling grabbed onto the hilt of the sword and drew it slowly, then jerked it out. Taking a few steps back, the boy held onto the blade like he had been holding it all of his life.

He preformed cuts, jabs, and slashes to the air, picking the sheath off of the ground that his father had dropped. This time, he sat down with his parents and discussed everything except for one thing, the secret. They told him about his ancestor, as well as the connection to the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic. After hearing about his connection to the great and well known Jedi, The boy wanted to become one. His father rejected harshly, declaring that the Jedi would only destroy his family.

Anubis had tried to hear none of it, but none the less listened to his old man. If he wasn’t allowed to become a Jedi, then he would have to work as a farmer for the rest of his life. The boy did barely any work now, being so young, his mother didn’t want him to get hurt. In 13 ABY, word of the Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV had reached the ears of the Annedu family. They boy had tried to get a transport to Yavin IV, but there was none available. Disappointed, he had returned home to find his father furious. He smacked the boy, but wasn’t smacked back.

They kin of the old man left into his room, and held Exotath close. It was his only friend, and he cherished it beyond anything else. After receiving the hit from his father, the boy decided it was time that he learned how to use Exotath in case his father became more vicious about it.

He learned new tactics, slashes, cuts, stabs, and other manoeuvres over the next few years. The Annedu would train outside, for the safety of both himself and his possessions. In 16 ABY, the boy had become fourteen. His drive to become a Jedi exceeded the one to become a farmer, and he began to save up credits for a transport. Just in case, he booked one early before somebody else had the chance to steal his only way off of the planet.

When he had accumulated enough credits, he left that night while his parents were asleep. He had nothing but farming robes, combat robes, and Exotath with him. It had been best that he left in the middle of the night before his parents had seen him leave or else there would be deep trouble about. Now free of the grasp of his parents, he got into the transport and headed straight towards nowhere else but the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV.

Jedi Training

" What do you mean he left!?"
―Nikkon Annedu

After landing upon the planet, the teenager was stricken with guilt. He continued on however, only wishing to become a Knight. HE was accepted into the academy, and started his training immediately. The Valheru was paired up with a human student, one which he resented greatly.

After three months, Anubis began to excel in his training. Though he had begun to argue with his fellow apprentice, he still continued to become stronger in the ways of the Force. The Annedu trained day after day, working mostly on his combat skills then anything. He still received training in the Force, yet not as much as he should have. Although the Padawan had continued his training, something felt uneasy. He shunned his emotions, and returned to his training however.

In 20 ABY, four years after he had left the Annedu estate on Dantooine had passed. The Padawan began to feel guilty about leaving. He had left without both his parent’s permission, and wished to see them again. Feeling that he had enough instruction to leave the Praxeum and return just the way he had left. He told his master that he had decided to leave Yavin IV for a short amount of time, and would return in a few days.

The Valheru’s master was nothing short but angered by this move by his student, and had somebody keep a watchful eye on him. As the young man left for Dantooine, he had no clue what would await him. Darkness would consume him as he returned home.


"Look what you’ve become Anubis! The very same thing you swore to destroy!!"
―Brisha Annedu

When he did indeed return home, he was completely surprised. His parents had been performing Sith Alchemy. The Valheru demanded to know why they were performing such ludicrous actions, as well as their connection to the Sith. They revealed to their son his ancestor, and how he had fallen to the Dark Side of the Force.

They revealed to him the prophecy, and how it was already becoming true. The Valheru heard none of it though, and smashed some of the furniture inside the house. Nikkon tried to stop him, but was thrown back by the Padawan’s hatred and rage.

Next his mother tried to stop him. When she was within range, Anubis drew Exotath and slit her throat. Nikkon had gotten to his feet, and had grabbed his wife’s body before retreating.

The young Valheru continued on his rampage, destroying nearly everything in the house, using his lightsaber to aid him. He then moved to the hanger bay attached to the house. When he walked in, a CEC YZ-900 Medium Freighter was sitting there with its loading ramp open.

The Padawan charged up the open loading ramp, and explored the entire freighter to make sure that his father wasn’t aboard. With some help from a black R2-unit, he was able to learn the piloting controls quickly. Also with the help of the droid, he moved the ship outside the hanger bay and turned it towards the house.

With an order to the R2-unit, the house was shot to the ground. Satisfied with the destruction that he had caused, the dark apprentice one again called upon the help of the R2-unit to bring the ship into Hyperspace. The co-ordinates were already set for Yavin IV, which puzzled Anubis greatly.

For some strange reason, the Valheru felt the need to explain to his master what had happened. He didn’t know why he felt that way, just that it did. It was as if the Force had decided he would return there, even if he didn’t want to. The Dragonlord still didn’t understand most aspects of the Force, except how to use it.


When the YZ-900 landed on the forest-like planet and had left the ship, his master, Jalen Knox and four other Jedi approached him with their lightsabers activated. After trying to explain what had happened for ten minutes, Knox had heard enough. He told his only apprentice that he was to leave the system, and forget about the Jedi Order.

In the last sentence, Jalen had declared the man he taught a ‘Sith’ and a scum bag. Feeling betrayed and filled with hatred, Anubis had no option but the leave the system. He did just as he was ordered, and moved on.

Sith Traveler

" I was betrayed by the ones I loved and cared about. Cast aside from the Jedi Order, and dishonoured by my mother. I decapitated her for insolence using my only ally, Exotath. There is no longer light, there is no longer dark, there is only me and my power."
― Anubis Annedu

After being ‘betrayed’ by Jalen Knox and the members of the Praxeum, the Valheru became a spacer, wandering the galaxy while continuing his self training in the Force. He always kept his mind and body in top condition, in case he got into something dangerous. His piloting skills increased as he continued to study the Lizard's_Hold, and learn the various controls and systems located around the ship.

He developed a small sub system, which would allow all of the weapon systems to be controlled through voice commands. The design and construction took thousands of credits, as well as a few years. He made a living doing various mechanical jobs at spaceports on the planets he traveled to, earning just enough credits for the project as well as to keep him alive.

In 26 ABY, Anubis had heard about the Dark Jedi Brotherhood from a Force-sensitive being in a Coruscantdiner.that he had manipulated with the knowledge of the Force he had attained in his travels. He heard about the moon called Lyspair where people were inducted into the brotherhood, and tried to travel to the moon. He left the Lizard's Hold in the care of an old friend he had met in his travels who would keep the vessel safe, and moved from system to system using a transport.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood History

Shadow Academy

Anubis searched for a year to find the Antei System, as well as Lyspair. When he finally arrived on the moon, he was accepted into what they called the Shadow Academy. Before he was accepted into the brotherhood however, an armoured figure had demanded that the Valheru give all of his assets as payment to be in the organization.

The Valheru had told the man that his only asset was his sword Exotath, and that it had been in his family for generations upon generations. The spacer had pleaded to the armoured figure to allow him to keep the sword, and he eventually grew tired of the small annoyance.

He allowed the Annedu to keep his weapon, though grudgingly. Anubis then had a challenge. While a patron of the Shadow Academy for now, he had one test to take before he would be sent off to be a part of the brotherhood clans. It was called the Test of Lore, and it was the only exam needed to be accepted into the organization.

The dark one passed the exam with little trouble, and moved on. Before being transferred to Clan Taldryan, he chose his order. He chose the Obelisk order, and took the core exam for it. He was passed by Korras, a former Obelisk High Commander. Thinking himself ready, he was transported to the Ektrosis Temple, the headquarters of House Ektrosis on Taruma.

Clan Taldryan


Anubis was first a part of Clan Taldryan, one of the more prominent clans of the brotherhood. He made friends with a few figures, his Quaestor [[Hel-Pa Sklib, Aedile Vodo Biask, Deputy Grand Master Muz Keibatsu Sadow, and Hex Tetrarch DarkAmiz. Not to soon after he joined Taldryan, had the Eighth Great Jedi War started. It was the Valheru’s first time in combat in a while, yet he wielded Exotath throughout the entire war.

He was one of the few to escape the destruction of the clan’s flagship, the Dark Prophet. He had made it safely to the Katarn in one of the fighters untouched by the Yuuzhan Vong, just barely making it out alive. No more then thirteen seconds after he had left the ship, had the decompression inside the ship start.

Remaining on theKatarn, the Valheru did his best to help out. He succeeded some times, and failed others. He aided Itachi Uchiha in keeping the ship alive, while keeping himself alive in the difficult process.

When the war was finished, the Annedu had finally heard about the theft of his friend Muz. He heard nothing of him, and decided that the man was dead. Not too soon after the war, had Anubis moved on to Clan Naga Sadow seeking something better.

Clan Naga Sadow

After leaving Clan Taldryan, the Obelisk left for the dominion of Clan Naga Sadow and their people. He became apprentice to Horus Black-Heart, and underwent strategy and Force training, as his skills in melee combat were adequate for his rank, which was only Guardian.

After the training had begun to turn sour, the Valheru requested a different master. His request was granted, and he was given House Ludo Kressh Quaestor Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, wife to Muz. The training was more intense, and she expected a lot more then his former master had.

When the clan returned back to the Orian System, they were met by the True Brotherhood. They had taken over various planets in the system, seizing control of it for themselves. Anubis did a lot of work, but eventually led the Sadowite forces in the Battle of Tarthos, with his friends Shaung Long, and Nero Pennant.

When the battle was almost over, an accident had occurred. Nero accidentally struck the lower half of the Valheru’s left leg with the lightsaber he had received from his master, Trevarus Caerick.

The Annedu sat out for the rest of the battle, and had the lost limb replaced with a cybernetic one of his own design and construction. When Trevarus had taken command of the True Brotherhood’s Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Orian Invasion was over.

A little while had passed, when the Valheru disgraced himself in front of his clan mates. He left the clan for two months going into self exile, and returned to House Ludo Kressh afterwards.

Ashia would have none of it, and forced the Annedu into House Marka Ragnos which was under the lead of Battlemaster Ashura Isradia. He was allowed back into the clan’s master student program, on the term that he was only apprentice to the Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos.

He spent another two months there, before getting into a heated argument with another Jedi Hunter. Ashia saw an opening to have her former apprentice thrown from the clan, and convinced the consul Trevarus Caerick to have him removed from the system.

Clan Arcona

Thrown from his home, Anubis had little choice. The Hunter didn’t think it was time to return to Clan Taldryan just yet, and stayed in House Qel-Droma. After two weeks of being a part of the clan, the Clan Envoy Rho d'Tana gave him the position of Rollmaster on the house summit.

He preformed his duties well, at least until Operation:ECLIPSE surfaced. The Valheru’s master Quejo Drakai Xyler had gone mad, and sought to destroy the Jedi aboard the Eclipse station. His plan utterly failed, and had left his apprentice tattered with exhaustion from all of the fighting that went on between the two houses of Clan Arcona.

The Annedu had become fed up with bickering and fighting, and decided it was time that he returned home to Clan Taldryan where he belonged. He knew there was peace there, and he would be glad to enjoy it while the Arconan’s continued to fight.

Clan Taldryan; The Return

"I have been to hell and back."
―Anubis Annedu

When he had made the decision to return to where he had truly belonged, the Valheru certainly didn’t expect to be as welcome as he was. When he first arrived, he heard about the open position of Tetrarch for the Battleteam he had started off in, Hex. He junped right at the chance to lead, and was awarded the position.

Since returning to his home in the Ektrosis Temple, Anubis made over several new friends, some of them in House Dinaari. One of them was Zasati Tryezsh, a beautiful Hapan that thought of herself as ugly because of a smudge on her face.

When the position of Aedile opened for House Ektrosis, Anubis once again jumped at the chance. Half way during the process of choosing a new Aedile, the Annedu asked his Quaestor Hel-Pa Sklib to remove him from the deciding process. Soon after friend Taigikori Aybara was chosen as the new Aedile, Zasati was given Sergeant of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse Battleteam.

Personal Weapons

"You will never touch any of my blades, until they slice through your body."
―Anubis Annedu Wrath


Exotath was an ancient weapon, belonging to the Valheru warlord Torikon Anika. When Anika fell to the Dark Side of the Force, he took the weapon with him, and enhanced it with Sith Alchemy. Anubis took it from his parent’s bedroom, being the only one that could open the case that it was concealed inside of.


This is the weapon that Anubis used to behead his mother, Brisha Annedu, and kill many beings during his time in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

The weapon itself is truly the panicle of forged weaponry, forged by the Valheru priest Exotath. The name is a symbol to the great work that the priest had created, and a sign to remember all he did for his people. This blade is kept on Anubis’ left leg, so that he can draw and wield it with his right hand.


Jarr-Kai Medallion (Hex Medallion)

Although a medallion or an amulet as some might call it, The Jarr-Kai Medallion or Hex Medallion is an alchemical power to be reckoned with. Instead of using modern day alchemy with machines, this medallion harnesses the Dark Side of the Force to create ancient alchemy, which can be used for almost anything if properly used.

The Jarr-Kai Medallion allows for anything to be created, except for life. There is also the 'equivilent exchange' drawback. This drawback is described that to create one thing, you must sacrafice another. An example would be sacrificing stone to make durasteel. When using the alchemical powers, a red lightning surrounds the arm or limb that the medallion is on. Anybody besides the user who touches this lightning, can experience both memory loss and brain damage.



Affliction was one weapon that Anubis had forged himself. He had sketched it out on a drawing program he had designed while sitting aboard a transport, and had the blades forged inside the Ektrosis temple, located on Taruma after taking a crooked branch and carving out the slender wooden hilt. The whole process of building the weapon to perfection took well over a week, after carving in designs to the shaft, and adding a slight paint job to the end blades. Once he had finished the job of making it, he set out to name it. After looking it over carefully, he named it Affliction. Used more then his lightsaber, it is a great asset.

Warbanner and Lightsaber


A month after returning to Clan Taldryan, the Jedi Hunter began to steer away from the Sith order. In lieu of this, he changed back to the Obelisk order, what he first started off as being. Because he didn't have all of the Warbanner options as a Dark Jedi Knight would, his banner was red. Seeking a change he had the Herald, Shikyo Keibatsu, construct a new one for him.

When the Tetrarch recieved it, the support was white with the actual cloth a fine blue silk. The tribal design in the middle is what captivated the man. He had never seen such a great looking work of art upon a warbanner, and thought it would fit perfectly on the back wall in his office, and he hung it up so that all would notice it when stepping into the room.


As Darth Sarin announced that members ranked Protector and up would be granted an already crafted lightsaber, Anubis was one of the members that grabbed them. Though very basic, its still a lightsaber and useable.

Since the hilt looks like a chunk of stone or rock, Anubis nicknamed the brand of lightsabers the 'Stone Sabers'. While a member of the Sith order, the lightsaber he carried had a red blade when activated. After changing back to the Obelisk order, he decided to change the color of the blade to the traditional Jedi] lightsaber blade color, blue. Since he knew nothing of lightsaber mechanics, the Tetrarch had to return the lightsaber he already had, and get it replaced.


Black Plated Valheru Armour

Anubis’ black plated armour was forged by none other then himself, after returning to Clan Taldryan. He used his resources as Tetrarch to gather the materials needed, and spent nearly a week designing and building the suit of armour to be lightweight, flexible, and able to take whatever was thrown at it.

Of course it was unable to deflect or combat lightsabers, but it was still strong enough to take a blaster hit or two. When it was forged, it was also forged alongside a helmet to provide protection as well in dire situations. Although the helmet is rarely used, it is kept at his side just in case.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Trivia

"Trivia time!"
―Anubis Annedu Wrath
  • Has had three previous masters, well, more then that. Around 5.
  1. Vardar
  2. Horus Black-Heart
  3. Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
  4. Ashura Isradia
  5. Quejo Drakai Xyler
  • Has been a part of three different clans, two of them twice.
  1. Clan Taldryan x2 (Current)
  2. Clan Naga Sadow x2
  3. Clan Arcona
  • Brother and formal rival to Talos Annedu
  • Tetrarch of Hex


  • First earned title of ICTE All-star January 12th, 2008. He earned:'
  1. A Crescent with Ruby Star
  2. 36 Clusters of Fire.


Incumbent Assistant Envoy of House Ludo Kressh
27 ABY
Davin Olar
Unknown Envoy of House Qel-Droma
28 ABY
None, KSoE Disbanded
Unknown Rollmaster of House Qel-Droma
28 ABY
Vardar Battle Team Leader of Hex
28 ABY - Present