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Revision as of 05:52, 11 March 2017

Republic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Whallata Besadeii
Biographical Information

Nal Hutta

Date of Birth:

223 BBY (age 265)

Physical Description





4 meters


230 Kilos





Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Crime Lord

[ Source ]

"The scales always tip in my favor."
―Whallata Besadeii


Gardulla the Hutt's Palace

Though little is known of Whallata's origins, the criminal mastermind's formative years were spent on Nal Hutta, her species' homeworld. A former member of the Hutt Ruling Council, she left Nal Hutta in disgust when the Hutts traded autonomy for security and joined the Shadow Collective. Instead of remaining to see her once-proud race brought under the thumb of Darth Maul, the enterprising Hutt set out to survey the Besadeii Clan's extensive criminal holdings. Though her travels took her back and forth across the breadth of Hutt space, she always kept her eye out for prosperous businesses that might merit her personal attention. She found one such business on Port Ol'val.

For nearly three decades, Whallata ran the Dajorran shadowport with an iron (albeit, short) fist. First directly, then later steering a triumvirate of fractious gangs, the experienced Hutt turned a stumbling smuggler's port into a vibrant home for all of Dajorra's burgeoning underworld. Through strategic alliances with other Hutt Clans, Besadeii's generous resources, and an increasingly symbiotic relationship with Clan Arcona, the once-aloof Hutt slowly centralized all of Dajorra's criminal activity under her control. When Arcona's newly-reformed House Qel-Droma needed an unseen location to call home, it was Consul Zandro Erinos who reached out to the powerful Whallata and secured the use of her shadowport for the aptly-named Shadow Gate.

Port Ol'val

For a decade and a half, this remained a mutually beneficial arrangement. Then everything changed.

Under the command of then-Gatewarden K'tana, Shadow Gate set out to remove the presence of Whallata and her forces. Jealous of the power she wielded and concerned as to her continuing activities throughout Dajorra, the young leader successfully rooted out the Hutt's criminal associates one-by-one. This crusade culminated in a pitched battle that saw the triumvirate's leadership dismantled and Whallata herself forced to flee the station. Taking over the remaining gangs herself, the Gatewarden subverted Whallata's connections, which soon became Qel-Droma's eyes and ears throughout both the shadowport and the system at large.

Smarting from her defeat and incensed at Arcona's betrayal, the fiery Hutt returned to Nal Hutta, intent on finding a way to visit her revenge upon the Shadow Clan.

Physical Description

With all the desirable and plump curvaceousness characteristic of her people, Whallata is a specimen to behold, causing Hutts everywhere to fall to their knees — or lack thereof — at her passing. Her thick, often pleasantly slimy skin is a yellowish gray, and her button eyes are bright green. She tends to show off her body as proudly as most Hutts do, only accented by some favored jewel pieces and the occasional silken wrap for special occasions.

Character Sheet

Whallata Besadeii's character sheet can be found here.